FcFreeTypeCharIndex 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFreeTypeCharIndex map Unicode to glyph id #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FT_UInt FcFreeTypeCharIndex FT_Face face FcChar32 ucs4 Description Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance sensitive areas; results from this function are intended to be cached by higher level functions. FcFreeTypeCharSet 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFreeTypeCharSet compute Unicode coverage #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSet FT_Face face FcBlanks *blanks Description Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. FcBlanks is deprecated, blanks is ignored and accepted only for compatibility with older code. FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing compute Unicode coverage and spacing type #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing FT_Face face FcBlanks *blanks int *spacing Description Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. FcBlanks is deprecated, blanks is ignored and accepted only for compatibility with older code. spacing receives the computed spacing type of the font, one of FC_MONO for a font where all glyphs have the same width, FC_DUAL, where the font has glyphs in precisely two widths, one twice as wide as the other, or FC_PROPORTIONAL where the font has glyphs of many widths. FcFreeTypeQuery 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFreeTypeQuery compute pattern from font file (and index) #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQuery const FcChar8 *file int id FcBlanks *blanks int *count Description Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th face in 'file'. The number of faces in 'file' is returned in 'count'. FcBlanks is deprecated, blanks is ignored and accepted only for compatibility with older code. FcFreeTypeQueryAll 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFreeTypeQueryAll compute all patterns from font file (and index) #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> unsigned int FcFreeTypeQueryAll const FcChar8 *file int id FcBlanks *blanks int *count FcFontSet *set Description Constructs patterns found in 'file'. If id is -1, then all patterns found in 'file' are added to 'set'. Otherwise, this function works exactly like FcFreeTypeQuery(). The number of faces in 'file' is returned in 'count'. The number of patterns added to 'set' is returned. FcBlanks is deprecated, blanks is ignored and accepted only for compatibility with older code. Since version 2.12.91 FcFreeTypeQueryFace 3 Fontconfig &version; FcFreeTypeQueryFace compute pattern from FT_Face #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQueryFace const FT_Face face const FcChar8 *file int id FcBlanks *blanks Description Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. 'file' and 'id' are used solely as data for pattern elements (FC_FILE, FC_INDEX and sometimes FC_FAMILY). FcBlanks is deprecated, blanks is ignored and accepted only for compatibility with older code.