# $NetBSD: t_db.sh,v 1.7 2016/09/24 20:12:33 christos Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # prog_db() { echo $(atf_get_srcdir)/h_db } prog_lfsr() { echo $(atf_get_srcdir)/h_lfsr } dict() { if [ -f /usr/share/dict/words ]; then echo /usr/share/dict/words elif [ -f /usr/dict/words ]; then echo /usr/dict/words else atf_fail "no dictionary found" fi } SEVEN_SEVEN="abcdefg|abcdefg|abcdefg|abcdefg|abcdefg|abcdefg|abcdefg" atf_test_case small_btree small_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks btree database using small keys and small data" \ "pairs: takes the first hundred entries in the dictionary," \ "and makes them be key/data pairs." } small_btree_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} sed 200q $(dict) >exp for i in `sed 200q $(dict)`; do echo p echo k$i echo d$i echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" btree in } atf_test_case small_hash small_hash_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks hash database using small keys and small data" \ "pairs: takes the first hundred entries in the dictionary," \ "and makes them be key/data pairs." } small_hash_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} sed 200q $(dict) >exp for i in `sed 200q $(dict)`; do echo p echo k$i echo d$i echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" hash in } atf_test_case small_recno small_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks recno database using small keys and small data" \ "pairs: takes the first hundred entries in the dictionary," \ "and makes them be key/data pairs." } small_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} sed 200q $(dict) >exp sed 200q $(dict) | awk '{ ++i; printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\ng\nk%d\n", i, $0, i); }' >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" recno in } atf_test_case medium_btree medium_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks btree database using small keys and medium" \ "data pairs: takes the first 200 entries in the" \ "dictionary, and gives them each a medium size data entry." } medium_btree_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} mdata=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz echo $mdata | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < 201; ++i) print $0 }' >exp for i in $(sed 200q $(dict)); do echo p echo k$i echo d$mdata echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" btree in } atf_test_case medium_hash medium_hash_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks hash database using small keys and medium" \ "data pairs: takes the first 200 entries in the" \ "dictionary, and gives them each a medium size data entry." } medium_hash_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} mdata=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz echo $mdata | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < 201; ++i) print $0 }' >exp for i in $(sed 200q $(dict)); do echo p echo k$i echo d$mdata echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" hash in } atf_test_case medium_recno medium_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks recno database using small keys and medium" \ "data pairs: takes the first 200 entries in the" \ "dictionary, and gives them each a medium size data entry." } medium_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} mdata=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz echo $mdata | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < 201; ++i) print $0 }' >exp echo $mdata | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < 201; ++i) printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\ng\nk%d\n", i, $0, i); }' >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" recno in } atf_test_case big_btree big_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks btree database using small keys and big data" \ "pairs: inserts the programs in /bin with their paths" \ "as their keys." } big_btree_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} (find /bin -type f -print | xargs cat) >exp for psize in 512 16384 65536; do echo "checking page size: $psize" for i in `find /bin -type f -print`; do echo p echo k$i echo D$i echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check "$(prog_db)" -o out btree in cmp -s exp out || atf_fail "test failed for page size: $psize" done } atf_test_case big_hash big_hash_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks hash database using small keys and big data" \ "pairs: inserts the programs in /bin with their paths" \ "as their keys." } big_hash_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} (find /bin -type f -print | xargs cat) >exp for i in `find /bin -type f -print`; do echo p echo k$i echo D$i echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check "$(prog_db)" -o out hash in cmp -s exp out || atf_fail "test failed" } atf_test_case big_recno big_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks recno database using small keys and big data" \ "pairs: inserts the programs in /bin with their paths" \ "as their keys." } big_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} (find /bin -type f -print | xargs cat) >exp find /bin -type f -print | awk '{ ++i; printf("p\nk%d\nD%s\ng\nk%d\n", i, $0, i); }' >in for psize in 512 16384 65536; do echo "checking page size: $psize" atf_check "$(prog_db)" -o out recno in cmp -s exp out || atf_fail "test failed for page size: $psize" done } atf_test_case random_recno random_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks recno database using random entries" } random_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ for (i = 37; i <= 37 + 88 * 17; i += 17) { if (i % 41) s = substr($0, 1, i % 41); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("input key %d: %s\n", i, s); } for (i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { if (i % 41) s = substr($0, 1, i % 41); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("input key %d: %s\n", i, s); } for (i = 19234; i <= 19234 + 61 * 27; i += 27) { if (i % 41) s = substr($0, 1, i % 41); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("input key %d: %s\n", i, s); } exit }' >exp cat exp | awk 'BEGIN { i = 37; incr = 17; } { printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\n", i, $0); if (i == 19234 + 61 * 27) exit; if (i == 37 + 88 * 17) { i = 1; incr = 1; } else if (i == 15) { i = 19234; incr = 27; } else i += incr; } END { for (i = 37; i <= 37 + 88 * 17; i += 17) printf("g\nk%d\n", i); for (i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) printf("g\nk%d\n", i); for (i = 19234; i <= 19234 + 61 * 27; i += 27) printf("g\nk%d\n", i); }' >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" recno in } atf_test_case reverse_recno reverse_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks recno database using reverse order entries" } reverse_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk ' { for (i = 1500; i; --i) { if (i % 34) s = substr($0, 1, i % 34); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("input key %d: %s\n", i, s); } exit; }' >exp cat exp | awk 'BEGIN { i = 1500; } { printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\n", i, $0); --i; } END { for (i = 1500; i; --i) printf("g\nk%d\n", i); }' >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" recno in } atf_test_case alternate_recno alternate_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks recno database using alternating order entries" } alternate_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk ' { for (i = 1; i < 1200; i += 2) { if (i % 34) s = substr($0, 1, i % 34); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("input key %d: %s\n", i, s); } for (i = 2; i < 1200; i += 2) { if (i % 34) s = substr($0, 1, i % 34); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("input key %d: %s\n", i, s); } exit; }' >exp cat exp | awk 'BEGIN { i = 1; even = 0; } { printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\n", i, $0); i += 2; if (i >= 1200) { if (even == 1) exit; even = 1; i = 2; } } END { for (i = 1; i < 1200; ++i) printf("g\nk%d\n", i); }' >in atf_check "$(prog_db)" -o out recno in sort -o exp exp sort -o out out cmp -s exp out || atf_fail "test failed" } h_delete() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} type=$1 echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= 120; ++i) printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", i, i, $0); }' >exp cat exp | awk '{ printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\n", ++i, $0); } END { printf("fR_NEXT\n"); for (i = 1; i <= 120; ++i) printf("s\n"); printf("fR_CURSOR\ns\nkXX\n"); printf("r\n"); printf("fR_NEXT\ns\n"); printf("fR_CURSOR\ns\nk1\n"); printf("r\n"); printf("fR_FIRST\ns\n"); }' >in # For btree, the records are ordered by the string representation # of the key value. So sort the expected output file accordingly, # and set the seek_last key to the last expected key value. if [ "$type" = "btree" ] ; then sed -e 's/kXX/k99/' < in > tmp mv tmp in sort -d -k4 < exp > tmp mv tmp exp echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", 99, 99, $0); printf("seq failed, no such key\n"); printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", 1, 1, $0); printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", 10, 10, $0); exit; }' >> exp else # For recno, records are ordered by numerical key value. No sort # is needed, but still need to set proper seek_last key value. sed -e 's/kXX/k120/' < in > tmp mv tmp in echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", 120, 120, $0); printf("seq failed, no such key\n"); printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", 1, 1, $0); printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", 2, 2, $0); exit; }' >> exp fi atf_check "$(prog_db)" -o out $type in atf_check -o file:exp cat out } atf_test_case delete_btree delete_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks removing records in btree database" } delete_btree_body() { h_delete btree } atf_test_case delete_recno delete_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks removing records in recno database" } delete_recno_body() { h_delete recno } h_repeated() { local type="$1" TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo "" | awk 'BEGIN { for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { printf("p\nkkey1\nD/bin/sh\n"); printf("p\nkkey2\nD/bin/csh\n"); if (i % 8 == 0) { printf("c\nkkey2\nD/bin/csh\n"); printf("c\nkkey1\nD/bin/sh\n"); printf("e\t%d of 10 (comparison)\n", i); } else printf("e\t%d of 10 \n", i); printf("r\nkkey1\nr\nkkey2\n"); } }' >in $(prog_db) $type in } atf_test_case repeated_btree repeated_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks btree database with repeated small keys and" \ "big data pairs. Makes sure that overflow pages are reused" } repeated_btree_body() { h_repeated btree } atf_test_case repeated_hash repeated_hash_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks hash database with repeated small keys and" \ "big data pairs. Makes sure that overflow pages are reused" } repeated_hash_body() { h_repeated hash } atf_test_case duplicate_btree duplicate_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks btree database with duplicate keys" } duplicate_btree_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= 543; ++i) printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", i, i, $0); exit; }' >exp cat exp | awk '{ if (i++ % 2) printf("p\nkduplicatekey\nd%s\n", $0); else printf("p\nkunique%dkey\nd%s\n", i, $0); } END { printf("o\n"); }' >in atf_check -o file:exp -x "$(prog_db) -iflags=1 btree in | sort" } h_cursor_flags() { local type=$1 TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", i, i, $0); exit; }' >exp # Test that R_CURSOR doesn't succeed before cursor initialized cat exp | awk '{ if (i == 10) exit; printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\n", ++i, $0); } END { printf("fR_CURSOR\nr\n"); printf("eR_CURSOR SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n"); }' >in atf_check -o ignore -e ignore -s ne:0 "$(prog_db)" -o out $type in atf_check -s ne:0 test -s out cat exp | awk '{ if (i == 10) exit; printf("p\nk%d\nd%s\n", ++i, $0); } END { printf("fR_CURSOR\np\nk1\ndsome data\n"); printf("eR_CURSOR SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n"); }' >in atf_check -o ignore -e ignore -s ne:0 "$(prog_db)" -o out $type in atf_check -s ne:0 test -s out } atf_test_case cursor_flags_btree cursor_flags_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks use of cursor flags without initialization in btree database" } cursor_flags_btree_body() { h_cursor_flags btree } atf_test_case cursor_flags_recno cursor_flags_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks use of cursor flags without initialization in recno database" } cursor_flags_recno_body() { h_cursor_flags recno } atf_test_case reverse_order_recno reverse_order_recno_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks reverse order inserts in recno database" } reverse_order_recno_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= 779; ++i) printf("%05d: input key %d: %s\n", i, i, $0); exit; }' >exp cat exp | awk '{ if (i == 0) { i = 1; printf("p\nk1\nd%s\n", $0); printf("%s\n", "fR_IBEFORE"); } else printf("p\nk1\nd%s\n", $0); } END { printf("or\n"); }' >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" recno in } atf_test_case small_page_btree small_page_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks btree database with lots of keys and small page" \ "size: takes the first 20000 entries in the dictionary," \ "reverses them, and gives them each a small size data" \ "entry. Uses a small page size to make sure the btree" \ "split code gets hammered." } small_page_btree_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} mdata=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy echo $mdata | awk '{ for (i = 1; i < 20001; ++i) print $0 }' >exp for i in `sed 20000q $(dict) | rev`; do echo p echo k$i echo d$mdata echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" -i psize=512 btree in } h_byte_orders() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} type=$1 sed 50q $(dict) >exp for order in 1234 4321; do for i in `sed 50q $(dict)`; do echo p echo k$i echo d$i echo S echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" -ilorder=$order -f byte.file $type in for i in `sed 50q $(dict)`; do echo g echo k$i done >in atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" -s -ilorder=$order -f byte.file $type in done } atf_test_case byte_orders_btree byte_orders_btree_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks btree database using differing byte orders" } byte_orders_btree_body() { h_byte_orders btree } atf_test_case byte_orders_hash byte_orders_hash_head() { atf_set "descr" "Checks hash database using differing byte orders" } byte_orders_hash_body() { h_byte_orders hash } h_bsize_ffactor() { bsize=$1 ffactor=$2 echo "bucketsize $bsize, fill factor $ffactor" atf_check -o file:exp "$(prog_db)" "-ibsize=$bsize,\ ffactor=$ffactor,nelem=25000,cachesize=65536" hash in } atf_test_case bsize_ffactor bsize_ffactor_head() { atf_set "timeout" "1800" atf_set "descr" "Checks hash database with various" \ "bucketsizes and fill factors" } bsize_ffactor_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} echo $SEVEN_SEVEN | awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i) { if (i % 34) s = substr($0, 1, i % 34); else s = substr($0, 1); printf("%s\n", s); } exit; }' >exp sed 10000q $(dict) | awk 'BEGIN { ds="'$SEVEN_SEVEN'" } { if (++i % 34) s = substr(ds, 1, i % 34); else s = substr(ds, 1); printf("p\nk%s\nd%s\n", $0, s); }' >in sed 10000q $(dict) | awk '{ ++i; printf("g\nk%s\n", $0); }' >>in h_bsize_ffactor 256 11 h_bsize_ffactor 256 14 h_bsize_ffactor 256 21 h_bsize_ffactor 512 21 h_bsize_ffactor 512 28 h_bsize_ffactor 512 43 h_bsize_ffactor 1024 43 h_bsize_ffactor 1024 57 h_bsize_ffactor 1024 85 h_bsize_ffactor 2048 85 h_bsize_ffactor 2048 114 h_bsize_ffactor 2048 171 h_bsize_ffactor 4096 171 h_bsize_ffactor 4096 228 h_bsize_ffactor 4096 341 h_bsize_ffactor 8192 341 h_bsize_ffactor 8192 455 h_bsize_ffactor 8192 683 h_bsize_ffactor 16384 341 h_bsize_ffactor 16384 455 h_bsize_ffactor 16384 683 h_bsize_ffactor 32768 341 h_bsize_ffactor 32768 455 h_bsize_ffactor 32768 683 h_bsize_ffactor 65536 341 h_bsize_ffactor 65536 455 h_bsize_ffactor 65536 683 } # This tests 64K block size addition/removal atf_test_case four_char_hash four_char_hash_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "Checks hash database with 4 char key and" \ "value insert on a 65536 bucket size" } four_char_hash_body() { TMPDIR="$(pwd)/db_dir"; export TMPDIR mkdir ${TMPDIR} cat >in < 0; ) { s = sprintf("a%03d:%09d", i, kdsize); for (j = 0; j < kdsize-20; j++) { s = s "x"; } printf("p\nka%03d\nd%s\n", i, s); } print "o"; }' /dev/null > in sed -n 's/^d//p' in | sort > exp atf_check -o file:exp \ "$(prog_db)" -i psize=$psize btree in done done } # Extremely tricky test attempting to replicate some unusual database # corruption seen in the field: pieces of the database becoming # inaccessible to random access, sequential access, or both. The # hypothesis is that at least some of these are triggered by the bug # in page splits on index 0 with a particular exact keylen+datalen. # (See Test 40.) For psize=4096, this size is exactly 2024. # The order of operations here relies on very specific knowledge of # the internals of the btree access method in order to place records # at specific offsets in a page and to create certain keys on internal # pages. The to-be-split page immediately prior to the bug-triggering # split has the following properties: # # * is not the leftmost leaf page # * key on the parent page is compares less than the key of the item # on index 0 # * triggering record's key also compares greater than the key on the # parent page # Additionally, we prime the mpool LRU chain so that the head page on # the chain has the following properties: # # * record at index 0 is located where it will not get overwritten by # items written to the right-hand page during the split # * key of the record at index 0 compares less than the key of the # bug-triggering record # If the page-split bug exists, this test appears to create a database # where some records are inaccessible to a search, but still remain in # the file and are accessible by sequential traversal. At least one # record gets duplicated out of sequence. atf_test_case btree_tricky_page_split btree_tricky_page_split_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "btree: no unsearchables due to page split on index 0" } btree_tricky_page_split_body() { list=`(for i in a b c d; do for j in 990 998 999; do echo g ${i}${j} 1024 done done; echo g y997 2014 for i in y z; do for j in 998 999; do echo g ${i}${j} 1024 done done)` # Exact number for trigger condition accounts for newlines # retained by dbtest with -ofile but not without; we use # -ofile, so count newlines. keylen=5,datalen=5+2014 for # psize=4096 here. (cat - < in (echo "$list"; echo "$list") | awk '{ s = $2; for (i = 0; i < $3; i++) { s = s "x"; } print s; }' > exp atf_check -o file:exp \ "$(prog_db)" -i psize=4096 btree in } atf_test_case btree_recursive_traversal btree_recursive_traversal_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "btree: Test for recursive traversal successfully " \ "retrieving records that are inaccessible to normal " \ "sequential 'sibling-link' traversal. This works by " \ "unlinking a few leaf pages but leaving their parent " \ "links intact. To verify that the unlink actually makes " \ "records inaccessible, the test first uses 'o' to do a " \ "normal sequential traversal, followed by 'O' to do a " \ "recursive traversal." } btree_recursive_traversal_body() { fill="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzy" script='{ for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { printf("p\nkAA%05d\nd%05d%s\n", i, i, $0); } print "u"; print "u"; print "u"; print "u"; }' (echo $fill | awk "$script"; echo o) > in1 echo $fill | awk '{ for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { if (i >= 5 && i <= 40) continue; printf("%05d%s\n", i, $0); } }' > exp1 atf_check -o file:exp1 \ "$(prog_db)" -i psize=512 btree in1 echo $fill | awk '{ for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { printf("%05d%s\n", i, $0); } }' > exp2 (echo $fill | awk "$script"; echo O) > in2 atf_check -o file:exp2 \ "$(prog_db)" -i psize=512 btree in2 } atf_test_case btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_bksd btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_bksd_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "btree: big key, small data, byteswap unaligned access" } btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_bksd_body() { (echo foo; echo bar) | awk '{ s = $0 for (i = 0; i < 488; i++) { s = s "x"; } printf("p\nk%s\ndx\n", s); }' > in for order in 1234 4321; do atf_check \ "$(prog_db)" -o out -i psize=512,lorder=$order btree in done } atf_test_case btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_skbd btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_skbd_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "btree: small key, big data, byteswap unaligned access" } btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_skbd_body() { # 484 = 512 - 20 (header) - 7 ("foo1234") - 1 (newline) (echo foo1234; echo bar1234) | awk '{ s = $0 for (i = 0; i < 484; i++) { s = s "x"; } printf("p\nk%s\nd%s\n", $0, s); }' > in for order in 1234 4321; do atf_check \ "$(prog_db)" -o out -i psize=512,lorder=$order btree in done } atf_test_case btree_known_byte_order btree_known_byte_order_head() { atf_set "descr" \ "btree: small key, big data, known byte order" } btree_known_byte_order_body() { local a="-i psize=512,lorder=" (echo foo1234; echo bar1234) | awk '{ s = $0 for (i = 0; i < 484; i++) { s = s "x"; } printf("%s\n", s); }' > exp (echo foo1234; echo bar1234) | awk '{ s = $0 for (i = 0; i < 484; i++) { s = s "x"; } printf("p\nk%s\nd%s\n", $0, s); }' > in1 for order in 1234 4321; do atf_check \ "$(prog_db)" -f out.$order $a$order btree in1 done (echo g; echo kfoo1234; echo g; echo kbar1234) > in2 for order in 1234 4321; do atf_check -o file:exp \ "$(prog_db)" -s -f out.$order $a$order btree in2 done } atf_init_test_cases() { atf_add_test_case small_btree atf_add_test_case small_hash atf_add_test_case small_recno atf_add_test_case medium_btree atf_add_test_case medium_hash atf_add_test_case medium_recno atf_add_test_case big_btree atf_add_test_case big_hash atf_add_test_case big_recno atf_add_test_case random_recno atf_add_test_case reverse_recno atf_add_test_case alternate_recno atf_add_test_case delete_btree atf_add_test_case delete_recno atf_add_test_case repeated_btree atf_add_test_case repeated_hash atf_add_test_case duplicate_btree atf_add_test_case cursor_flags_btree atf_add_test_case cursor_flags_recno atf_add_test_case reverse_order_recno atf_add_test_case small_page_btree atf_add_test_case byte_orders_btree atf_add_test_case byte_orders_hash atf_add_test_case bsize_ffactor atf_add_test_case four_char_hash atf_add_test_case bsize_torture atf_add_test_case btree_weird_page_split atf_add_test_case btree_tricky_page_split atf_add_test_case btree_recursive_traversal atf_add_test_case btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_bksd atf_add_test_case btree_byteswap_unaligned_access_skbd atf_add_test_case btree_known_byte_order }