# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Portfile Style Notes # # * When local variables are created within phases, they are unset when # finished. This prevents clashes elsewhere. # * Intermediate variables, lists, etc, are often employed. While more # verbose, it aids readability. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 PortGroup conflicts_build 1.0 name mame categories emulators license GPL-2+ maintainers {mascguy @mascguy} openmaintainer description Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator long_description \ The purpose of MAME is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic \ technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" \ software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the \ hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this \ documentation. homepage https://www.mamedev.org # For now, disable macOS 10.13 and earlier, until build fixed platforms {darwin >= 18} # Non-versioned lua port causes build failures conflicts_build-append \ lua #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Versions, Patches, and Checksums #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Developer-only override for os.major, allowing rapid testing of platform- # specific logic. if {[info exists mame.override.os.major]} { ui_msg "mame.override.os.major specified: ${mame.override.os.major}" set g_mame_os_major \ ${mame.override.os.major} } else { set g_mame_os_major \ ${os.major} } # Developer-only override, allowing easy testing of desired behavior: # - mame.override.fallback=yes - Force use of fallback release # - mame.override.fallback=no - Force use of latest release if {[info exists mame.override.fallback]} { if {[string is boolean -strict ${mame.override.fallback}]} { ui_msg "mame.override.fallback specified: ${mame.override.fallback}" set g_mame_fallback \ [string is true -strict ${mame.override.fallback}] } else { error "mame.override.fallback must be specified as a valid boolean value" } } else { # Mame versions > 0.226 require C++ 2017, and specifically aligned allocation # support. That's only supported by MacOS system libc++ from 10.13 onward. # However, once MacPorts provides a custom libc++ for all ports, Mame will # support older MacOS releases. # # NOTE: Due to our current MacPorts build infrastructure for macOS 10.13 - # which uses Xcode 9.4.1, rather than Xcode 10.1 - we must revert to 0.226. # Not exactly ideal, but far better than forcing users to build from source. if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${g_mame_os_major} < 18} { set g_mame_fallback yes } else { set g_mame_fallback no } } set g_mame_latest \ [expr { !${g_mame_fallback} }] if {${g_mame_latest}} { set g_mame_release \ "0268" revision 0 epoch 1 # Mame 0.240+: Disable PDF generation, which is problematic. (And not desired.) patchfiles-append \ mame-patch-0240-dist.mak-disable-pdf.diff checksums rmd160 da86b8db0cac56b5004321ec03f16f34735bc8ee \ sha256 2083cc3453f806959f899c8337f4c5a5b3b273e0e30b66e0b4434751af0066e3 \ size 208323324 } else { set g_mame_release \ "0226" revision 8 # Mame 0.226: Fix errors during translation build phase. # Merged into Mame releases from 0.227 onward. Tracked by issue: # https://github.com/mamedev/mame/issues/7510 patchfiles-append \ mame-patch-0226-language-portuguese_brazil.diff # Mame 0.226: Fix compilation errors for MacOS 10.8 and Xcode 5.x. # Merged into Mame releases from 0.227 onward. Tracked by issue: # https://github.com/mamedev/mame/issues/7536 patchfiles-append \ mame-patch-0226-src-posixfile-build-error.diff # Mame 0.226: Fix build issue due to breaking asio API change. # Latest Mame releases already updated; only an issue with older versions. patchfiles-append \ mame-patch-0226-asio-server_ws_impl.diff checksums rmd160 b9e4ae321b7673790d374c63bbe966d1502d6738 \ sha256 7c4c9ec232ba988e65fd29665c9b8e40b5ac3aa9f561eeb107cebbf08ba94baf \ size 196379874 } # Note: For user-presentable version string, we add a period between the first # two characters of release. So '0227', for example, becomes '0.227'. set g_mame_version_string \ [append g_mame_version_string \ [string index ${g_mame_release} 0] \ "." \ [string range ${g_mame_release} 1 end] \ ] github.setup mamedev mame ${g_mame_release} mame github.tarball_from archive # Note: Version declaration must occur after 'github.setup', as the latter # sets our version whether we want it or not. version ${g_mame_version_string} if {!${g_mame_latest}} { # Disable livecheck for older version livecheck.type none } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Python Version #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set g_mame_pyver_major 3 set g_mame_pyver_minor 12 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Port-Specific Globals #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Whether we're building a 64-bit binary set g_mame_build_arch_64 0 # Whether to build the BGFX components set g_mame_build_bgfx_enabled 0 # Prefix for Tools executables set g_mame_tools_prefix "mame-" # Python version info, populated by python* variants. set g_mame_python_info_dict \ [dict create \ ver_major "" \ ver_minor "" \ py_bin "" \ sphinx_bin "" \ ] # Configure build targets. set g_mame_config_targets_list \ [list \ "generate" \ ] # Documentation build targets. set g_mame_build_targets_docs_list \ [list \ "man" \ ] # Documentation build args. # Note: Dynamic values populated in phase 'pre-build'. set g_mame_build_args_docs_list \ [list \ ] # BGFX build targets. # Note: Values populated in phase 'pre-build', as they differ based on variants. set g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list \ [list \ ] # BGFX build args. # Note: Dynamic values populated in phase 'pre-build'. set g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list \ [list \ "--trace" \ ] # Main build targets. # Note: Target 'all' must be run before 'translation', or latter will fail. set g_mame_build_targets_main_list \ [list \ "all" \ "translation" \ ] # Distribution build targets. set g_mame_build_targets_dist_list \ [list \ "all" \ ] # Distribution build args. # Note: Dynamic values populated in phase 'pre-build'. set g_mame_build_args_dist_list \ [list \ ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Dependencies #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ depends_build-append \ port:asio \ port:gettext \ port:gmake \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append \ port:expat \ port:flac \ path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \ port:libiconv \ port:libsdl2 \ port:libutf8proc \ port:portaudio \ port:portmidi \ port:pugixml \ port:sqlite3 \ port:zlib # Note: Port 'coreutils' needed for 'grealpath', used in launcher script. depends_run-append \ path:libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.so:coreutils #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build Options #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ supported_archs ppc ppc64 i386 x86_64 arm64 use_configure no # Note: GMake needed for newer features like '--trace', which are unavailable # in Apple's older version. build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/gmake # https://github.com/mamedev/mame/issues/6004 compiler.blacklist \ {clang < 1000} # https://github.com/mamedev/mame/issues/3788 # As long as we're blacklisting clangs from the affected Xcode versions, # we don't need to add this flag. #if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ([vercmp $xcodeversion 9.0] < 0)} { # configure.cxxflags-append -DMAME_DEVCB_GNUC_BROKEN_FRIEND #} if {${g_mame_latest}} { compiler.cxx_standard \ 2017 } else { compiler.cxx_standard \ 2014 } # Ensure local project headers take priority over others configure.cflags \ -isystem${prefix}/include # Note: Compiler optimization level is controlled by makefile variable 'OPTIMIZE', below. configure.cxxflags-delete \ -O1 -O2 -O3 -Os # Note: Linker flag '-no_deduplicate' is absolutely vital, ensuring that 'ld' # finishes quickly. Without it, the final link time increases by a factor of # 10x for a release build... and 50x for a debug build! (The latter can take # 50+ minutes without it.) # Note: Linker dedupe support not present in version of MacPorts 'ld', for # macOS 10.6 and earlier. if {${g_mame_os_major} >= 11} { configure.cxxflags-append \ -Xlinker -no_deduplicate \ -Wno-unused-command-line-argument } if {[tbool configure.ccache]} { configure.cc-prepend \ ${prefix}/bin/ccache configure.cxx-prepend \ ${prefix}/bin/ccache } # Metal renderer now requires Big Sur or later if {${g_mame_latest} && (${g_mame_os_major} < 20)} { configure.cxxflags-append \ -DBGFX_CONFIG_RENDERER_METAL=0 } build.args-append \ ARCHOPTS="${configure.cxxflags}" \ CC="${configure.cc}" \ CXX="${configure.cxx}" \ CFLAGS="${configure.cflags}" \ LDOPTS="${configure.ldflags}" \ PRECOMPILE=1 \ TESTS=0 \ BENCHMARKS=0 \ DEBUG=0 \ OPTIMIZE=2 \ NOWERROR=1 \ DEPRECATED=0 \ VERBOSE=1 \ USE_LIBSDL=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_ASIO=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_EXPAT=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_FLAC=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_JPEG=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTAUDIO=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PORTMIDI=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_PUGIXML=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_SQLITE3=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_UTF8PROC=1 \ USE_SYSTEM_LIB_ZLIB=1 # Clear 'build.target', to avoid contaminating 'build.pre_args'. # We cannot rely on default build logic, as multiple makefiles are involved. build.target # TODO: Ensure errors are grouped with their command invocation during make. # Requires jobserver coordination with non-make subprocesses; not done yet. #build.pre_args-append \ # "--output-sync=line" build.post_args # Ensure 'g_mame_build_arch_64' set early, as it's needed later if {$build_arch in [list arm64 x86_64 ppc64]} { set g_mame_build_arch_64 1 } else { set g_mame_build_arch_64 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Support # # Note: As of release 0.226, Mame's test suite is quite limited. And it # doesn't require a build. But it's still worthwhile, to provide some basic # sanity checks. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test.run yes test.target tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Developer-Only Command-Line Overrides # # These allow testing key options, without local portfile modification. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Toggle BGFX build, which fails on some MasOS/Xcode combinations. # Note: Normally disabled, due to those failures. if {[info exists mame.override.build.bgfx]} { ui_msg "mame.override.build.bgfx specified: ${mame.override.build.bgfx}" set g_mame_build_bgfx_enabled \ [string is true ${mame.override.build.bgfx}] } # Support for additional gmake arguments if {[info exists mame.override.build.gmake.args]} { ui_msg "mame.override.build.gmake.args specified: ${mame.override.build.gmake.args}" build.pre_args-append \ ${mame.override.build.gmake.args} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Procs - Bootstrap #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc mame_arch_setup {p_arch_64} { global executable global g_mame_latest # Architecture setup - 64-bit vs 32-bit set executable "mame" # Starting with release 0.229, executable no longer has suffix '64' for 64-bit build if {${p_arch_64} && !${g_mame_latest}} { set executable "${executable}64" } # Remember to append a 'd' suffix for debug builds # Note: Mame Tools executables have no such suffix if {[variant_isset debug]} { set executable "${executable}d" } ui_debug "mame_arch_setup: executable: ${executable}" return 0 } # This must be run early, after 'g_mame_build_arch_64' set. mame_arch_setup ${g_mame_build_arch_64} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Procs - Low Level - Python Setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Populate global Python info dictionary, for specified version proc mame_python_populate_info {p_ver_major p_ver_minor} { global prefix global g_mame_python_info_dict # Version info dict set g_mame_python_info_dict ver_major ${p_ver_major} dict set g_mame_python_info_dict ver_minor ${p_ver_minor} # Paths to executables dict set g_mame_python_info_dict py_bin \ "${prefix}/bin/python${p_ver_major}.${p_ver_minor}" dict set g_mame_python_info_dict sphinx_bin \ "${prefix}/bin/sphinx-build-${p_ver_major}.${p_ver_minor}" ui_debug "mame_python_populate_info: g_mame_python_info_dict: ${g_mame_python_info_dict}" return 0 } # Update dependencies, based on global Python info dictionary. # Note: Proc 'mame_python_populate_info' must be called first! proc mame_python_add_deps {} { global g_mame_python_info_dict set ver_major [dict get ${g_mame_python_info_dict} ver_major] set ver_minor [dict get ${g_mame_python_info_dict} ver_minor] depends_build-append \ "port:python${ver_major}${ver_minor}" \ "port:py${ver_major}${ver_minor}-sphinx" \ "port:py${ver_major}${ver_minor}-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter" # License fix, to allow port binaries to be published license_noconflict python${ver_major}${ver_minor} return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Procs - High Level - Variant Support #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc mame_variant_debug_setup {} { build.args-replace \ "DEBUG=0" \ "DEBUG=1" # Disable optimization, to improve debuggability build.args-replace \ "OPTIMIZE=2" \ "OPTIMIZE=0" return 0 } proc mame_variant_tools_setup {} { build.args-append \ "TOOLS=1" return 0 } # Wrapper for python* variants to call, limiting copy-and-paste mayhem. proc mame_variant_python_setup {p_ver_major p_ver_minor} { mame_python_populate_info ${p_ver_major} ${p_ver_minor} mame_python_add_deps return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Procs - Low Level - Phase Support #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc mame_get_release_dir {} { global worksrcpath global g_mame_build_arch_64 # Generate release dir name, based on build options # Format: build/release/[x64|x32]/[Debug|Release]/mame set mame_release_dir \ [file join \ "${worksrcpath}/build/release" \ [expr { ${g_mame_build_arch_64} ? "x64" : "x32" } ] \ [expr { [variant_isset debug] ? "Debug" : "Release" } ] \ "mame" \ ] return ${mame_release_dir} } proc mame_get_tools_list {p_dir p_fn_prefix} { set mame_tools_list \ [list \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}aueffectutil" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}castool" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}chdman" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}floptool" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}imgtool" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}jedutil" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}ldresample" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}ldverify" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}nltool" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}nlwav" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}pngcmp" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}regrep" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}romcmp" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}split" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}srcclean" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}testkeys" \ "${p_dir}/${p_fn_prefix}unidasm" \ ] return ${mame_tools_list} } proc mame_get_dir_create_list {p_target_dir p_share_dir} { set mame_dir_create_list \ [list \ ${p_target_dir} \ ${p_target_dir}/cfg \ ${p_target_dir}/cheat \ ${p_target_dir}/comments \ ${p_target_dir}/crsshair \ ${p_target_dir}/diff \ ${p_target_dir}/fonts \ ${p_target_dir}/inp \ ${p_target_dir}/nvram \ ${p_target_dir}/software \ ${p_target_dir}/snap \ ${p_target_dir}/sta \ ${p_share_dir} \ ] return ${mame_dir_create_list} } proc mame_get_copy_list {p_release_dir p_worksrcpath p_executable} { set mame_copy_list \ [list \ ${p_release_dir}/${p_executable} \ ${p_worksrcpath}/artwork \ ${p_worksrcpath}/bgfx \ ${p_release_dir}/ctrlr \ ${p_release_dir}/hash \ ${p_worksrcpath}/hlsl \ ${p_release_dir}/ini \ ${p_worksrcpath}/keymaps \ ${p_release_dir}/language \ ${p_worksrcpath}/plugins \ ${p_release_dir}/roms \ ${p_worksrcpath}/samples \ ] return ${mame_copy_list} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Procs - High Level - Phase Support #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc mame_build_run {p_work_path p_makefile p_target p_build_args_list} { global build.cmd global build.jobs global build.pre_args ui_debug "mame_build_run: p_work_path: ${p_work_path}" ui_debug "mame_build_run: p_makefile: ${p_makefile}" ui_debug "mame_build_run: p_target: ${p_target}" ui_debug "mame_build_run: p_build_args_list: ${p_build_args_list}" set build_cmd_line \ "${build.cmd} \ --jobs=${build.jobs} \ --file=${p_makefile} \ [join ${build.pre_args}] \ ${p_target} \ [join ${p_build_args_list}]" ui_debug "mame_build_run: build_cmd_line: ${build_cmd_line}" system -W \ ${p_work_path} \ ${build_cmd_line} return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Variants #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Universal variant is untested universal_variant no variant debug \ description {Enable debug support} { mame_variant_debug_setup } variant tools \ description {Compile and install the mame tools like chdman and others} { mame_variant_tools_setup } default_variants-append \ +tools # Python variants eliminated; setup via default Python version mame_variant_python_setup \ ${g_mame_pyver_major} \ ${g_mame_pyver_minor} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Phases #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc pre_config {} { global build.args global g_mame_python_info_dict global g_mame_build_arch_64 global g_mame_build_args_docs_list global g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list global g_mame_build_args_dist_list global g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list # Main - update build args # Note: These need to be set first, as they're also used below set py_bin [dict get ${g_mame_python_info_dict} py_bin] build.args-append \ "PTR64=${g_mame_build_arch_64}" \ "PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${py_bin}" unset py_bin # Documentation - update build args set sphinx_bin [dict get ${g_mame_python_info_dict} sphinx_bin] set build_args_docs \ [list \ "SPHINXBUILD=${sphinx_bin}" \ ] set g_mame_build_args_docs_list \ [concat \ ${g_mame_build_args_docs_list} \ ${build_args_docs} \ ] unset build_args_docs unset sphinx_bin # BGFX - update build args # Combine the args for main build, with those that are BGFX-specific set g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list \ [concat \ ${build.args} \ ${g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list} \ ] # Distribution - update build args # Combine the args for main build, with those that are dist-specific set g_mame_build_args_dist_list \ [concat \ ${build.args} \ ${g_mame_build_args_dist_list} \ ] # BGFX - add appropriate build target, based on whether debug requested # Note: BGFX doesn't support 32-bit builds. So if/when we enable this, # we'll have to add additional logic to warn about that. if {[variant_isset debug]} { set bgfx_target "osx-debug64" } else { set bgfx_target "osx-release64" } set build_targets_bgfx \ [list \ ${bgfx_target} \ ] set g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list \ [concat \ ${g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list} \ ${build_targets_bgfx} \ ] unset build_targets_bgfx unset bgfx_target ui_debug "Phase pre-configure: g_mame_build_args_docs_list: ${g_mame_build_args_docs_list}" ui_debug "Phase pre-configure: g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list: ${g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list}" ui_debug "Phase pre-configure: g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list: ${g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list}" ui_debug "Phase pre-configure: g_mame_build_args_dist_list: ${g_mame_build_args_dist_list}" } pre-configure { pre_config } configure { # Configure; iterate over targets foreach target ${g_mame_config_targets_list} { ui_msg "Building config target: ${target}" mame_build_run \ ${worksrcpath} \ "makefile" \ ${target} \ ${build.args} } } pre-build { pre_config } # Override the standard build phase, to work with separate makefiles and targets build { # Documentation build; iterate over targets foreach target ${g_mame_build_targets_docs_list} { ui_msg "Building documentation target: ${target}" mame_build_run \ "${worksrcpath}/docs" \ "Makefile" \ ${target} \ ${g_mame_build_args_docs_list} } # BGFX build; iterate over targets, if enabled if {${g_mame_build_bgfx_enabled}} { foreach target ${g_mame_build_targets_bgfx_list} { ui_msg "Building bgfx target: ${target}" mame_build_run \ "${worksrcpath}/3rdparty/bgfx" \ "makefile" \ ${target} \ ${g_mame_build_args_bgfx_list} } } else { ui_debug "Phase build: BGFX build disabled" } # Main build; iterate over targets foreach target ${g_mame_build_targets_main_list} { ui_msg "Building main target: ${target}" mame_build_run \ ${worksrcpath} \ "makefile" \ ${target} \ ${build.args} } # Distribution build; iterate over targets foreach target ${g_mame_build_targets_dist_list} { ui_msg "Building distribution target: ${target}" mame_build_run \ ${worksrcpath} \ "dist.mak" \ ${target} \ ${g_mame_build_args_dist_list} } unset target } post-build { set mame_release_dir \ [mame_get_release_dir] set mame_release_doc_dir \ "${mame_release_dir}/docs/man" ui_debug "Phase post-build: mame_release_dir: ${mame_release_dir}" ui_debug "Phase post-build: mame_release_doc_dir: ${mame_release_doc_dir}" # Rename Tools-related man pages, to include defined prefix if {[variant_isset tools]} { set man_page_rename_list \ [glob -nocomplain -type f \ -directory ${mame_release_doc_dir} \ *.1] ui_debug "Phase post-build: man_page_rename_list: ${man_page_rename_list}" foreach tgt ${man_page_rename_list} { set fn [file tail ${tgt}] set fn_new "${g_mame_tools_prefix}${fn}" ui_debug "Phase post-build: renaming man page: ${fn} -> ${fn_new}" move ${tgt} "${mame_release_doc_dir}/${fn_new}" } unset man_page_rename_list } # Copy generated Mame man page, joining pre-generated files for Tools ui_debug "Phase post-build: Copying man page: mame.1" copy "${worksrcpath}/docs/build/man/MAME.1" \ "${mame_release_doc_dir}/mame.1" # Remove section 6 man pages, which aren't helpful set man_page_delete_list \ [glob -nocomplain -type f \ -directory ${mame_release_doc_dir} \ *.6] ui_debug "Phase post-build: man_page_delete_list: ${man_page_delete_list}" foreach tgt ${man_page_delete_list} { ui_debug "Phase post-build: deleting man page: ${tgt}" delete ${tgt} } unset tgt unset man_page_delete_list unset mame_release_doc_dir unset mame_release_dir } pre-destroot { set mame_target_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/mame" set mame_share_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/share/mame" set mame_dir_create_list \ [mame_get_dir_create_list ${mame_target_dir} ${mame_share_dir}] # Create directories foreach tgt ${mame_dir_create_list} { set dn [file tail ${tgt}] ui_debug "Phase pre-destroot: creating directory: ${dn}" xinstall -d ${tgt} } unset tgt unset mame_dir_create_list unset mame_share_dir unset mame_target_dir } destroot { set mame_target_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/mame" set mame_share_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/share/mame" set mame_release_dir \ [mame_get_release_dir] set mame_copy_list \ [mame_get_copy_list ${mame_release_dir} ${worksrcpath} ${executable}] ui_debug "Phase destroot: mame_release_dir: ${mame_release_dir}" # Copy content foreach tgt ${mame_copy_list} { ui_debug "Phase destroot: Copying content: ${tgt}" copy ${tgt} ${mame_target_dir} } # For Tools, prefix each command with defined prefix if {[variant_isset tools]} { set mame_tools_list \ [mame_get_tools_list ${mame_release_dir} ""] foreach tgt ${mame_tools_list} { set fn [file tail ${tgt}] set fn_dest "${mame_target_dir}/${g_mame_tools_prefix}${fn}" if {[file exists ${tgt}]} { ui_debug "Phase destroot: Copying tool: ${fn}" copy ${tgt} ${fn_dest} } else { # Distribution doesn't copy everything, so fall back to worksrcdir ui_debug "Phase destroot: Tool missing from dist, srcing from worksrcpath: ${fn}" copy "${worksrcpath}/${fn}" ${fn_dest} } } unset mame_tools_list } unset tgt # Copy all docs ui_debug "Phase destroot: Copying docs" copy "${mame_release_dir}/docs" \ ${mame_share_dir} unset mame_copy_list unset mame_release_dir unset mame_share_dir unset mame_target_dir } post-destroot { set mp_man_dest_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1" set mame_target_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/mame" set mame_share_dir "${destroot}${prefix}/share/mame" set mame_launch_script "${mame_target_dir}/mame.sh" set mame_launch_link "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/mame" # Create launch wrapper script ui_debug "Phase post-destroot: creating launch script" xinstall ${filespath}/mame-script-template-launcher.sh \ ${mame_launch_script} # Substitute placeholder with real executable name reinplace "s|@@MACPORTS_MAME_EXECUTABLE@@|${executable}|g" \ ${mame_launch_script} # Create soft link 'mame', to launch wrapper script ln -s "${prefix}/libexec/mame/mame.sh" \ ${mame_launch_link} # Create soft links to Tools executables if {[variant_isset tools]} { set mame_tools_list \ [mame_get_tools_list ${mame_target_dir} ${g_mame_tools_prefix}] ui_debug "Phase post-destroot: mame_tools_list: ${mame_tools_list}" foreach f ${mame_tools_list} { ui_debug "Phase post-destroot: soft linking tool: ${f}" set fn [file tail ${f}] ln -s "${prefix}/libexec/mame/${fn}" \ "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${fn}" } unset mame_tools_list } set man_page_files \ [glob -nocomplain -type f \ -directory "${destroot}${prefix}/share/mame/docs/man" \ *.1] ui_debug "Phase post-destroot: man_page_files: ${man_page_files}" # Create soft links to man pages xinstall -d ${mp_man_dest_dir} foreach f ${man_page_files} { ui_debug "Phase post-destroot: man pages: soft linking to: ${f}" set fn [file tail ${f}] ln -s "${prefix}/share/mame/docs/man/${fn}" \ "${mp_man_dest_dir}/${fn}" } unset f unset man_page_files unset mame_launch_link unset mame_launch_script unset mame_share_dir unset mame_target_dir unset mp_man_dest_dir } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Notes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ notes { * Mame is launched via command 'mame'. * If a blank screen is encountered, press ESC to exit, and then re-launch\ with an alternative video option. For example: mame -video accel mame -video opengl * If you're new to Mame, our tutorial will quickly walk you through the\ process of setting up a new game: https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/Mame } if {[variant_isset tools]} { notes-append { * Mame tools are also installed. Each has a prefix of 'mame-', to avoid\ conflicts with system tools. For example: mame-imgtool mame-split } }