[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [vset YAML_VERSION 0.4.1] [manpage_begin yaml n [vset YAML_VERSION]] [see_also base64] [see_also huddle] [see_also json] [keywords {data exchange}] [keywords huddle] [keywords parsing] [keywords {text processing}] [keywords yaml] [copyright {2008 KATO Kanryu }] [moddesc {YAML processing}] [titledesc {YAML Format Encoder/Decoder}] [require Tcl 8.4] [require yaml [opt [vset YAML_VERSION]]] [description] [para] The [package yaml] package provides a simple Tcl-only library for parsing the YAML [uri http://www.yaml.org/] data exchange format as specified in [uri http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.1/]. [para] The [package yaml] package returns data as a Tcl [cmd dict]. Either the [package dict] package or Tcl 8.5 is required for use. [section COMMANDS] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::yaml::yaml2dict] [opt [arg options]] [arg txt]] [call [cmd ::yaml::yaml2huddle] [opt [arg options]] [arg txt]] Parse yaml formatted text [arg txt] into a Tcl dict/huddle and return the value. [list_begin options] [opt_def [const -file]] [arg txt] is a filename of YAML-stream. [opt_def [const -stream]] [arg txt] is just a YAML-stream. [opt_def "[const -types] [arg list]"] The [arg list] is a type list for the yaml-scalar types.(e.g. !!str !!timestamp !!integer !!true ...) [example { -types {timestamp integer null true false}} ] In this case, if a string matched "timestamp", converted to the TCL internal timestamp.(e.g. "2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z" => 1008385183) [opt_def "[const -m:true] [arg param]"] The [arg param] is two elements of list for the value of true, and considered strings. [example { -m:true {1 {true on + yes y}}} ] In this case, the string "yes" found in YAML Stream, automatically converted 1. [opt_def "[const -m:false] [arg param]"] The [arg param] is two elements of list for the value of false, and considered strings. [example { -m:false {0 {false off - no n}}} ] [opt_def "[const -m:null] [arg param]"] The [arg param] is two elements of list for the value of null, and considered strings. [example { -m:null {"" {null nil "" ~}}} ] [opt_def [const -validate]] Experiment,old: Output stream contains YAML's-tag, each node. [example {% puts [::yaml::load -validate {[aaa, bbb]}] => !!seq {{!!str aaa} {!!str bbb}} }] [list_end] [call [cmd ::yaml::setOption] [opt [arg options]]] Change implicit options for the library. Now, the params are the same as [cmd ::yaml::yaml2dict]. Arguments of[cmd ::yaml::yaml2dict] is more priority than this setting. [call [cmd ::yaml::dict2yaml] [arg dict] [opt [arg indent]] [opt [arg wordwrap]]] [call [cmd ::yaml::list2yaml] [arg list] [opt [arg indent]] [opt [arg wordwrap]]] [call [cmd ::yaml::huddle2yaml] [arg huddle] [opt [arg indent]] [opt [arg wordwrap]]] Convert a dict/list/huddle object into YAML stream. [list_begin definitions] [def indent] spaces indent of each block node. currently default is 2. [def wordwrap] word wrap for YAML stream. currently default is 40. [list_end] [list_end] [para] [section EXAMPLES] [para] An example of a yaml stream converted to Tcl. A yaml stream is returned as a single item with multiple elements. [para] [example {{ --- ! invoice: 34843 date : 2001-01-23 bill-to: &id001 given : Chris family : Dumars address: lines: | 458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 city : Royal Oak state : MI postal : 48046 ship-to: *id001 product: - sku : BL394D quantity : 4 description : Basketball price : 450.00 - sku : BL4438H quantity : 1 description : Super Hoop price : 2392.00 tax : 251.42 total: 4443.52 comments: Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338. } => invoice 34843 date 2001-01-23 bill-to {given Chris family Dumars address {lines {458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 } city {Royal Oak} state MI postal 48046}} ship-to {given Chris family Dumars address {lines {458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292 } city {Royal Oak} state MI postal 48046}} product {{sku BL394D quantity 4 description Basketball price 450.00} {sku BL4438H quantity 1 description {Super Hoop} price 2392.00}} tax 251.42 total 4443.52 comments {Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.}}] [para] An example of a yaml object converted to Tcl. A yaml object is returned as a multi-element list (a dict). [para] [example {{ --- - [name , hr, avg ] - [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278] - [Sammy Sosa , 63, 0.288] - Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278} Sammy Sosa: { hr: 63, avg: 0.288} } => {name hr avg} {{Mark McGwire} 65 0.278} {{Sammy Sosa} 63 0.288} {{Mark McGwire} {hr 65 avg 0.278} {Sammy Sosa} {hr 63 avg 0.288}} }] [section LIMITATIONS] [para] tag parser not implemented. currentry, tags are merely ignored. [para] Only Anchor => Aliases ordering. back alias-referring is not supported. [para] Too many braces, or too few braces. [para] Not enough character set of line feeds. Please use only "\n" as line breaks. [vset CATEGORY yaml] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]