# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup meson 1.0 PortGroup boost 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 github.setup bredelings BAli-Phy 3.6.1 github.tarball_from archive name bali-phy conflicts bali-phy-devel revision 3 categories science license GPL-2+ maintainers {reneeotten @reneeotten} openmaintainer description Bayesian co-estimation of phylogenies and multiple alignments via MCMC long_description BAli-Phy estimates multiple sequence alignments and evolutionary trees \ from DNA, amino acid, or codon sequences. It uses likelihood-based \ evolutionary models of substitutions and insertions and deletions to \ place gaps. homepage https://www.bali-phy.org/ checksums rmd160 709f2c1160c8b18182392232ab3842334e6a3c8d \ sha256 6591f39d5708f5c34fca244f20326c6cba30bb32c80b72c6ae2e7e23bafcf11a \ size 6559498 boost.version 1.81 compiler.cxx_standard \ 2017 # uses std::variant<>, which is broken on macOS <= 10.12; use MacPorts' libc++ instead legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 16 legacysupport.use_mp_libcxx yes # use the same Python version as in meson set python_version 3.12 set python_ver_no_dot [string map {. {}} ${python_version}] set python_bin ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${python_version}/bin/python${python_version} variant doc description {Build documentation and man pages} { depends_build-append \ port:pandoc } # pandoc / stack fails to build on macOS 10.12 and older # see: https://ports.macports.org/port/pandoc/summary if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} > 16} { default_variants +doc } patchfiles-append patch-bali_phy_pkg.diff \ patch-keep.pl.diff \ patch-bp_analyze.diff \ patch-run_tests.py.diff # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70096 patchfiles-append patch-bitset.diff subport bali-phy-devel { github.setup bredelings BAli-Phy 4.0-beta10 github.tarball_from archive conflicts bali-phy revision 0 checksums rmd160 428c80ec6455b22232c0c50b06d5e9a5323e2604 \ sha256 f936edda2797e30d16b9a31c68e0a31831e5c9baefc99820c5383a2a11e6ad81 \ size 2621272 patchfiles-replace patch-bp_analyze.diff \ patch-bp_analyze-devel.diff patchfiles-delete patch-keep.pl.diff # C++ 2020 standard setting not yet supported in released version of base compiler.blacklist-append {clang < 1500} set port_libfmt libfmt9 depends_lib-append port:${port_libfmt} configure.env-append \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt}/pkgconfig configure.ldflags-append \ -L${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt} } post-patch { reinplace "s|@@PYTHON_BIN@@|${python_bin}|g" ${worksrcpath}/tests/run-tests.py \ ${worksrcpath}/scripts/bp-analyze reinplace "s|@@PERL_BIN@@|${prefix}/bin/perl|g" ${worksrcpath}/scripts/bali-phy-pkg \ if {[file exists ${worksrcpath}/examples/sequences/lrRNA/keep.pl]} { reinplace "s|@@PERL_BIN@@|${prefix}/bin/perl|g" ${worksrcpath}/examples/sequences/lrRNA/keep.pl } } configure.post_args-append --buildtype=release depends_build-append \ path:share/pkgconfig/eigen3.pc:eigen3 \ port:nlohmann-json \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append path:lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc:cairo depends_run-append path:bin/perl:perl5 depends_test-append port:python${python_ver_no_dot} test.run yes test.cmd ${build.cmd} post-destroot { set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir} xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} README.md NEWS \ COPYING CONTRIBUTING.md ${destroot}${docdir} }