.TH kstat_types.d 1m "$Date: 2015/09/30 22:01:09 $" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME kstat_types.d \- Trace kstat reads with type info. Uses DTrace. .SH SYNOPSIS .B kstat_types.d .SH DESCRIPTION kstat is the Kernel Statistics framework, which is used by tools such as vmstat, iostat, mpstat and sar. Try running vmstat while kstat_types.d is tracing - you should see details of the kstat reads performed. Since this uses DTrace, only the root user or users with the dtrace_kernel privilege can run this command. .SH OS Solaris .SH STABILITY unstable - this script uses fbt provider probes which may change for future updates of the OS, invalidating this script. Please read Docs/Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for further details about these fbt scripts. .SH EXAMPLES .TP Trace kstat reads as they occur, # .B kstat_types.d .PP .SH FIELDS .TP CMD command name .TP CLASS kstat class (ks_class) .TP TYPE kstat type as a string (ks_type) .TP MOD:INS:NAME kstat module:instance:name .PP .SH DOCUMENTATION See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with verbose descriptions explaining the output. .SH EXIT kstat_types.d will trace until Ctrl\-C is hit. .SH AUTHOR Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] .SH SEE ALSO dtrace(1M), kstat(1M), kstat(3KSTAT)