/* $NetBSD: lagg.c,v 1.4 2023/12/06 05:57:39 yamaguchi Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2021 Internet Initiative Japan Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #if !defined(lint) __RCSID("$NetBSD: lagg.c,v 1.4 2023/12/06 05:57:39 yamaguchi Exp $"); #endif /* !defined(lint) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "env.h" #include "extern.h" #include "util.h" static status_func_t status; static usage_func_t usage; static cmdloop_branch_t branch; static void lagg_constructor(void) __attribute__((constructor)); static void lagg_status(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t); static void lagg_usage(prop_dictionary_t); static int setlaggproto(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t); static int setlaggport(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t); static int setlagglacp(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t); static int setlagglacpmaxports(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t); static int setlaggfail(prop_dictionary_t, prop_dictionary_t); static void lagg_status_proto(lagg_proto, struct laggreqproto *); static void lagg_status_port(lagg_proto, struct laggreqport *); #ifdef LAGG_DEBUG static const bool lagg_debug = true; #else static const bool lagg_debug = false; #endif #define LAGG_RETRY_MAX 10 static const char *laggprotostr[LAGG_PROTO_MAX] = { [LAGG_PROTO_NONE] = "none", [LAGG_PROTO_LACP] = "lacp", [LAGG_PROTO_FAILOVER] = "failover", [LAGG_PROTO_LOADBALANCE] = "loadbalance", }; enum laggportcmd { LAGGPORT_NOCMD = 1, LAGGPORT_ADD, LAGGPORT_DEL, }; enum lagglacpcmd { LAGGLACP_ADD = 1, LAGGLACP_DEL, }; enum lagglacpopt { LAGGLACPOPT_DUMPDU = 1, LAGGLACPOPT_STOPDU, LAGGLACPOPT_OPTIMISTIC, LAGGLACPOPT_MULTILS, }; enum laggfailopt { LAGGFAILOPT_RXALL = 1, }; struct pbranch laggport_root; struct pbranch lagglacp_root; struct pbranch laggfail_root; struct pstr laggproto = PSTR_INITIALIZER(&laggproto, "lagg-protocol", setlaggproto, "laggproto", &command_root.pb_parser); struct piface laggaddport = PIFACE_INITIALIZER(&laggaddport, "lagg-port-interface", setlaggport, "laggport", &laggport_root.pb_parser); struct piface laggdelport = PIFACE_INITIALIZER(&laggdelport, "lagg-port-interface", setlaggport, "laggport", &command_root.pb_parser); struct pinteger laggportoptpri = PINTEGER_INITIALIZER1(&laggportoptpri, "lagg-port-priority", 0, UINT16_MAX, 10, setlaggport, "laggportpri", &laggport_root.pb_parser); struct pinteger lagglacpmaxports = PINTEGER_INITIALIZER1(&lagglacpmaxports, "lagg-lacp-maxports", 1, UINT32_MAX, 10, setlagglacpmaxports, "lacpmaxports", &lagglacp_root.pb_parser); struct pinteger laggportpri_num = PINTEGER_INITIALIZER1(&laggportpri_num, "lagg-port-priority", 0, UINT16_MAX, 10, setlaggport, "laggportpri", &command_root.pb_parser); struct piface laggportpri_if = PIFACE_INITIALIZER(&laggportpri_if, "lagg-port-interface", NULL, "laggport", &laggportpri_num.pi_parser); static const struct kwinst lagglacpkw[] = { {.k_word = "dumpdu", .k_key = "lacpdumpdu", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGLACPOPT_DUMPDU, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "-dumpdu", .k_key = "lacpdumpdu", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = -LAGGLACPOPT_DUMPDU, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "stopdu", .k_key = "lacpstopdu", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGLACPOPT_STOPDU, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "-stopdu", .k_key = "lacpstopdu", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = -LAGGLACPOPT_STOPDU, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "optimistic", .k_key = "lacpoptimistic", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGLACPOPT_OPTIMISTIC, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "-optimistic", .k_key = "lacpoptimistic", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = -LAGGLACPOPT_OPTIMISTIC, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "maxports", .k_nextparser = &lagglacpmaxports.pi_parser} , {.k_word = "-maxports", .k_key = "lacpmaxports", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = 0, .k_exec = setlagglacpmaxports} , {.k_word = "multi-linkspeed", .k_key = "lacpmultils", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGLACPOPT_MULTILS, .k_exec = setlagglacp} , {.k_word = "-multi-linkspeed", .k_key = "lacpmultils", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = -LAGGLACPOPT_MULTILS, .k_exec = setlagglacp} }; struct pkw lagglacp = PKW_INITIALIZER(&lagglacp, "lagg-lacp-option", NULL, NULL, lagglacpkw, __arraycount(lagglacpkw), &lagglacp_root.pb_parser); static const struct kwinst laggfailkw[] = { {.k_word = "rx-all", .k_key = "failrxall", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGFAILOPT_RXALL} , {.k_word = "-rx-all", .k_key = "failrxall", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = -LAGGFAILOPT_RXALL} }; struct pkw laggfail = PKW_INITIALIZER(&laggfail, "lagg-failover-option", setlaggfail, NULL, laggfailkw, __arraycount(laggfailkw), &laggfail_root.pb_parser); static const struct kwinst laggkw[] = { {.k_word = "laggproto", .k_nextparser = &laggproto.ps_parser} , {.k_word = "-laggproto", .k_key = "laggproto", .k_type = KW_T_STR, .k_str = "none", .k_exec = setlaggproto} , {.k_word = "laggport", .k_key = "laggportcmd", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGPORT_ADD, .k_nextparser = &laggaddport.pif_parser} , {.k_word = "-laggport", .k_key = "laggportcmd", .k_type = KW_T_INT, .k_int = LAGGPORT_DEL, .k_nextparser = &laggdelport.pif_parser} , {.k_word = "lagglacp", .k_nextparser = &lagglacp.pk_parser} , {.k_word = "laggportpri", .k_nextparser = &laggportpri_if.pif_parser} , {.k_word = "laggfailover", .k_nextparser = &laggfail.pk_parser} }; struct pkw lagg = PKW_INITIALIZER(&lagg, "lagg", NULL, NULL, laggkw, __arraycount(laggkw), NULL); static const struct kwinst laggportkw[] = { {.k_word = "pri", .k_nextparser = &laggportoptpri.pi_parser} }; struct pkw laggportopt = PKW_INITIALIZER(&laggportopt, "lagg-port-option", NULL, NULL, laggportkw, __arraycount(laggportkw), NULL); struct branch laggport_brs[] = { {.b_nextparser = &laggportopt.pk_parser} , {.b_nextparser = &command_root.pb_parser} }; struct branch lagglacp_brs[] = { {.b_nextparser = &lagglacp.pk_parser} , {.b_nextparser = &command_root.pb_parser} }; struct branch laggfail_brs[] = { {.b_nextparser = &laggfail.pk_parser} , {.b_nextparser = &command_root.pb_parser} }; static void lagg_constructor(void) { struct pbranch _laggport_root = PBRANCH_INITIALIZER(&laggport_root, "laggport-root", laggport_brs, __arraycount(laggport_brs), true); struct pbranch _lagglacp_root = PBRANCH_INITIALIZER(&lagglacp_root, "lagglacp-root", lagglacp_brs, __arraycount(lagglacp_brs), true); struct pbranch _laggfail_root = PBRANCH_INITIALIZER(&laggfail_root, "laggfail-root", laggfail_brs, __arraycount(laggfail_brs), true); laggport_root = _laggport_root; lagglacp_root = _lagglacp_root; laggfail_root = _laggfail_root; cmdloop_branch_init(&branch, &lagg.pk_parser); status_func_init(&status, lagg_status); usage_func_init(&usage, lagg_usage); register_cmdloop_branch(&branch); register_status(&status); register_usage(&usage); } static int is_laggif(prop_dictionary_t env) { const char *ifname; size_t i, len; if ((ifname = getifname(env)) == NULL) return 0; if (strncmp(ifname, "lagg", 4) != 0) return 0; len = strlen(ifname); for (i = 4; i < len; i++) { if (!isdigit((unsigned char)ifname[i])) return 0; } return 1; } static struct lagg_req * getlagg(prop_dictionary_t env) { struct lagg_req *req = NULL, *p; size_t nports, bufsiz; int i; if (!is_laggif(env)) { if (lagg_debug) warnx("valid only with lagg(4) interfaces"); goto done; } for (i = 0, nports = 0; i < LAGG_RETRY_MAX; i++) { bufsiz = sizeof(*req); bufsiz += sizeof(req->lrq_reqports[0]) * nports; p = realloc(req, bufsiz); if (p == NULL) break; req = p; memset(req, 0, bufsiz); req->lrq_nports = nports; if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCGLAGG, req) == 0) goto done; if (errno != ENOBUFS) break; nports = req->lrq_nports + 3; /* 3: additional space */ } if (req != NULL) { free(req); req = NULL; } done: return req; } static void freelagg(struct lagg_req *req) { free(req); } static void lagg_status(prop_dictionary_t env, prop_dictionary_t oenv) { struct lagg_req *req; struct laggreqport *port; const char *proto; char str[256]; size_t i; req = getlagg(env); if (req == NULL) return; if (req->lrq_proto >= LAGG_PROTO_MAX || (proto = laggprotostr[req->lrq_proto]) == NULL) { proto = "unknown"; } printf("\tlaggproto %s", proto); if (vflag) lagg_status_proto(req->lrq_proto, &req->lrq_reqproto); putchar('\n'); if (req->lrq_nports > 0) { printf("\tlaggport:\n"); for (i = 0; i < req->lrq_nports; i++) { port = &req->lrq_reqports[i]; snprintb(str, sizeof(str), LAGG_PORT_BITS, port->rp_flags); printf("\t\t%.*s pri=%u flags=%s", IFNAMSIZ, port->rp_portname, (unsigned int)port->rp_prio, str); if (vflag) lagg_status_port(req->lrq_proto, port); putchar('\n'); } } freelagg(req); } static int setlaggproto(prop_dictionary_t env, prop_dictionary_t oenv) { prop_object_t obj; struct lagg_req req; const char *proto; size_t i, proto_len; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); obj = prop_dictionary_get(env, "laggproto"); if (obj == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } switch (prop_object_type(obj)) { case PROP_TYPE_DATA: proto = prop_data_value(obj); proto_len = prop_data_size(obj); break; case PROP_TYPE_STRING: proto = prop_string_value(obj); proto_len = prop_string_size(obj); break; default: errno = EFAULT; return -1; } for (i = 0; i < LAGG_PROTO_MAX; i++) { if (strncmp(proto, laggprotostr[i], proto_len) == 0) break; } if (i >= LAGG_PROTO_MAX) { errno = EPROTONOSUPPORT; return -1; } req.lrq_ioctl = LAGGIOC_SETPROTO; req.lrq_proto = i; if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req) == -1) return -1; return 0; } static int setlaggport(prop_dictionary_t env, prop_dictionary_t oenv __unused) { struct lagg_req req; struct laggreqport *rp; const char *ifname; enum lagg_ioctl ioc; int64_t lpcmd, pri; if (!prop_dictionary_get_string(env, "laggport", &ifname)) { if (lagg_debug) warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.lrq_nports = 1; rp = &req.lrq_reqports[0]; strlcpy(rp->rp_portname, ifname, sizeof(rp->rp_portname)); ioc = LAGGIOC_NOCMD; if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "laggportcmd", &lpcmd)) { if (lpcmd == LAGGPORT_ADD) { ioc = LAGGIOC_ADDPORT; } else { ioc = LAGGIOC_DELPORT; } } if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "laggportpri", &pri)) { ioc = LAGGIOC_SETPORTPRI; rp->rp_prio = (uint32_t)pri; } if (ioc != LAGGIOC_NOCMD) { req.lrq_ioctl = ioc; if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req) == -1) { if (lagg_debug) { warn("cmd=%d", ioc); } return -1; } } return 0; } static int setlagglacp(prop_dictionary_t env, prop_dictionary_t oenv __unused) { struct lagg_req req_add, req_del; struct laggreq_lacp *add_lacp, *del_lacp; int64_t v; memset(&req_add, 0, sizeof(req_add)); memset(&req_del, 0, sizeof(req_del)); req_add.lrq_proto = req_del.lrq_proto = LAGG_PROTO_LACP; req_add.lrq_ioctl = req_del.lrq_ioctl = LAGGIOC_SETPROTOOPT; add_lacp = &req_add.lrq_reqproto.rp_lacp; del_lacp = &req_del.lrq_reqproto.rp_lacp; add_lacp->command = LAGGIOC_LACPSETFLAGS; del_lacp->command = LAGGIOC_LACPCLRFLAGS; if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "lacpdumpdu", &v)) { if (v == LAGGLACPOPT_DUMPDU) { add_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_DUMPDU; } else { del_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_DUMPDU; } } if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "lacpstopdu", &v)) { if (v == LAGGLACPOPT_STOPDU) { add_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_STOPDU; } else { del_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_STOPDU; } } if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "lacpoptimistic", &v)) { if (v == LAGGLACPOPT_OPTIMISTIC) { add_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_OPTIMISTIC; } else { del_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_OPTIMISTIC; } } if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "lacpmultils", &v)) { if (v == LAGGLACPOPT_MULTILS) { add_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_MULTILS; } else { del_lacp->flags |= LAGGREQLACP_MULTILS; } } if (del_lacp->flags != 0) { if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req_del) == -1) { if (lagg_debug) { warn("cmd=%d, pcmd=%d", req_del.lrq_ioctl, del_lacp->command); } return -1; } } if (add_lacp->flags != 0) { if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req_add) == -1) { if (lagg_debug) { warn("cmd=%d, pcmd=%d", req_add.lrq_ioctl, add_lacp->command); } return -1; } } return 0; } static int setlagglacpmaxports(prop_dictionary_t env, prop_dictionary_t oenv __unused) { struct lagg_req req; struct laggreq_lacp *lrq_lacp; int64_t v; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.lrq_proto = LAGG_PROTO_LACP; req.lrq_ioctl = LAGGIOC_SETPROTOOPT; lrq_lacp = &req.lrq_reqproto.rp_lacp; if (!prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "lacpmaxports", &v)) { if (lagg_debug) warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } if (v <= 0) { lrq_lacp->command = LAGGIOC_LACPCLRMAXPORTS; } else if (v > 0){ lrq_lacp->command = LAGGIOC_LACPSETMAXPORTS; lrq_lacp->maxports = (size_t)v; } if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req) == -1) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "SIOCSLAGGPROTO"); } return 0; } static int setlaggfail(prop_dictionary_t env, prop_dictionary_t oenv __unused) { struct lagg_req req_add, req_del; struct laggreq_fail *add_fail, *del_fail; int64_t v; memset(&req_add, 0, sizeof(req_add)); memset(&req_del, 0, sizeof(req_del)); req_add.lrq_proto = req_del.lrq_proto = LAGG_PROTO_FAILOVER; req_add.lrq_ioctl = req_del.lrq_ioctl = LAGGIOC_SETPROTOOPT; add_fail = &req_add.lrq_reqproto.rp_fail; del_fail = &req_del.lrq_reqproto.rp_fail; add_fail->command = LAGGIOC_FAILSETFLAGS; del_fail->command = LAGGIOC_FAILCLRFLAGS; if (prop_dictionary_get_int64(env, "failrxall", &v)) { if (v == LAGGFAILOPT_RXALL) { add_fail->flags |= LAGGREQFAIL_RXALL; } else { del_fail->flags |= LAGGREQFAIL_RXALL; } } if (del_fail->flags != 0) { if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req_del) == -1) { if (lagg_debug) { warn("cmd=%d, pcmd=%d", req_del.lrq_ioctl, del_fail->command); } return -1; } } if (add_fail->flags != 0) { if (indirect_ioctl(env, SIOCSLAGG, &req_add) == -1) { if (lagg_debug) { warn("cmd=%d, pcmd=%d", req_add.lrq_ioctl, add_fail->command); } return -1; } } return 0; } static void lagg_usage(prop_dictionary_t env __unused) { fprintf(stderr, "\t[ laggproto p ]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t[ laggport i [ pri n ] ] " "[ -laggport i ]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t[ laggportpri i [ pri n]]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t[ lagglacp [ dumpdu | -dumpdu ] " "[ stopdu | -stopdu ]\n" "\t\t[ maxports n | -maxports ] [ optimistic | -optimistic ] ]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t[ laggfailover] [ rx-all | -rx-all ]\n"); } static void lacp_format_id(char *buf, size_t len, uint16_t system_prio, uint8_t *system_mac, uint16_t system_key) { snprintf(buf, len, "[%04X,%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X," "%04X]", system_prio, (unsigned int)system_mac[0],(unsigned int)system_mac[1], (unsigned int)system_mac[2],(unsigned int)system_mac[3], (unsigned int)system_mac[4],(unsigned int)system_mac[5], system_key); } static void lagg_status_proto(lagg_proto pr, struct laggreqproto *req) { struct laggreq_lacp *lacp; char str[256]; switch (pr) { case LAGG_PROTO_LACP: lacp = &req->rp_lacp; printf("\n"); snprintb(str, sizeof(str), LAGGREQLACP_BITS, lacp->flags); printf("\t\tmax ports=%zu, flags=%s\n", lacp->maxports, str); lacp_format_id(str, sizeof(str), lacp->actor_prio, lacp->actor_mac, lacp->actor_key); printf("\t\tactor=%s\n", str); lacp_format_id(str, sizeof(str), lacp->partner_prio, lacp->partner_mac, lacp->partner_key); printf("\t\tpartner=%s", str); break; default: break; } } static void lagg_status_port(lagg_proto pr, struct laggreqport *req) { struct laggreq_lacpport *lacp; char str[256]; switch (pr) { case LAGG_PROTO_LACP: lacp = &req->rp_lacpport; putchar('\n'); snprintb(str, sizeof(str), LACP_STATE_BITS, lacp->actor_state); printf("\t\t\tactor: state=%s\n",str); lacp_format_id(str, sizeof(str), lacp->partner_prio, lacp->partner_mac, lacp->partner_key); printf("\t\t\tpartner=%s\n", str); snprintb(str, sizeof(str), LACP_STATE_BITS, lacp->partner_state); printf("\t\t\tpartner: port=%04X prio=%04X state=%s", lacp->partner_portno, lacp->partner_portprio, str); break; default: break; } }