#---------------------------------------------------*-TCL-*----- # # Commands covered: # units::new # units::convert # units::reduce # # This file contains a collection of tests for the units # conversion facility. # # Copyright (C) Mayo Foundation. All rights reserved. # # October 30, 2000 # Robert W. Techentin # # "$Id: units.test,v 1.9 2010/12/22 15:15:00 techentin Exp $" # #---------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2 testing { useLocal units.tcl units } #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-1.1 {new command exists} { list [catch {units::new} msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "units::new name baseUnits"}} test units-1.2 {convert command exists} { list [catch {units::convert} msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "units::convert value targetUnits"}} test units-1.3 {reduce command exists} { list [catch {units::reduce} msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "units::reduce unitString"}} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # exercise new command # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-2.1 {new unit} { list [catch {units::new "longstretch" "42 meter"} msg] $msg } {0 {}} test units-2.2 {new unit primitive} { list [catch {units::new wongo -primitive} msg] $msg } {0 {}} test units-2.3 {new unit already exists} { list [catch {units::new "hertz" "/s"} msg] $msg } {1 {unit 'hertz' is already defined}} test units-2.4 {new primitive unit already exists} { list [catch {units::new "meter" -primitive} msg] $msg } {1 {unit 'meter' is already defined}} test units-2.5 {new unit with bogus base units} { list [catch {units::new "mankledoo" "kudos/smackdown"} msg] $msg } {1 {'kudos/smackdown' cannot be reduced to primitive units}} test units-2.6 {new unit name invalid characters} { list [catch {units::new "supper22" "meter/second"} msg] $msg } {1 {non-alphabetic characters in unit name 'supper22'}} test units-2.7 {new unit, then exercise it} { units::new breadloaf 0.152meter format "%.2f" [units::convert 1.0meter breadloaf] } {6.58} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # exercise convert command features # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-3.1 {convert number to number (no units)} { units::convert 1.0 1.0 } {1.0} test units-3.2 {convert simple number} { units::convert 1.0 meter } {1.0} test units-3.3 {convert negative number} { units::convert -1.0 meter } {-1.0} test units-3.4 {convert to negative units} { units::convert 1.0 -1.0meter } {-1.0} test units-3.5 {convert identical unit} { units::convert 1.0meter meter } {1.0} test units-3.6 {convert plural units - with "s"} { units::convert 1.0meter meters } {1.0} test units-3.7 {convert plural units - with "es"} { units::convert 1.0meter meteres } {1.0} test units-3.8 {convert prefixed plural units - with "s"} { units::convert 1000.0meter kilometers } {1.0} test units-3.9 {convert prefixed plural units - with "es"} { units::convert 1000.0meter kilometeres } {1.0} test units-3.10 {convert abbreviated (not plural) units} { # Make sure that "ms", which is the abbreviation # for "millisecond" is not reduced to "meters" units::convert 1000.0ms second } {1.0} test units-3.11 {convert prefixed units} { units::convert 1000.0meter kilometer } {1.0} test units-3.12 {convert units with fraction} { units::convert 1.0/second hertz } {1.0} test units-3.13 {convert power string} { units::convert 1.0meter^2 centimeter^2 } {10000.0} test units-3.14 {convert complex fraction unit with power} { units::convert 1.0m-kg/s^2 newton } {1.0} test units-3.15 {convert non-primitive unit with power} { units::convert 1.0m^2-kg^2/s^4 newton^2 } {1.0} test units-3.16 {convert complex recursive unit} { units::convert 1000.0Sv kilosievert } {1.0} test units-3.17 {convert value with space between number and unit} { units::convert "1000.0 meter" kilometer } {1.0} test units-3.18 {convert unit with space separators} { units::convert "1.0 m kg/s^2" newton } {1.0} test units-3.19 {convert unit with dash separators} { units::convert "1.0 m-kg/s^2" newton } {1.0} test units-3.20 {convert unit with asterisk separators} { units::convert "1.0 m*kg/s^2" newton } {1.0} test units-3.21 {convert blank unit to base unit} { units::convert "" meter } {1.0} test units-3.22 {convert blank unit to scaled unit} { units::convert "" mm } {1000.0} test units-3.23 {convert negative units with leading spaces} { units::convert " -1 degree / 2 s" degrees/second } {-0.5} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # Convert scaled and prefixed unit # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-4.1 {convert simple value} { units::convert 60seconds second } {60.0} test units-4.2 {convert value to scaled target units} { units::convert 3600second 60second } {60.0} test units-4.3 {convert value with prefixed units} { units::convert 1.0kilosecond second } {1000.0} test units-4.4 {convert value with multiple prefixed units} { units::convert 1.0millimeter-kilosecond meter-second } {1.0} test units-4.5 {convert value with prefixed denominator units} { units::convert 1000.0meter/kilosecond meter/second } {1.0} test units-4.6 {convert value with prefixed numerator and denominator units} { units::convert 1.0kilometer/kilosecond meter/second } {1.0} test units-4.7 {convert value with multiple prefixed denominator units} { units::convert 1.0meter/kilosecond-milligram meter/second-gram } {1.0} test units-4.8 {convert value to prefixed target units} { units::convert 1.0second millisecond } {1000.0} test units-4.9 {convert value to prefixed denominator target units} { units::convert 1.0meter/second meter/kilosecond } {1000.0} test units-4.10 {convert integer zero value} { units::convert 0seconds second } {0.0} test units-4.11 {convert floating point zero value} { units::convert 0.0seconds second } {0.0} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # Bad unit syntaxes # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-5.1 {bad unit string - too many "/"} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "m/s/s"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid unit string 'm/s/s': only one '/' allowed}} test units-5.2 {bad unit string - invalid characters} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "m{}/s"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid characters in unit string 'm{}/s'}} test units-5.3 {bad unit string - invalid unit} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "foo^2"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid unit name 'foo' in 'foo^2'}} test units-5.4 {bad unit string - invalid non-integer exponent} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "m^2foo"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid integer exponent in 'm^2foo'}} test units-5.5 {bad unit string - multiple exponent characters} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "m^2^3"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid integer exponent in 'm^2^3'}} test units-5.6 {bad unit string - negative exponent} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "m^-2"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid integer exponent in 'm^-2'}} test units-5.7 {bad unit string - zero factor} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "meter/0*second"} msg ] $msg } {1 {illegal zero factor in 'meter/0*second'}} test units-5.8 {bad unit string - dot in unit name} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "meter.second"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid non-alphabetic unit name in 'meter.second'}} test units-5.9 {bad unit string - digit in unit name} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0 "meter2second"} msg ] $msg } {1 {invalid non-alphabetic unit name in 'meter2second'}} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # conversion errors # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-6.1 {conversion error - incompatible unit} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0meter seconds} msg ] $msg } {1 {'1.0meter' and 'seconds' have incompatible units}} test units-6.2 {conversion error - extra unit in value} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0meters/second seconds} msg ] $msg } {1 {'1.0meters/second' and 'seconds' have incompatible units}} test units-6.3 {conversion error - extra unit in targetUnits} { list [catch {units::convert 1.0meter meters/second} msg ] $msg } {1 {'1.0meter' and 'meters/second' have incompatible units}} test units-6.4 {convert base to blank target unit} { list [catch {units::convert "1.0 meter" ""} msg ] $msg } {1 {'1.0 meter' and '' have incompatible units}} test units-6.5 {convert base unit to scale factor} { list [catch {units::convert "1.0 meter" "1.0"} msg ] $msg } {1 {'1.0 meter' and '1.0' have incompatible units}} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # Derived Units # # Check derived units definitions by converting a named # derived unit into its abbreviated units. # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-7.1 {derived raidian} { ::units::convert radian m/m } {1.0} test units-7.2 {derived steradian} { ::units::convert steradian m^2/m^2 } {1.0} test units-7.3 {derived hertz} { ::units::convert hertz /s } {1.0} test units-7.4 {derived newton} { ::units::convert newton m-kg/s^2 } {1.0} test units-7.5 {derived pascal} { ::units::convert pascal N/m^2 } {1.0} test units-7.6 {derived joule} { ::units::convert joule N-m } {1.0} test units-7.7 {derived watt} { ::units::convert watt J/s } {1.0} test units-7.8 {derived coulomb} { ::units::convert coulomb s-A } {1.0} test units-7.9 {derived volt} { ::units::convert volt W/A } {1.0} test units-7.10 {derived farad} { ::units::convert farad C/V } {1.0} test units-7.11 {derived ohm} { ::units::convert ohm V/A } {1.0} test units-7.12 {derived siemens} { ::units::convert siemens A/V } {1.0} test units-7.13 {derived weber} { ::units::convert weber V-s } {1.0} test units-7.14 {derived tesla} { ::units::convert tesla Wb/m^2 } {1.0} test units-7.15 {derived henry} { ::units::convert henry Wb/A } {1.0} test units-7.16 {derived lumen} { ::units::convert lumen cd-sr } {1.0} test units-7.17 {derived lux} { ::units::convert lux lm/m^2 } {1.0} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # Reduce Derived Units # # Check derived unit definitions by reducing them # to primitive unit strings. # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-8.1 {reduced raidian} { # radian, defined as meter/meter, should reduce # to 1.0, but is not a primitive unit. ::units::reduce radian } {1.0} test units-8.2 {reduced steradian} { # steradian, defined as meter^2/meter^2, should reduce # to 1.0, but is not a primitive unit. ::units::reduce steradian } {1.0} test units-8.3 {reduced hertz} { ::units::reduce hertz } {1.0 / second} test units-8.4 {reduced newton} { ::units::reduce newton } {1000.0 gram meter / second second} test units-8.5 {reduced pascal} { ::units::reduce pascal } {1000.0 gram / meter second second} test units-8.6 {reduced joule} { ::units::reduce joule } {1000.0 gram meter meter / second second} test units-8.7 {reduced watt} { ::units::reduce watt } {1000.0 gram meter meter / second second second} test units-8.8 {reduced coulomb} { ::units::reduce coulomb } {1.0 ampere second} test units-8.9 {reduced volt} { ::units::reduce volt } {1000.0 gram meter meter / ampere second second second} test units-8.10 {reduced farad} { ::units::reduce farad } {0.001 ampere ampere second second second second / gram meter meter} test units-8.11 {reduced ohm} { ::units::reduce ohm } {1000.0 gram meter meter / ampere ampere second second second} test units-8.12 {reduced siemens} { ::units::reduce siemens } {0.001 ampere ampere second second second / gram meter meter} test units-8.13 {reduced weber} { ::units::reduce weber } {1000.0 gram meter meter / ampere second second} test units-8.14 {reduced tesla} { ::units::reduce tesla } {1000.0 gram / ampere second second} test units-8.15 {reduced henry} { ::units::reduce henry } {1000.0 gram meter meter / ampere ampere second second} test units-8.16 {reduced lumen} { ::units::reduce lumen # The definition includes steradian, but the value cancels out } {1.0 candela} test units-8.17 {reduced lux} { ::units::reduce lux # The definition includes steradian, but the value cancels out } {1.0 candela / meter meter} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # Reduce Non-SI Units # # Check non-SI unit definitions by reducing them # to primitive unit strings. # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-9.1 {non-SI angstrom} { ::units::convert 1.0E10angstrom meter } {1.0} test units-9.2 {non-SI astronomicalUnit} { ::units::convert 1.0astronomicalUnit kilometer } {149597900.0} test units-9.3 {non-SI atmosphere} { ::units::convert 1.0atmosphere kilopascal } {101.325} test units-9.4 {non-SI bar} { ::units::convert 1.0bar kilopascal } {100.0} test units-9.5 {non-SI calorie} { ::units::convert 1.0calorie joule } {4.1868} test units-9.6 {non-SI curie} { ::units::convert 1.0millicurie becquerel } {37000000.0} #----------------------------------------------------------- # # Special cases and potential errors # #----------------------------------------------------------- test units-10.1 {leading zero is not octal} { format %5.3f [::units::convert 09mm meter] } {0.009} ### # Dimensional analysis tests ### ::units::new rankine {0.55555555555556 kelvin} ::units::new farhenheit {+ 459.67 rankine} ::units::new celsius {+ 273.15 kelvin} test units-11.0 {Test kelvin -> rankine} { format %5.3f [::units::convert {451 rankine} kelvin] } {250.556} test units-11.2 {Test farhenheit -> farhenheit} { format %5.3f [::units::convert {50 farhenheit} farhenheit] } {50.000} test units-11.3 {Test kelvin -> rankine} { format %5.3f [::units::convert {50 celsius} celsius] } {50.000} proc C_to_K temp { return [format %5.3f [expr {$temp-273.15}]] } proc F_to_C temp { return [format %5.3f [expr {($temp-32)*5.0/9.0}]] } proc C_to_F temp { return [format %5.3f [expr {$temp*9.0/5.0+32}]] } ### # Cherry pick some known values ### foreach {value_a unit_a value_b unit_b} { 0 celsius 32 farhenheit 100 celsius 212 farhenheit 100 farhenheit 38 celsius } { test units-11.4.$value_a [list Test Celcius -> Fahrenheight $value_a] { expr {int(round([::units::convert [list $value_a $unit_a] $unit_b]))} } $value_b test units-11.4.$value_b [list Test Fahrenheight -> Celcius $value_b] { expr {round([::units::convert [list $value_b $unit_b] $unit_a])} } $value_a } for {set test_temp -50} {$test_temp < 150} {incr test_temp 10} { test units-11.5.$test_temp [list Test Fahrenheight -> Celcius $test_temp] { format %5.3f [::units::convert [list $test_temp farhenheit] celsius] } [F_to_C $test_temp] test units-11.5.$test_temp [list Test Celcius -> Fahrenheight $test_temp] { format %5.3f [::units::convert [list $test_temp celsius] farhenheit] } [C_to_F $test_temp] } ::units::new deg_f farhenheit #----------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup