#!/bin/bash # This script runs the game launcher, installing it if it's not already there. export PREFIX="@PREFIX@" export WINEPREFIX="@WINEPREFIX@" function cleanup { "$PREFIX/bin/wineserver" -k & exit 0 } trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM # Set DISPLAY if it's not set (e.g. on Tiger). if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then export DISPLAY=:0.0 # Launch X11.app if it's not already running, preferring the MacPorts version if available. if [ -z "$(ps auxww | grep /X11.app/ | grep -v grep)" ]; then if [ -d "@APPLICATIONS_DIR@/X11.app" ]; then open "@APPLICATIONS_DIR@/X11.app" elif [ -d "/Applications/Utilities/X11.app" ]; then open "/Applications/Utilities/X11.app" else echo "No X11.app found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi fi USER=$(id -u) GROUP=$(id -g) #if [ "$(stat -f '%u %g' "$WINEPREFIX")" != "$USER $GROUP" ]; then "@LIBEXEC@/chown-data" "$USER:$GROUP" #fi # http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=26954&start=0#p404798 ASSETS="@ASSETS@" rm -f "$ASSETS/dat/GlobalClothing_District_FemaleFan01.prp" "$ASSETS/dat/GlobalClothing_District_MaleFan01.prp" LAUNCHER="@LAUNCHER@" BOOTSTRAP_LAUNCHER="@BOOTSTRAP_LAUNCHER@" if [ ! -r "$LAUNCHER" ]; then cp -p "$BOOTSTRAP_LAUNCHER" "$LAUNCHER" fi "$PREFIX/bin/wine" "$LAUNCHER" sleep 5 # The launcher might have downloaded and launched a new launcher. # Wait for all apps to exit before exiting this script. #"$PREFIX/bin/wineserver" -w SOCKET="$(printf "/tmp/.wine-$USER/server-%x-%x/socket" $(stat -f '%d %i' "$WINEPREFIX"))" while [ -r "$SOCKET" ]; do sleep 1 done