[comment {-*- tcl -*-}] [vset VERSION 1.2.2] [manpage_begin struct::record n [vset VERSION]] [keywords {data structures}] [keywords record] [keywords struct] [copyright {2002, Brett Schwarz }] [moddesc {Tcl Data Structures}] [titledesc {Define and create records (similar to 'C' structures)}] [category {Data structures}] [require Tcl 8.2] [require struct::record [opt [vset VERSION]]] [description] The [cmd ::struct::record] package provides a mechanism to group variables together as one data structure, similar to a [term C] structure. The members of a record can be variables or other records. However, a record can not contain circular records, i.e. records that contain the same record as a member. [para] This package was structured so that it is very similar to how Tk objects work. Each record definition creates a record object that encompasses that definition. Subsequently, that record object can create instances of that record. These instances can then be manipulated with the [method cget] and [method configure] methods. [para] The package only contains one top level command, but several sub commands (see below). It also obeys the namespace in which the record was defined, hence the objects returned are fully qualified. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd {record define}] [arg recordName] [arg recordMembers] \ [opt [arg "instanceName1 instanceName2 ..."]]] Defines a record. [arg recordName] is the name of the record, and is also used as an object command. This object command is used to create instances of the record definition. The [arg recordMembers] are the members of the record that make up the record definition. These are variables and other records. If optional [arg instanceName] args are specified, then an instance is generated after the definition is created for each [arg instanceName]. [call [cmd {record show}] [arg record]] Returns a list of records that have been defined. [call [cmd {record show}] [arg instances] [arg recordName]] Returns the instances that have been instantiated by [arg recordName]. [call [cmd {record show}] [arg members] [arg recordName]] Returns the members that are defined for record [arg recordName]. It returns the same format as how the records were defined. [call [cmd {record show}] [arg values] [arg instanceName]] Returns a list of values that are set for the instance [arg instanceName]. The output is a list of key/value pairs. If there are nested records, then the values of the nested records will itself be a list. [call [cmd {record exists}] [arg record] [arg recordName]] Tests for the existence of a [arg record] with the name [arg recordName]. [call [cmd {record exists}] [arg instance] [arg instanceName]] Tests for the existence of a [arg instance] with the name [arg instanceName]. [call [cmd {record delete}] [arg record] [arg recordName]] Deletes [arg recordName], and all instances of [arg recordName]. It will return an error if the record does not exist. [call [cmd {record delete}] [arg instance] [arg instanceName]] Deletes [arg instance] with the name of [arg instanceName]. It will return an error if the instance does not exist. Note that this recursively deletes any nested instances as well. [list_end] [section {RECORD MEMBERS}] Record members can either be variables, or other records, However, the same record can not be nested witin itself (circular). To define a nested record, you need to specify the [const record] keyword, along the with name of the record, and the name of the instance of that nested record (within the container). For example, it would look like this: [para][example_begin] # this is the nested record record define mynestedrecord { nest1 nest2 } # This is the main record record define myrecord { mem1 mem2 {record mynestedrecord mem3} } [example_end] You can also assign default or initial values to the members of a record, by enclosing the member entry in braces: [para] [example_begin] record define myrecord { mem1 {mem2 5} } [example_end] All instances created from this record definition will initially have [const 5] as the value for member [arg mem2]. If no default is given, then the value will be the empty string. [subsection {Getting Values}] To get a value of a member, there are several ways to do this. [list_begin definitions] [call [arg instanceName] [method cget] -[arg member]] In this form the built-in [method cget] instance method returns the value of the specified [arg member]. Note the leading dash. [para] To reach a nested member use [term {dot notation}]: [example_begin] [arg instanceName] [method cget] -mem3.nest1 [example_end] [call [arg instanceName] [method cget] -[arg member1] -[arg member2]] In this form the built-in [method cget] instance method returns a list containing the values of both specified members, in the order of specification. [call [arg instanceName] [method cget]] [call [arg instanceName] [method configure]] [call [arg instanceName]] These forms are all equivalent. They return a dictionary of all members and the associated values. [list_end] [subsection {Setting Values}] To set a value of a member, there are several ways to do this. [list_begin definitions] [call [arg instanceName] [method configure] -[arg member] [arg value]] In this form the built-in [method configure] instance method sets the specified [arg member] to the given [arg value]. Note the leading dash. [para] To reach a nested member use [term {dot notation}]: [example_begin] [arg instanceName] [method configure] -mem3.nest1 value [example_end] [call [arg instanceName] [method configure] \ -[arg member1] [arg value1] \ -[arg member2] [arg value2]] In this form the built-in [method configure] instance method sets all specified members to the associated values. [list_end] [subsection {Alias access}] In the original implementation, access was done by using dot notation similar to how [term C] structures are accessed. However, there was a concensus to make the interface more Tcl like, which made sense. However, the original alias access still exists. It might prove to be helpful to some. [para] Basically, for every member of every instance, an alias is created. This alias is used to get and set values for that member. An example will illustrate the point, using the above defined records: [para] [example_begin] % # Create an instance first % myrecord inst1 ::inst1 % # To get a member of an instance, just use the alias. It behaves % # like a Tcl command: % inst1.mem1 % # To set a member via the alias, just include a value. And optionally % # the equal sign - syntactic sugar. % inst1.mem1 = 5 5 % inst1.mem1 5 % # For nested records, just continue with the dot notation. % # note, no equal sign. % inst1.mem3.nest1 10 10 % inst1.mem3.nest1 10 % # just the instance by itself gives all member/values pairs for that % # instance % inst1 -mem1 5 -mem2 {} -mem3 {-nest1 10 -nest2 {}} % # and to get all members within the nested record % inst1.mem3 -nest1 10 -nest2 {} [example_end] [section {RECORD COMMAND}] The following subcommands and corresponding arguments are available to any record command: [list_begin definitions] [call [arg recordName] [arg instanceName]|[const #auto] \ [opt [arg "-member1 value1 -member2 value2 ..."]]] Using the [arg recordName] object command that was created from the record definition, instances of the record definition can be created. Once an instance is created, it inherits the members of the record definition, very similar to how objects work. During instance generation, an object command for the instance is created as well, using [arg instanceName]. [para] This object command is used to access the data members of the instance. During the instantiation, while values for that instance may be given, when done, [strong all] values must be given, and be given as key/value pairs, like for method [method configure]. Nested records have to be in list format. [para] Optionally, [const #auto] can be used in place of [arg instanceName]. When [const #auto] is used, the instance name will be automatically generated, and of the form [const recordName[var N]], where [var N] is a unique integer (starting at 0) that is generated. [list_end] [para] [section {INSTANCE COMMAND}] The following subcommands and corresponding arguments are available to any record instance command: [list_begin definitions] [call [arg instanceName] [method cget] [opt [arg "-member1 -member2 ..."]]] Each instance has the method [method cget]. This is very similar to how Tk widget's [method cget] command works. It queries the values of the members for that particular instance. If no arguments are given, then a dictionary is returned. [call [arg instanceName] [method configure] \ [opt [arg "-member1 value1 -member2 value2 ..."]]] Each instance has the method [method configure]. This is very similar to how Tk widget's [method configure] command works. It sets the values of the particular members for that particular instance. If no arguments are given, then a dictionary list is returned. [list_end] [section EXAMPLES] Two examples are provided to give a good illustration on how to use this package. [subsection {Example 1 - Contact Information}] Probably the most obvious example would be to hold contact information, such as addresses, phone numbers, comments, etc. Since a person can have multiple phone numbers, multiple email addresses, etc, we will use nested records to define these. So, the first thing we do is define the nested records: [para][example { ## ## This is an interactive example, to see what is returned by ## each command as well. ## % namespace import ::struct::record::* % # define a nested record. Notice that country has default 'USA'. % record define locations { street street2 city state zipcode {country USA} phone } ::locations % # Define the main record. Notice that it uses the location record twice. % record define contacts { first middle last {record locations home} {record locations work} } ::contacts % # Create an instance for the contacts record. % contacts cont1 ::cont1 % # Display some introspection values % record show records ::contacts ::locations % # % record show values cont1 -first {} -middle {} -last {} -home {-street {} -street2 {} -city {} -state {} -zipcode {} -country USA -phone {}} -work {-street {} -street2 {} -city {} -state {} -zipcode {} -country USA -phone {}} % # % record show instances contacts ::cont1 % # % cont1 config -first {} -middle {} -last {} -home {-street {} -street2 {} -city {} -state {} -zipcode {} -country USA -phone {}} -work {-street {} -street2 {} -city {} -state {} -zipcode {} -country USA -phone {}} % # % cont1 cget -first {} -middle {} -last {} -home {-street {} -street2 {} -city {} -state {} -zipcode {} -country USA -phone {}} -work {-street {} -street2 {} -city {} -state {} -zipcode {} -country USA -phone {}} % # copy one record to another record % record define contacts2 [record show members contacts] ::contacts2 % record show members contacts2 first middle last {record locations home} {record locations work} % record show members contacts first middle last {record locations home} {record locations work} % }] [subsection {Example 2 - Linked List}] This next example just illustrates a simple linked list [para][example { % # define a very simple record for linked list % record define linkedlist { value next } ::linkedlist % linkedlist lstart ::lstart % lstart config -value 1 -next [linkedlist #auto] % [lstart cget -next] config -value 2 -next [linkedlist #auto] % [[lstart cget -next] cget -next] config -value 3 -next "end" % set next lstart lstart % while 1 { lappend values [$next cget -value] set next [$next cget -next] if {[string match "end" $next]} break } % puts "$values" 1 2 3 % # cleanup linked list % # We could just use delete record linkedlist also % foreach I [record show instances linkedlist] { record delete instance $I } % record show instances linkedlist % }] [vset CATEGORY {struct :: record}] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]