PortSystem 1.0 name objenesis version 1.1 categories java platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer description Library for instantiating Java objects long_description It's pretty easy to instantiate objects in Java \ through standard reflection. However there are \ many cases where you need to go beyond what \ reflection provides. For example, if there's \ no public constructor, you want to bypass the \ constructor code, or set final fields. There \ are numerous clever (but fiddly) approaches to \ getting around this and this library provides \ a simple way to get at them. homepage https://code.google.com/p/objenesis/ master_sites googlecode:${name} dist_subdir ${name} distname ${name}-${version}-bundle checksums md5 5b9de0d8916d54add7bc8ae80cee539f \ sha1 efb78dd59bb27114da41d23fba5c3ddc8d0a2102 \ rmd160 3bb9b1f12c1c471d3f40abd7047807637148b4bf extract.cmd jar extract.pre_args xf extract.post_args extract.suffix .jar worksrcdir . depends_lib bin:java:kaffe use_configure no build {} destroot { set javadir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -d -m 755 ${javadir} xinstall -d -m 755 ${docdir}/api file copy ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.jar ${javadir}/${name}.jar file copy ${workpath}/LICENSE.txt ${docdir}/ system "cd ${docdir}/api && jar xf ${workpath}/${name}-${version}-javadoc.jar" delete ${docdir}/api/META-INF }