# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 name mapserver version 8.0.2 revision 0 maintainers hbaspecto.com:jea {yahoo.com:n_larsson @nilason} openmaintainer categories gis license permissive description mapserver long_description MapServer is an Open Source platform for publishing spatial \ data and interactive mapping applications to the web. homepage https://mapserver.org master_sites https://download.osgeo.org/mapserver checksums rmd160 07390a432c74df07783ef98caf6d417443d4b0ea \ sha256 0830c43feefeca132171b429403716a2cbaef0626d439f00e8a3a27a877724fe \ size 2957172 depends_build-append \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append \ path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \ port:libpng \ port:freetype \ port:fribidi \ port:gdal \ port:giflib \ path:lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc:cairo \ port:geos \ path:lib/pkgconfig/harfbuzz.pc:harfbuzz \ path:lib/pkgconfig/harfbuzz-icu.pc:harfbuzz-icu \ port:curl \ port:libxml2 \ port:libiconv \ port:protobuf-c patchfiles-append python.diff # Optional components configure.args-append \ -DWITH_GIF=ON \ -DWITH_MYSQL=OFF \ -DWITH_FRIBIDI=ON \ -DWITH_HARFBUZZ=ON \ -DWITH_CAIRO=ON \ -DWITH_SVGCAIRO=OFF \ -DWITH_RSVG=OFF \ -DWITH_CURL=ON \ -DWITH_PIXMAN=OFF \ -DWITH_LIBXML2=ON \ -DWITH_POSTGIS=OFF \ -DWITH_GEOS=ON \ -DWITH_FCGI=OFF \ -DWITH_PROTOBUFC=ON \ -DWITH_ORACLESPATIAL=OFF \ -DWITH_ORACLE_PLUGIN=OFF \ -DWITH_MSSQL2008=OFF \ -DWITH_EXEMPI=OFF # Optional features configure.args-append \ -DWITH_KML=ON \ -DWITH_SOS=ON \ -DWITH_WMS=ON \ -DWITH_WFS=ON \ -DWITH_WCS=ON \ -DWITH_CLIENT_WMS=ON \ -DWITH_CLIENT_WFS=ON \ -DWITH_OGCAPI=ON \ -DWITH_ICONV=ON \ -DWITH_THREAD_SAFETY=OFF \ -DWITH_XMLMAPFILE=OFF # Mapscripts configure.args-append \ -DWITH_PYTHON=OFF \ -DWITH_PYMAPSCRIPT_ANNOTATIONS=OFF \ -DWITH_PHPNG=OFF \ -DWITH_PERL=OFF \ -DWITH_RUBY=OFF \ -DWITH_JAVA=OFF \ -DWITH_CSHARP=OFF \ -DWITH_XMLMAPFILE=OFF \ -DWITH_V8=OFF default_variants +fastcgi +postgis variant fastcgi description {FastCGI support} { depends_lib-append port:fcgi configure.args-replace -DWITH_FCGI=OFF -DWITH_FCGI=ON } # Set Python variants set python_suffixes {38 39 310 311 312} set python_variants {} foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { lappend python_variants python${pyver} } foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { set index [lsearch -exact ${python_variants} python${pyver}] set py_dot_ver [string index ${pyver} 0].[string range ${pyver} 1 end] set conf [lreplace ${python_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant python${pyver} description "Add Python MapScript for Python ${py_dot_ver}" conflicts {*}${conf} " depends_build-append port:swig configure.args-append -DPython_ROOT_DIR=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${py_dot_ver}/ configure.args-replace -DWITH_PYTHON=OFF -DWITH_PYTHON=ON \ -DWITH_PYMAPSCRIPT_ANNOTATIONS=OFF -DWITH_PYMAPSCRIPT_ANNOTATIONS=ON post-patch { reinplace \"s|@PYTHONFRW@|${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${py_dot_ver}|\" \ mapscript/python/CMakeLists.txt } " } # Set PostGIS (and PostgreSQL) if {[variant_isset postgis]} { # check for most recent version of postgresql installed set HAVE_PGCONFIG [llength [glob -nocomplain -d ${prefix}/lib postgresql*/bin/pg_config]] # if not found, install the postgresql port if {$HAVE_PGCONFIG == 0} { depends_lib-append port:postgresql15 } } variant postgis description {Add support for postgis sources} { set PGSQL_LIB_DIR [lindex [lsort -dec [glob -nocomplain -d ${prefix}/lib postgresql*]] 0] set PGSQL_INC_DIR [lindex [lsort -dec [glob -nocomplain -d ${prefix}/include postgresql*]] 0] configure.args-replace -DWITH_POSTGIS=OFF -DWITH_POSTGIS=ON configure.args-append -DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${PGSQL_INC_DIR} \ -DPostgreSQL_LIBRARY_DIR=${PGSQL_LIB_DIR} \ -DPostgreSQL_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=15 } # Set PROJ set proj_versions {6 7 8 9} set proj_variants {} foreach pjver ${proj_versions} { lappend proj_variants proj${pjver} } foreach proj_ver ${proj_versions} { set index [lsearch -exact ${proj_variants} proj${proj_ver}] set cflcts [lreplace ${proj_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant proj${proj_ver} description "Use Proj${proj_ver}" conflicts {*}${cflcts} " depends_lib-append port:proj${proj_ver} configure.args-append -DPROJ_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/include \ -DPROJ_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/lib/libproj.dylib " } set projdf "if {" foreach pv ${proj_versions} { set projdf "${projdf}!\[variant_isset proj${pv}\] && " } set projdf [string range ${projdf} 0 end-4] set projdf "${projdf}} { default_variants +proj${pv} }" eval ${projdf} # Set Apache variant apache2 conflicts apache_apple description {Use MacPorts Apache 2} { depends_run-append port:apache2 global cgi_path set cgi_path "${prefix}/www/apache2/cgi-bin/" } variant apache_apple conflicts apache2 description {Use Apple Apache} { global cgi_path set cgi_path "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/" destroot.violate_mtree yes } if {![variant_isset apache2] && ![variant_isset apache_apple]} { # default to the apple apache version if none specified default_variants +apache_apple } post-destroot { file mkdir ${destroot}${cgi_path} # There's no good reason to keep the executable in ${prefix}/bin. move ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/mapserv ${destroot}${cgi_path} } notes " Using the default Apple Apache variant (+apache_apple) the CGI binary file 'mapserv' is installed in '/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/', otherwise it is installed in '${prefix}/www/apache2/cgi-bin/'. A MapServer configure sample file is available at '${prefix}/etc/mapserver-sample.conf', which you may copy to a location of your choice and set its new path to the environment variable MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE (see https://mapserver.org/mapfile/config.html#config). " livecheck.type regex livecheck.url [lindex ${master_sites} 0] livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}