# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup octave 1.0 octave.setup github stk-kriging stk 2.8.1 revision 1 license GPL-3+ maintainers {mps @Schamschula} openmaintainer description The STK is a (not so) Small Toolbox for Kriging. long_description {*}${description} Its primary focus in on the \ interpolation/regression technique known as kriging, which is very \ closely related to Splines and Radial Basis Functions, and can be \ interpreted as a non-parametric Bayesian method using a Gaussian \ Process (GP) prior. The STK also provides tools for the sequential \ and non-sequential design of experiments. Even though it is, \ currently, mostly geared towards the Design and Analysis of Computer \ Experiments (DACE), the STK can be useful for other applications \ areas (such as Geostatistics, Machine Learning, Non-parametric \ Regression, etc.). github.tarball_from releases distname stk-${version}-octpkg checksums rmd160 2926a83620b756316cfce66f3f5cbde709079aa1 \ sha256 c138ccf4b51c0bc0448f74cdc40cfcefb2ea26fba8c5652c7bd3c86685869c85 \ size 389336