2013-12-17 Andreas Kupries * websocket.man: Added missing reference to the package itself. 2015-01-07 Emmanuel Frecon * pkgIndex.tcl: Bumped up version number to reflect slight API changes. * websocket.tcl: Merging in 24 patches from Adrián Medraño Calvo. + All errors have the first word in the error code list set to WEBSOCKET, for easier use with try...catch. + Add a 'connect' pseudo message type, analogous to 'disconnect', invoked whenever a socket converts into a WebSocket. + Push connection error to socket + Pass HTTP token to Timeout handler + Don't overwrite OPEN with Connection context + Properly reset socket after informing the handler + Cancel the timeout on successful connection + Substitute only the URI schema + Don't clobber Connection and Upgrade headers + Improved compliance with RFC and Browsers + Notify handler on receiving pong frames + Expose key construction: This is useful for servers that wish to implement the handshake handling themselves, for example to be able to use their own dispatching mechanism. + Factor out handshake validation: Allows users of the websocket library to be able to use the websocket core without having to use the ::websocket::live, ::websocket::test and ::websocket::upgrade functionality. This happens, for example, when the application already has already accepted and parsed the request. In addition, the checks are now more strict for keys and values, and more lax with regards to case and extra tokens in header fields.