PortSystem 1.0 name c3270 version 4.3ga8 revision 0 set branch 4.3 categories comms license BSD maintainers {icloud.com:willian.nieckarz @sinskinner} openmaintainer description A console-based IBM3270 terminal emulator. long_description A console-based emulator for the IBM3270 terminal. \ It is capable of emulating both the IBM3279 (color) \ and IBM3278 (monochrome) terminals. \ \ This port is a good alternative to the x3270 port \ for those users who do not with to install the X11 \ dependencies of that package. homepage http://x3270.bgp.nu/index.html master_sites sourceforge:project/x3270/x3270/${version} depends_lib path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \ port:readline \ port:libiconv distfiles suite3270-${version}-src.tgz dist_subdir c3270 checksums rmd160 8a1b8845fadda87f8a10e2c737851407aa2ed79f \ sha256 81c0ba4447d97a7b483c40e11b39d4498bbc9af55fa4f78ccff064b3e378dc59 \ size 14603479 worksrcdir suite3270-${branch} configure.args --bindir=${prefix}/bin \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --enable-c3270 \ --disable-windows universal_variant no variant stransport description {Build with Secure Transport instead of OpenSSL for TLS support (not recommended)} { configure.args-append --enable-stransport depends_lib-delete path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl }