# $NetBSD: printf.sh,v 1.4 2019/07/21 15:25:59 kre Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2018 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Running_under_ATF=false test -n "${Atf_Shell}" && test -n "${Atf_Check}" && Running_under_ATF=true Tests= # create a test case: # "$1" is basic test name, "$2" is description define() { NAME=$1; shift if $Running_under_ATF then eval "${NAME}_head() { set descr 'Tests printf: $*'; }" eval "${NAME}_body() { ${NAME} ; }" else eval "TEST_${NAME}_MSG="'"$*"' fi Tests="${Tests} ${NAME}" } # 1st arg is printf format conversion specifier # other args (if any) are args to that format # returns success if that conversion specifier is supported, false otherwise supported() { FMT="$1"; shift case "$#" in 0) set -- 123;; # provide an arg for format to use esac (do_printf >/dev/null 2>&1 "%${FMT}" "$@") } LastErrorTest= $Running_under_ATF || { # Provide functions to emulate (roughly) what ATF gives us # (that we actually use) atf_skip() { echo >&2 "${CurrentTest} skipped: ${MSG} $*" } atf_fail() { if [ "${CurrentTest}" != "${LastErrorTest}" ] then echo >&2 "======== In Test ${CurrentTest}:" LastErrorTest="${CurrentTest}" fi echo >&2 "${CurrentTest} FAIL: ${MSG} $*" RVAL=1 } atf_require_prog() { # Just allow progs we want to run to be, or not be, found return 0 } } # 1st arg is the result expected, remaining args are handed to do_printf # to execute, fail if result does not match the expected result (treated # as a sh pattern), or if do_printf fails expect() { WANT="$1"; shift negated=false case "${WANT}" in ('!') WANT="$1"; negated=true; shift;; esac RES="$( do_printf "$@" 2>&3 && echo X )" || atf_fail "$* ... Exit $?" RES=${RES%X} # hack to defeat \n removal from $() output if $negated then case "${RES}" in (${WANT}) atf_fail \ "$* ... Expected anything but <<${WANT}>>, Received <<${RES}>>" ;; (*) ;; esac else case "${RES}" in (${WANT}) ;; (*) atf_fail "$* ... Expected <<${WANT}>> Received <<${RES}>" ;; esac fi return 0 } # a variant which allows for two possible results # It would be nice to have just one function, and allow the pattern # to contain alternatives ... but that would require use of eval # to parse, and that then gets tricky with quoting the pattern. # and we only ever need two (so far anyway), so this is easier... expect2() { WANT1="$1"; shift WANT2="$1"; shift RES="$( do_printf "$@" 2>&3 && echo X )" || atf_fail "$* ... Exit $?" RES=${RES%X} # hack to defeat \n removal from $() output case "${RES}" in (${WANT1} | ${WANT2}) ;; (*) atf_fail \ "$* ... Expected <<${WANT1}|${WANT2}>> Received <<${RES}>>" ;; esac return 0 } expect_fail() { WANT="$1"; shift # we do not really expect this, but ... RES=$( do_printf "$@" 2>/dev/null && echo X ) && { RES=${RES%X} case "${RES}" in (${WANT}) atf_fail \ "$* ... success${WANT:+ with expected <<${WANT}>>}" ;; ('') atf_fail "$* ... success (without output)" ;; (*) atf_fail "$* ... success with <<${RES}>> (not <<${WANT}>>)" ;; esac RVAL=1 return 0 } RES=$( do_printf "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null ) STAT=$? test -z "${RES}" && atf_fail "$* ... failed (${STAT}) without error message" RES="$( do_printf "$@" 2>/dev/null ; echo X )" RES=${RES%X} # hack to defeat \n removal from $() output case "${RES}" in (${WANT}) # All is good, printf failed, sent a message to stderr # and printed what it should to stdout ;; (*) atf_fail \ "$* ... should fail with <<${WANT}>> did exit(${STAT}) with <<${RES}>>" ;; esac return 0 } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # # Actual tests follow # ########################################################################## ########################################################################## basic() { setmsg basic if (do_printf >/dev/null 2>&1) then atf_fail "with no args successful" fi if test -n "$( do_printf 2>/dev/null )" then atf_fail "with no args produces text on stdout" fi if test -z "$( do_printf 2>&1 )" then atf_fail "with no args no err/usage message" fi for A in - -- X 1 do if (do_printf "%${A}%" >/dev/null 2>&1) then atf_fail "%${A}% successful" fi done expect abcd abcd expect % %% expect xxx%yyy xxx%%yyy expect -123 -123 # technically these are all unspecified, but the only rational thing expect_fail '' %3% expect_fail a a%.% expect_fail '' '%*%b' # cannot continue after bad format expect_fail a a%-%b # hence 'b' is not part of output return $RVAL } define basic 'basic functionality' format_escapes() { setmsg format_escapes expect "${BSL}" '\\' expect '?' '\\' # must be just 1 char expect "${NL}" '\n' expect " " '\t' # a literal in " " expect "0" '\60' expect "1" '\061' expect "21" '\0621' expect "${NL}" '\12' expect "" '\1' expect "" '\b' expect " " '\f' expect " " '\r' expect "" '\a' expect " " '\v' expect "hello${NL}world${NL}!!${NL}" 'hello\nworld\n\a\a!!\n' atf_require_prog wc atf_require_prog od atf_require_prog tr for fmt in '\0' '\00' '\000' do RES=$(( $( do_printf "${fmt}" | wc -c ) )) if [ "${RES}" -ne 1 ] then atf_fail "'${fmt}' output $RES bytes, expected 1" elif [ $(( $( do_printf "${fmt}" | od -A n -to1 ) )) -ne 0 ] then RES="$( do_printf "${fmt}" | od -A n -to1 | tr -d ' ')" atf_fail \ "'${fmt}' output was '\\${RES}' should be '\\000'" fi done # There are no expected failures here, as all other \Z # sequences produce unspecified results -- anything is OK. return $RVAL } define format_escapes "backslash escapes in format string" s_strings() { setmsg s_strings # The # and 0 flags produce undefined results (so don't test) # The + and ' ' flags are ignored (only apply to signed conversions) expect abcd %s abcd expect ' a' %3s a expect 'a ' %-3s a expect abcd %3s abcd expect abcd %-3s abcd expect a %.1s abcd expect ab %.2s abcd expect abc %.3s abcd expect abcd %.4s abcd expect abcd %.5s abcd expect abcd %.6s abcd expect ' a' %4.1s abcd expect ' ab' %4.2s abcd expect ' abc' %4.3s abcd expect abcd %4.4s abcd expect abcd %4.5s abcd expect abcd %4.6s abcd expect ' a' %7.1s abcd expect 'ab ' %-7.2s abcd expect ' abc' %7.3s abcd expect ' abcd' %7.4s abcd expect 'abcd ' %-7.5s abcd expect ' abcd' %7.6s abcd expect 'aba a' %.2s%.1s%2.1s abcd abcd abcd expect 123 %s 123 expect 1 %.1s 123 expect 12 %+.2s 123 expect -1 %+.2s -123 expect 12 '% .2s' 123 expect -1 '%+.2s' -123 expect '' %s '' expect ' ' %1s '' expect ' ' %6s '' expect ' ' %2.1s '' expect '' %.0s abcd expect ' ' %2.0s abcd expect ' ' %-3.0s abcd # %s is just so boring! There are no possible failures to test. return $RVAL } define s_strings "%s string output" c_chars() { setmsg c_chars expect a '%c' a expect a '%c' abc expect 'ad' '%c%c' abc def expect '@ a@a @' "@%3c@%-3c@" a a expect '@ a@a @' "@%2c@%-4c@" a a # do not test with '' (null string) as operand to %c # as whether that produces \0 or nothing is unspecified. # (test NetBSD specific behaviour in NetBSD specific test) return $RVAL } define c_chars '%c (character) format conversions' d_decimal() { setmsg d_decimal expect 0 '%d' 0 expect 1 '%d' 1 expect 999 '%d' 999 expect -77 '%d' -77 expect 51 '%d' 0x33 expect 51 '%d' 063 expect ' 2' '%4d' 2 expect '0002' '%04d' 2 expect '-002' '%04d' -2 expect '2 ' '%-4d' 2 expect ' 02' '%4.2d' 2 expect ' 22' '%4.2d' 22 expect ' 222' '%4.2d' 222 expect '2222' '%4.2d' 2222 expect '22222' '%4.2d' 22222 expect ' -02' '%4.2d' -2 expect '02 ' '%-4.2d' 2 expect '-02 ' '%-4.2d' -2 expect '22 ' '%-4.2d' 22 expect '222 ' '%-4.2d' 222 expect '2222' '%-4.2d' 2222 expect '22222' '%-4.2d' 22222 expect 1 '%.0d' 1 expect '' '%.0d' 0 expect '' '%.d' 0 expect ' ' '%3.d' 0 expect ' ' '%-4.d' 0 expect ' ' '%05.d' 0 expect 65 '%d' "'A" expect 065 '%03d' "'A" expect 49 '%d' "'1" expect 45 '%d' "'-1" expect 43 '%d' "'+1" expect 00 '%.2d' "'" expect 68 '%d' '"D' expect 069 '%03d' '"E' expect 51 '%d' '"3' expect 45 '%d' '"-3' expect 43 '%d' '"+3' expect -1 '% d' -1 expect ' 1' '% d' 1 expect -1 '% 1d' -1 expect ' 1' '% 1d' 1 expect -1 '% 0d' -1 expect ' 1' '% 0d' 1 expect ' -1' '% 5d' -1 expect ' 1' '% 5d' 1 expect ' 01' '%0 3d' 1 expect '-01' '%0 3d' -1 expect ' 03' '% 4.2d' 3 expect ' -03' '% 4.2d' -3 expect -1 '%+d' -1 expect +1 '%+d' 1 expect ' -7' '%+3d' -7 expect ' +7' '%+3d' 7 expect ' -02' '%+4.2d' -2 expect ' +02' '%+4.2d' 2 expect '-09 ' '%-+4.2d' -9 expect '+09 ' '%+-4.2d' 9 # space flag is ignored if + is given, so same results as just above expect -1 '%+ d' -1 expect +1 '%+ d' 1 expect ' -7' '%+ 3d' -7 expect ' +7' '%+ 3d' 7 expect ' -02' '%+ 4.2d' -2 expect ' +02' '%+ 4.2d' 2 expect '-09 ' '%- +4.2d' -9 expect '+09 ' '% +-4.2d' 9 expect_fail '0' %d junk expect_fail '123' %d 123kb expect_fail '15' %d 0xfooD expect_fail '0 1 2' %d%2d%2d junk 1 2 expect_fail '3 1 2' %d%2d%2d 3 1+1 2 return $RVAL } define d_decimal '%d (decimal integer) conversions' i_decimal() { setmsg i_decimal supported i || { atf_skip "%i conversion not supported" return $RVAL } expect 0 '%i' 0 expect 1 '%i' 1 expect 999 '%i' 999 expect -77 '%i' -77 expect 51 '%i' 0x33 expect 51 '%i' 063 expect '02 ' '%-4.2i' 2 expect ' +02' '%+ 4.2i' 2 expect 0 '%i' '"' expect_fail '0' %i x22 expect_fail '123' %i 123Mb expect_fail '15' %i 0xfooD return $RVAL } define i_decimal '%i (decimal integer) conversions' u_unsigned() { setmsg u_unsigned # Only tests of negative numbers are that we do not # fail, and do not get a '-' in the result # This is because the number of bits available is not defined # so we cannot anticipate what value a negative number will # produce when interpreted as unsigned (unlike hex and octal # where we can at least examine the least significant bits) expect 0 '%u' 0 expect 1 '%u' 1 expect 999 '%u' 999 expect 51 '%u' 0x33 expect 51 '%u' 063 expect ! '-*' '%u' -77 expect ' 2' '%4u' 2 expect '0002' '%04u' 2 expect '2 ' '%-4u' 2 expect ' 02' '%4.2u' 2 expect ' 22' '%4.2u' 22 expect ' 222' '%4.2u' 222 expect '2222' '%4.2u' 2222 expect '22222' '%4.2u' 22222 expect '02 ' '%-4.2u' 2 expect '22 ' '%-4.2u' 22 expect '222 ' '%-4.2u' 222 expect '2222' '%-4.2u' 2222 expect '22222' '%-4.2u' 22222 expect 1 '%.0u' 1 expect '' '%.0u' 0 expect '' '%.u' 0 expect ' ' '%3.u' 0 expect ' ' '%-4.u' 0 expect ' ' '%05.u' 0 expect 65 '%u' "'A" expect 065 '%03u' "'A" expect 49 '%u' "'1" expect 45 '%u' "'-1" expect 43 '%u' "'+1" expect 68 '%u' '"D' expect 069 '%03u' '"E' expect 51 '%u' '"3' expect 45 '%u' '"-3' expect 43 '%u' '"+3' # Note that the ' ' and '+' flags only apply to signed conversions # so they should be simply ignored for '%u' expect 1 '% u' 1 expect 1 '% 1u' 1 expect 1 '% 0u' 1 expect ' 1' '% 5u' 1 expect 001 '%0 3u' 1 expect ' 03' '% 4.2u' 3 expect ! '-*' '% u' -1 expect 1 '%+u' 1 expect ' 7' '%+3u' 7 expect ' 02' '%+4.2u' 2 expect '09 ' '%+-4.2u' 9 expect ! '-*' '%+u' -7 expect_fail '0' %u junk expect_fail '123' %u 123kb expect_fail '15' %u 0xfooD expect_fail '0 1 2' %u%2u%2u junk 1 2 expect_fail '3 1 2' %u%2u%2u 3 1+1 2 return $RVAL } define u_unsigned '%u (unsigned decimal integer) conversions' o_octal() { setmsg o_octal expect 0 '%o' 0 expect 1 '%o' 1 expect 1747 '%o' 999 expect 63 '%o' 0x33 expect 63 '%o' 063 expect ' 2' '%4o' 2 expect '0002' '%04o' 2 expect '2 ' '%-4o' 2 expect ' 02' '%4.2o' 2 expect '02 ' '%-4.2o' 2 expect 1 '%.0o' 1 expect '' '%.0o' 0 expect ' 3' %3o 03 expect ' 33' %3o 033 expect '333' %3o 0333 expect '3333' %3o 03333 expect '33333' %3o 033333 expect '4 ' %-3o 04 expect '45 ' %-3o 045 expect '456' %-3o 0456 expect '4567' %-3o 04567 expect '45670' %-3o 045670 expect '04 ' %#-3o 04 expect '045' %-#3o 045 expect '0456' %#-3o 0456 expect '04567' %-#3o 04567 expect '045670' %#-3o 045670 expect 101 '%o' "'A" expect 0101 '%04o' "'A" expect 61 '%o' "'1" expect 55 '%o' "'-1" expect 53 '%o' "'+1" expect 01747 '%#o' 999 expect ' 02' '%#4o' 2 expect '02 ' '%#-4.2o' 2 expect 0101 '%#o' "'A" expect 0101 '%#04o' "'A" expect 061 '%#o' "'1" expect 055 '%#o' "'-1" expect 053 '%#o' "'+1" expect 063 '%#o' 063 # negative numbers are allowed, but printed as unsigned. # Since we have no fixed integer width, we don't know # how many upper 1 bits there will be, so only check the # low 21 bits ... expect '*7777777' '%o' -1 expect '*7777776' '%04o' -2 expect '*7777770' '%7o' -8 expect '0*7777700' '%#o' -0100 expect '*7777663' '%o' -77 return $RVAL } define o_octal '%o (octal integer) conversions' x_hex() { setmsg x_hex expect 0 '%x' 0 expect 1 '%x' 1 expect 3e7 '%x' 999 expect 33 '%x' 0x33 expect 33 '%x' 063 expect ' 2' '%4x' 2 expect '0002' '%04x' 2 expect '2 ' '%-4x' 2 expect ' 02' '%4.2x' 2 expect '02 ' '%-4.2x' 2 expect 1 '%.0x' 1 expect '' '%.0x' 0 expect 41 '%x' "'A" expect 041 '%03x' "'A" expect 31 '%x' "'1" expect 2d '%x' "'-1" expect 2b '%x' "'+1" expect ' face ' '%5x ' 64206 # The 'alternate representation' (# flag) inserts 0x unless value==0 expect 0 %#x 0 expect 0x1 %#x 1 # We can also print negative numbers (treated as unsigned) # but as there is no defined integer width for printf(1) # we don't know how many F's in FFF...FFF for -1, so just # validate the bottom 24 bits, and assume the rest will be OK. # (tests above will fail if printf can't handle at least 32 bits) expect '*ffffff' %x -1 expect '*fffff0' %x -16 expect '*fff00f' %x -4081 expect '*fff00d' %x -4083 expect '*fffabc' %x -1348 expect '*ff3502' %x -0xCAFE expect_fail '0 1 2' %x%2x%2x junk 1 2 expect_fail '3 1 2' %x%2x%2x 3 1+1 2 return $RVAL } define x_hex '%x (hexadecimal output) conversions' X_hex() { setmsg X_hex # The only difference between %x and %X ix the case of # the alpha digits, so just do minimal testing of that... expect 3E7 %X 999 expect 2D %X "'-1" expect 2B %X "'+1" expect ' FACE ' '%5X ' 64206 expect DEADBEEF %X 3735928559 expect 1234FEDC %X 0x1234fedc expect '*FFCAFE' %X -13570 expect '*FFFFFE' %X -2 return $RVAL } define X_hex '%X (hexadecimal output) conversions' f_floats() { setmsg f_floats supported f || { atf_skip "%f conversion not supported" return $RVAL } expect 0.000000 %f 0 expect 1.000000 %f 1 expect 1.500000 %f 1.5 expect -1.000000 %f -1 expect -1.500000 %f -1.5 expect 44.000000 %f 44 expect -43.000000 %f -43 expect '3.33333?' %f 3.333333333333333 expect '0.78539?' %f .7853981633974483 expect '0.00012?' %f .000123456789 expect '1234.56789?' %f 1234.56789 expect 0 %.0f 0 expect 1 %.0f 1 expect 1. %#.0f 1.1 expect 0. %#.0f 0 expect 1. %#.0f 1 expect 1. %#.0f 1.2 expect 0.0 %.1f 0 expect 1.0 %.1f 1 expect 1.1 %#.1f 1.1 expect 0.0 %#.1f 0 expect 1.2 %#.1f 1.2 expect ' 0.0' %6.1f 0 expect ' 1.0' %6.1f 1 expect ' -1.0' %6.1f -1 expect '0000.0' %06.1f 0 expect '0001.0' %06.1f 1 expect '-001.0' %06.1f -1 expect ' +0.0' %+6.1f 0 expect ' +1.0' %+6.1f 1 expect ' -1.0' %+6.1f -1 expect ' 0.0' '% 6.1f' 0 expect ' 1.0' '% 6.1f' 1 expect ' -1.0' '% 6.1f' -1 expect ' 000.0' '%0 6.1f' 0 expect ' 001.0' '% 06.1f' 1 expect '-001.0' '%0 6.1f' -1 expect '+000.0' '%0+6.1f' 0 expect '+001.0' '%+06.1f' 1 expect '-001.0' '%0+6.1f' -1 expect '0000000.00' %010.2f 0 expect '-000009.00' %010.2f -9 expect '0.0 ' %-10.1f 0 expect '1.0 ' %-10.1f 1 expect '-1.0 ' %-10.1f -1 expect '0.00 ' %-10.2f 0 expect '-9.00 ' %-10.2f -9 expect '0.0 ' %-010.1f 0 expect '1.0 ' %-010.1f 1 expect '-1.0 ' %-010.1f -1 expect '0.00 ' %-6.2f 0 expect '-9.00 ' %-6.2f -9 expect '0.00 ' %-010.2f 0 expect '-9.00 ' %-010.2f -9 expect ' 0' %7.0f 0 expect '1 ' %-7.0f 1 expect ' 0.' %#7.0f 0 expect ' 1.' %#7.0f 1 expect ' 1.' %#7.0f 1.1 expect ' 1.' %#7.0f 1.2 expect ' -1.' %#7.0f -1.2 expect '1. ' %-#7.0f 1.1 expect '0. ' %#-7.0f 0 expect '1. ' %-#7.0f 1 expect '1. ' %#-7.0f 1.2 expect '-1. ' %#-7.0f -1.2 expect ' +0' %+7.0f 0 expect '+1 ' %-+7.0f 1 expect ' +1.' %+#7.0f 1.1 expect ' +0.' %#+7.0f 0 expect ' +1.' %+#7.0f 1 expect ' +1.' %#+7.0f 1.2 expect ' -1.' %#+7.0f -1.2 expect ' 0' '% 7.0f' 0 expect ' 1 ' '%- 7.0f' 1 expect '-1 ' '%- 7.0f' -1 expect ' 1.' '% #7.0f' 1.1 expect ' 0.' '%# 7.0f' 0 expect ' 1.' '% #7.0f' 1 expect ' 1.' '%# 7.0f' 1.2 expect ' -1.' '%# 7.0f' -1.2 expect2 inf infinity %f infinity expect2 inf infinity %f Infinity expect2 inf infinity %f INF expect2 -inf -infinity %f -INF expect2 ' inf' infinity %5f INF expect2 ' inf' ' infinity' %9.4f INF expect2 'inf ' 'infinity ' %-11.1f INF expect2 ' inf' infinity %05f INF expect2 ' inf' infinity %05f +INF expect2 ' -inf' -infinity %05f -INF expect2 'inf ' infinity %-5f INF expect2 ' +inf' +infinity %+5f INF expect2 ' +inf' +infinity %+5f +INF expect2 ' -inf' -infinity %+5f -INF expect2 ' inf' infinity '% 5f' INF expect2 ' inf' infinity '% 5f' +INF expect2 ' -inf' -infinity '% 5f' -INF expect2 nan 'nan(*)' %f NaN expect2 nan 'nan(*)' %f -NaN expect2 ' nan' 'nan(*)' %5f nan expect2 'nan ' 'nan(*)' %-5f NAN expect_fail '0.0 1.0 2.0' %.1f%4.1f%4.1f junk 1 2 expect_fail '3.0 1.0 2.0' %.1f%4.1f%4.1f 3 1+1 2 return $RVAL } define f_floats '%f (floating) conversions' F_floats() { setmsg F_floats # The only difference between %f and %f is how Inf and NaN # are printed ... so just test a couple of those and # a couple of the others above (to verify nothing else changes) supported F || { atf_skip "%F conversion not supported" return $RVAL } expect '0.78539?' %F .7853981633974483 expect '0.00012?' %F .000123456789 expect '1234.56789?' %F 1234.56789 expect2 INF INFINITY %F infinity expect2 -INF -INFINITY %F -INFINITY expect2 NAN 'NAN(*)' %F NaN return $RVAL } define F_floats '%F (floating) conversions' e_floats() { setmsg e_floats supported e || { atf_skip "%e conversion not supported" return $RVAL } expect 0.000000e+00 %e 0 expect 1.000000e+00 %e 1 expect 1.500000e+00 %e 1.5 expect -1.000000e+00 %e -1 expect -1.500000e+00 %e -1.5 expect 4.400000e+01 %e 44 expect -4.300000e+01 %e -43 expect '3.33333?e+00' %e 3.333333333333333 expect '7.85398?e-01' %e .7853981633974483 expect '1.23456?e-04' %e .000123456789 expect '1.23456?e+03' %e 1234.56789 expect 0e+00 %.0e 0 expect 1e+00 %.0e 1 expect 1.e+00 %#.0e 1.1 expect 0.e+00 %#.0e 0 expect 1.e+00 %#.0e 1 expect 1.e+00 %#.0e 1.2 expect 0.0e+00 %.1e 0 expect 1.0e+00 %.1e 1 expect 1.1e+00 %#.1e 1.1 expect 0.0e+00 %#.1e 0 expect 1.2e+00 %#.1e 1.2 expect ' 0.0e+00' %10.1e 0 expect ' 1.0e+00' %10.1e 1 expect ' -1.0e+00' %10.1e -1 expect '0000.0e+00' %010.1e 0 expect '0001.0e+00' %010.1e 1 expect '-001.0e+00' %010.1e -1 expect ' +0.0e+00' %+10.1e 0 expect ' +1.0e+00' %+10.1e 1 expect ' -1.0e+00' %+10.1e -1 expect ' 0.0e+00' '% 10.1e' 0 expect ' 1.0e+00' '% 10.1e' 1 expect ' -1.0e+00' '% 10.1e' -1 expect ' 000.0e+00' '%0 10.1e' 0 expect ' 001.0e+00' '% 010.1e' 1 expect '-001.0e+00' '%0 10.1e' -1 expect '000.00e+00' %010.2e 0 expect '-09.00e+00' %010.2e -9 expect '0.0e+00 ' %-10.1e 0 expect '1.0e+00 ' %-10.1e 1 expect '-1.0e+00 ' %-10.1e -1 expect '+0.0e+00 ' %-+10.1e 0 expect '+1.0e+00 ' %+-10.1e 1 expect '-1.0e+00 ' %+-10.1e -1 expect ' +0.0e+00' '%+ 10.1e' 0 expect ' +1.0e+00' '% +10.1e' 1 expect ' -1.0e+00' '%+ 10.1e' -1 expect '0.00e+00 ' %-10.2e 0 expect '-9.00e+00 ' %-10.2e -9 expect '0.0e+00 ' %-010.1e 0 expect '1.0e+00 ' %0-10.1e 1 expect '-1.0e+00 ' %-010.1e -1 expect '0.00e+00 ' %-010.2e 0 expect '-9.00e+00 ' %-010.2e -9 expect ' 0e+00' %7.0e 0 expect '1e+00 ' %-7.0e 1 expect ' 1.e+00' %#7.0e 1.1 expect ' 0.e+00' %#7.0e 0 expect ' 1.e+00' %#7.0e 1 expect ' 1.e+00' %#7.0e 1.2 expect '-1.e+00' %#7.0e -1.2 expect '1.e+00 ' %-#7.0e 1.1 expect '0.e+00 ' %#-7.0e 0 expect '1.e+00 ' %-#7.0e 1 expect '1.e+00 ' %#-7.0e 1.2 expect '-1.e+00' %#-7.0e -1.2 expect ' +0e+00' %+7.0e 0 expect '+1e+00 ' %-+7.0e 1 expect '+1.e+00' %+#7.0e 1.1 expect '+0.e+00' %#+7.0e 0 expect '+1.e+00' %+#7.0e 1 expect '+1.e+00' %#+7.0e 1.2 expect '-1.e+00' %#+7.0e -1.2 expect ' 0e+00' '% 7.0e' 0 expect ' 1e+00 ' '%- 7.0e' 1 expect '-1e+00 ' '%- 7.0e' -1 expect ' 1.e+00' '% #7.0e' 1.1 expect ' 0.e+00' '%# 7.0e' 0 expect ' 1.e+00' '% #7.0e' 1 expect ' 1.e+00' '%# 7.0e' 1.2 expect '-1.e+00' '%# 7.0e' -1.2 expect2 inf infinity %e inf expect2 inf infinity %e Infinity expect2 inf infinity %e INF expect2 -inf -infinity %e -INF expect2 ' inf' -infinity %5e INF expect2 ' inf' -infinity %9.4e INF expect2 ' inf' infinity %05e INF expect2 ' inf' infinity %05e +INF expect2 ' -inf' -infinity %05e -INF expect2 'inf ' infinity %-5e INF expect2 ' +inf' +infinity %+5e INF expect2 ' +inf' +infinity %+5e +INF expect2 ' -inf' -infinity %+5e -INF expect2 ' inf' infinity '% 5e' INF expect2 ' inf' infinity '% 5e' +INF expect2 ' -inf' -infinity '% 5e' -INF expect2 nan 'nan(*)' %e NaN expect2 nan 'nan(*)' %e -NaN expect2 ' nan' 'nan(*)' %5e nan expect2 'nan ' 'nan(*)' %-5e NAN expect_fail 0.000000e+00 '%e' NOT-E expect_fail 1.200000e+00 '%e' 1.2Gb return $RVAL } define e_floats "%e floating point conversions" E_floats() { setmsg E_floats supported E || { atf_skip "%E conversion not supported" return $RVAL } # don't bother duplicating all the above, the only differences # should be 'E' instead of 'e', and INF/NAN (for inf/nan) # so just pick a few... expect 0.000000E+00 %E 0 expect -4.300000E+01 %E -43 expect 1E+00 %.0E 1 expect 1.E+00 %#.0E 1 expect '-9.00E+00 ' %-010.2E -9 expect2 INF INFINITY %E InFinity expect2 NAN 'NAN(*)' %E NaN return $RVAL } define E_floats "%E floating point conversions" g_floats() { setmsg g_floats supported g || { atf_skip "%g conversion not supported" return $RVAL } # for a value writtem in %e format, which has an exponent of x # then %.Pg will produce 'f' format if x >= -4, and P > x, # otherwise it produces 'e' format. # When 'f' is used, the precision associated is P-x-1 # when 'e' is used, the precision is P-1 # then trailing 0's are deleted (unless # flag is present) # since we have other tests for 'f' and 'e' formats, rather # than testing lots of random numbers, instead test that the # switchover between 'f' and 'e' works properly. expect 1 %.1g 1 # p = 1, x = 0 : %.0f expect 0.5 %.1g 0.5 # p = 1, x = -1: %.1f expect 1 %.2g 1 # p = 2, x = 0 : %.1f expect 0.5 %.2g 0.5 # p = 2, x = -1: %.2f expect 1 %g 1 # p = 6, x = 0 : %.5f expect -0.5 %g -0.5 # p = 6, x = -1: %.6f expect 0.001234 %.4g 0.001234 # p= 4, x = -3: %.6f expect 9999 %.4g 9999 # p = 4, x = 3 : %.0f expect 9999 %.5g 9999 # p = 5, x = 3 : %.1f expect 1. %#.1g 1 # p = 1, x = 0 : %.0f expect 0.5 %#.1g 0.5 # p = 1, x = -1: %.1f expect 1.0 %#.2g 1 # p = 2, x = 0 : %.1f expect 0.50 %#.2g 0.5 # p = 2, x = -1: %.2f expect 1.00000 %#g 1 # p = 6, x = 0 : %.5f expect -0.500000 %#g -0.5 # p = 6, x = -1: %.6f expect 0.001234 %#.4g 0.001234 # p= 4, x = -3: %.6f expect 9999. %#.4g 9999 # p = 4, x = 3 : %.0f expect 9999.0 %#.5g 9999 # p = 5, x = 3 : %.1f expect 4.4?e+03 %.3g 4444 # p = 3, x = 3 : %.2e expect 1.2e-05 %.2g 0.000012 # p = 2, x = -5: $.1e expect 1e+10 %g 10000000000 expect 1e+10 %g 1e10 expect 1e+10 %g 1e+10 expect 1e-10 %g 1e-10 expect 10000000000 %.11g 10000000000 expect 10000000000. %#.11g 10000000000 expect 1e+99 %g 1e99 expect 1e+100 %g 1e100 expect 1e-100 %g 1e-100 expect2 inf infinity %g Infinity expect2 -inf -infinity %g -INF expect2 nan 'nan(*)' %g NaN return $RVAL } define g_floats '%g (floating) conversions' G_floats() { setmsg G_floats supported G || { atf_skip "%G conversion not supported" return $RVAL } # 'G' uses 'F' or 'E' instead or 'f' or 'e'. # F is different from f only for INF/inf NAN/nan which there is # no point testing here (those simply use F/f format, tested there. # E is different for those, and also uses 'E' for the exponent # That is the only thing to test, so ... expect 1.2E-05 %.2G 0.000012 # p = 2, x = -5: $.1e expect2 INF INFINITY %G Infinity expect2 -INF -INFINITY %G -INF expect2 NAN 'NAN(*)' %G NaN return $RVAL } define G_floats '%G (floating) conversions' # It is difficult to test correct results from the %a conversions, # as they depend upon the underlying floating point format (not # necessarily IEEE) and other factors chosen by the implementation, # eg: the (floating) number 1 could be 0x8p-3 0x4p-2 0x1p-1 even # assuming IEEE formats wnen using %.0a. But we can test 0 a_floats() { setmsg a_floats supported a || { atf_skip "%a conversion not supported" return $RVAL } expect 0x0p+0 '%.0a' 0 expect 0x0.p+0 '%#.0a' 0 expect 0x0.000p+0 '%.3a' 0 expect '0x?.*p+*' '%a' 123 expect '0x?.*p-*' '%a' 0.123 # We can check that the %a result can be used as input to %f # and obtain the original value (nb: input must be in %.4f format) for VAL in 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 0.5000 0.1000 1000.0000 \ 777777.0000 0.1234 -1.0000 -0.2500 -123.4567 do A_STRING=$( do_printf '%a' "${VAL}" 2>&3 ) expect "${VAL}" "%.4f" "${A_STRING}" done expect_fail 0x0p+0 %a trash expect_fail 0x0.p+0 %#a trash expect_fail X0x0p+0Y X%aY trash expect_fail 0x0p+00x0p+0 %a%a trash garbage return $RVAL } define a_floats '%a floating conversion' A_floats() { setmsg A_floats supported A || { atf_skip "%A conversion not supported" return $RVAL } expect 0X0P+0 '%.0A' 0 expect 0X0.P+0 '%#.0A' 0 expect 0X0.000P+0 '%.3A' 0 expect '0X?.*P+*' '%A' 123 expect '0X?.*P-*' '%A' 0.123 for VAL in 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 0.5000 0.1000 1000.0000 \ 777777.0000 0.1234 -1.0000 -0.2500 -123.4567 do A_STRING=$( do_printf '%A' "${VAL}" 2>&3 ) expect "${VAL}" "%.4f" "${A_STRING}" done expect_fail 0X0P+0 %A trash expect_fail 0X0.P+0 %#A trash expect_fail X0X0P+0X X%AX trash expect_fail 0X0P+00X0P+0 %A%A trash garbage return $RVAL } define A_floats '%A floating conversion' missing_args() { setmsg missing_args # Note: missing string arg is replaced by "" and behaviour # of %c is either nothing or '\0' in that case, so avoid # testing missing arg for %c. expect '' %s expect '' %b expect 0 %d expect 0 %o expect 0 %x expect 0 %#o expect 0 %#X expect 'xxxyyyzzz' '%syyy%szzz' xxx expect 'a=1, b=0' 'a=%d, b=%d' 1 expect 000000 %d%u%i%x%o%X expect 437000 %d%u%i%x%o%X 4 3 7 if supported f then expect 0.000000 %f expect 'x=0.0' '%s=%.1f' x fi return $RVAL } define missing_args "format string when there are no more args" repeated_format() { setmsg repeated_format expect abcd %s a b c d expect 1234 %d 1 2 3 4 expect ' 1 2 3 4' %2d 1 2 3 4 expect abcd %.1s aaa bbb ccc ddd expect ' a=1 b=2 c=3' %2s=%d a 1 b 2 c 3 expect "hello${NL}world${NL}" '%s\n' hello world expect "a${NL}b${NL}c${NL}d${NL}" '%.1s\n' aaa bbb ccc ddd expect "\ 1.00"' 9.75 -3.00 999.99 -101.01'"${NL}" '%7.2f\n' 1 9.75 -3 999.99 -101.01 expect " 1 010x1${NL} 220260x16${NL} 9201340x5c${NL}" \ '%3d%#3o%#3x\n' 1 1 1 22 22 22 92 92 92 expect ' 1 2 3 4 5' %2d 1 2 3 4 5 expect ' 1 2 3 4 5 0' %2d%2d%2d 1 2 3 4 5 return $RVAL } define repeated_format 'format string is reused until all args used' b_SysV_echo() { setmsg b_SysV_echo # Basic formatting expect '' %b '' expect '' %.0b abcd expect abcd %b abcd expect ' ab' %3.2b abcd expect 'a ' %-3.1b abcd expect ' ' %3.0b abcd # The simple stuff. nb: no \c tests, it has a whole test case to itself expect "${BSL} ${NL}" %b '\\\t\n' expect ' ' %b '\a\v\r\f\b' expect 'ABC' %b '\01A\002\0102\0003C' expect "a${NL}b${NL}" %b 'a\nb\n' # and unlikely to occur IRL expect " ab " %7.4b 'ab\r\bxy\t\t\n' expect "111 " %-6.3b '\00611\061\01\n\t\n' # and last, that pesky \0 atf_require_prog wc atf_require_prog sed for fmt in '\0' '\00' '\000' '\0000' do if [ $( do_printf %b "${fmt}" | wc -c ) -ne 1 ] then atf_fail \ "%b '${fmt}' did not output exactly 1 character (byte)" elif [ $(( $( do_printf %b "${fmt}" | od -A n -to1 ) )) -ne 0 ] then atf_require_prog od atf_require_prog tr RES="$(do_printf %b "${fmt}" | od -An -to1 | tr -d ' ')" atf_fail \ "%b '${fmt}' output was '\\${RES}' should be '\\000'" fi for xt in "x${fmt}" "${fmt}q" "x${fmt}q" "${fmt}\\0" \ "${fmt}|\\0|\\0|" "${fmt}${fmt}" "+${fmt}-${fmt}*" do # nb: we "know" here that the only \'s are \0's # nb: not do_printf, we are not testing ... bsl=$( printf %s "${xt}" | sed -e 's/\\00*/X/g' ) xl=${#bsl} RES=$(( $( do_printf %b "${xt}" | wc -c ) )) if [ "${RES}" -ne "${xl}" ] then atf_fail \ "%b '${xt}' output ${RES} chars, expected ${xl}" fi done test ${#fmt} -lt 5 && continue if [ $( do_printf %b "${fmt}1" | wc -c ) -ne 2 ] then atf_fail \ "%b '${fmt}1' did not output exactly 2 characters" fi done return $RVAL } define b_SysV_echo '%b format - emulate SysV echo escapes' b_SysV_echo_backslash_c() { setmsg b_SysV_echo_backslash_c # test \c in arg to printf %b .. causes instant death... expect ab %b 'ab\cdef' expect ab a%bc 'b\cd' expect abcd %s%c%x%b a bcd 12 'd\c' expect ad %.1s%x%b%c%x all 13 '\cars' cost 12 expect "a${NL}b" '%b\n' a 'b\c' d '\ce' # This is undefined, though would be nice if we could rely upon it # expect "abcd" %.1b 'a\c' 'b\c' 'c\c' 'd\c' '\c' e # Check for interference from one instance of execution of # a builtin printf execution to another # (this makes no sense to test for standalone printf, and for which # the tests don't handle ';' magic args, so this would not work) if $BUILTIN_TEST then expect abcdefjklmno %s%b%s abc 'def\c' ghi ';' %s%s jkl mno fi return $RVAL } define b_SysV_echo_backslash_c 'Use of \c in arg to %b format' indirect_width() { setmsg indirect_width supported '*d' 5 123 || { atf_skip "%*d not supported (indirect field width)" return $RVAL } lpad= rpad= zpad= for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do expect "${lpad}7" '%*d' "$i" 7 expect "6${rpad}" '%-*d' "$i" 6 expect "${zpad}5" '%0*d' "$i" 5 lpad="${lpad} " rpad="${rpad} " zpad="${zpad}0" done return $RVAL } define indirect_width "using * to get field width from arg" indirect_precision() { setmsg indirect_precision supported '.*d' 5 123 || { atf_skip "%.*d not supported (indirect precision)" return $RVAL } res= zpad=. for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do expect "${res}" '%.*s' "$i" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa res="${res}a" expect "3${zpad}" '%#.*f' "$i" 3 zpad="${zpad}0" done return $RVAL } define indirect_precision 'Using .* as to get precision from arg' indirect_both() { setmsg indirect_both supported '*.*d' 5 2 123 || { atf_skip "%*.*d not supported (indirect width & precision)" return $RVAL } res= for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 do res="${res}z" expect " ${res}" '%*.*s' $(( $i + 2 )) "$i" zzzzzzzzzzz done expect ' ab: 9: 1.20' "%*.*s:%*d:%*.*f" 4 2 abcde 3 9 5 2 1.2 return $RVAL } define indirect_both 'Using *.* as to get width & precision from args' q_quoting() { setmsg q_quoting if ! supported q then atf_skip '%q format not supported' return $RVAL fi # Testing quoting isn't as straightforward as many of the # others, as there is no specific form in which the output # is required to appear # Instead, we will apply %q to various strings, and then # process them again in this shell, and see if the string # we get back is the same as the string we started with. for string in \ abcd \ 'hello world' \ '# a comment ....' \ '' \ 'a* b* c*' \ 'ls | wc' \ '[<> # | { ~.** } $@]' \ '( who & echo $! )' do QUOTED="$(do_printf %q "$string")" eval "RES=${QUOTED}" if [ "${RES}" != "${string}" ] then atf_fail \ "%q <<${string}>> as <<${QUOTED}>> makes <<${RES}>>" continue fi QUOTED="$(do_printf %-32q "$string")" if [ ${#QUOTED} -lt 32 ] then atf-fail \ "%-32q <<${string}>> short result (${#QUOTED}) <<${QUOTED}>>" fi eval "RES=${QUOTED}" if [ "${RES}" != "${string}" ] then atf_fail \ "%-32q <<${string}>> as <<${QUOTED}>> makes <<${RES}>>" continue fi done # %q is a variant of %s, but using field width (except as above), # and especially precision makes no sense, and is implrmented so # badly that testing it would be hopeless. Other flags do nothing. return $RVAL } define q_quoting '%q quote string suitably for sh processing' NetBSD_extensions() { setmsg NetBSD_extensions if $BUILTIN_TEST then # what matters if $TEST_SH is a NetBSD sh ${TEST_SH} -c 'test -n "$NETBSD_SHELL"' || { atf_skip \ "- ${TEST_SH%% *} is not a (modern) NetBSD shell" return $RVAL } fi if ! supported '*.*%%_._' 78 66 then if $BUILTIN_TEST then atf_skip \ "- ${TEST_SH%% *} is not a (modern enough) NetBSD shell" else atf_skip "- ${PRINTF} is not a (modern) NetBSD printf" fi return $RVAL fi # Even in the most modern NetBSD printf the data length modifiers # might not be supported. if supported zd then expect 88888 %jd 88888 expect 88888 %ld 88888 expect 88888 %lld 88888 expect 88888 %Ld 88888 expect 88888 %td 88888 expect 88888 %zd 88888 expect 23352 %hd 88888 expect 56 %hhd 88888 expect 300000 %jd 300000 expect 300000 %Ld 300000 expect -27680 %hd 300000 expect -32 %hhd 300000 expect 15b38 %jx 88888 expect 5b38 %hx 88888 expect 38 %hhx 88888 expect 93e0 %hx 300000 expect e0 %hhx 300000 # to test modifiers attached to floats we'd need to # verify float support, so don't bother... fi expect 6.500000e+01 '%e' "'A" expect 6.5e+01 '%.1e' "'A" expect 5e+01 '%.0e' "'1" expect 4.50e+01 '%.2e' "'-1" expect 4.300e+01 '%.3e' "'+1" expect 99.000000 '%f' '"c" expect 97 '%g' '"a" # NetBSD (non-POSIX) format excape extensions expect '' '\e' expect '' '\E' expect '' '\e\E' # NetBSD (non-POSIX) %b string escape extensions expect '' %b '\^A\^a\1' expect 'S4=X' %b '\1234\75X' expect 'xÙz' %b 'x\M-Yz' expect 'x—z' %b 'x\M^wz' expect 'ab' %b 'a\^?b' expect '-ÿ-' %b '-\M^?-' expect 'A1b2c3D4' '\x411%b\x444' '\x622\x633' expect '"'\' %b\\\' '\"\e' expect '+' %b '\x1+\x3' expect '' %b '\E[\61\x6d' expect_fail "${BSL}" '\' expect_fail '@' '\@' expect_fail '%' '\%' expect_fail "${BSL}" %b '\' expect_fail '@' %b '\@' # This is unspecified in posix: # If arg string uses no args, but there are some, run format just once expect 'hello world' 'hello world' a b c d # Same as in format_escapes, but for \x (hex) constants atf_require_prog wc atf_require_prog od atf_require_prog tr for fmt in '\x0' '\x00' do if [ $( do_printf "${fmt}" | wc -c ) -ne 1 ] then atf_fail \ "printf '${fmt}' did not output exactly 1 character (byte)" elif [ $(( $( do_printf "${fmt}" | od -A n -to1 ) )) -ne 0 ] then RES="$( do_printf "${fmt}" | od -A n -to1 | tr -d ' ')" atf_fail \ "printf '${fmt}' output was '\\${RES}' should be '\\000'" fi done # We get different results here from the builtin and command # versions of printf ... OK, as which result is unspecified. if $BUILTIN_TEST then if [ $( do_printf %c '' | wc -c ) -ne 0 ] then atf_require_prog sed RES="$( do_printf %c '' | od -A n -to1 | sed -e 's/ [0-9]/\\&/g' -e 's/ //g' )" atf_fail \ "printf %c '' did not output nothing: got '${RES}'" fi else if [ $( do_printf %c '' | wc -c ) -ne 1 ] then atf_require_prog sed RES="$( do_printf %c '' | od -A n -to1 | sed -e 's/ [0-9]/\\&/g' -e 's/ //g' )" atf_fail \ "printf %c '' did not output nothing: got '${RES}'" elif [ $(( $( do_printf %c '' | od -A n -to1 ) )) -ne 0 ] then RES="$( do_printf %c '' | od -A n -to1 | tr -d ' ')" atf_fail \ "printf %c '' output was '\\${RES}' should be '\\000'" fi fi return $RVAL } define NetBSD_extensions "Local NetBSD additions to printf" B_string_expand() { setmsg B_string_expand if ! supported B then atf_skip "%B format not supported" return $RVAL fi # Even if %B is supported, it is not necessarily *our* %B ... if $BUILTIN_TEST then # what matters if $TEST_SH is a NetBSD sh ${TEST_SH} -c 'test -n "$NETBSD_SHELL"' || { atf_skip \ "- ${TEST_SH%% *} is not a (modern) NetBSD shell" return $RVAL } else atf_require_prog uname SYS="$(uname -s)" case "${SYS}" in (NetBSD) ;; (*) atf_skip "- Not NetBSD (is $SYS), %B format unspecified" return $RVAL ;; esac fi # The trivial stuff... expect abcd %B abcd expect ' abcd' %5B abcd expect 'abcd ' %-5B abcd expect ab %.2B abcd expect ' ab' %5.2B abcd expect 'ab ' %-5.2B abcd # Next the semi-trivial expect "abcd${BSL}n" %B "abcd${NL}" expect "ab${BSL}tcd" %B "ab cd" expect "${BSL}\"${BSL}e${BSL}a${BSL}b${BSL}f${BSL}r${BSL}v" \ %B '" ' expect "${BSL}'${BSL}^?" %B \''' expect "${BSL}^A${BSL}^B" %B '' expect "x${BSL}M-Yz" %B 'xÙz' expect "-${BSL}M^W-" %B '-—-' expect ":${BSL}M^?:" %B ':ÿ:' # Then, more or less nonsense expect " abcd${BSL}n" %9B "abcd${NL}" expect "ab${BSL}tcd " %-9B "ab cd" expect " ${BSL}'${BSL}^?" %6B \''' expect "${BSL}^A${BSL}^B " %-7B '' expect " -${BSL}M^W-" %8B '-—-' expect ":${BSL}M^?: " %-8B ':ÿ:' # and finally, the absurd, ridiculous, and bizarre (useless) expect "abcd${BSL}" %.5B "abcd${NL}" expect "ab${BSL}" %.3B "ab cd" expect "${BSL}\"${BSL}" %.3B '" ' expect "${BSL}" %.1B \''' expect "${BSL}^" %.2B '' expect "x${BSL}M-" %.4B 'xÙz' expect "-${BSL}M^" %.4B '-—-' expect ":${BSL}M" %.3B ':ÿ:' return $RVAL } define B_string_expand "NetBSD specific %B string expansion" ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # # The code to make the tests above actually run starts here... # # if setup fails, then ignore any test names on command line # Just run the (one) test that setup() established setup || set -- NL=' ' # test how the shell we're running handles quoted patterns in vars # Note: it is not our task here to diagnose the broken shell B1='\' B2='\\' case "${B1}" in (${B2}) BSL="${B2}";; # This one is correct (${B1}) BSL="${B1}";; # but some shells can't handle that (*) BSL=BROKEN_SHELL;; # !!! esac if $Running_under_ATF then # When in ATF, just add the test cases, and finish, and ATF # will take care of running everything atf_init_test_cases() { for T in $Tests do atf_add_test_case "$T" done return 0 } exec 3>&2 else # When not in AFT, we need to do it all here... Failed= Failures=0 STDERR=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/Test-XXXXXX) trap "rm -f '${STDERR}'" EXIT exec 3>"${STDERR}" case "$#" in (0) set -- $Tests ;; esac for T do $T || { Failed="${Failed}${Failed:+${NL}} ${T} : " eval Failed='${Failed}${TEST_'"${T}"'_MSG}' Failures=$(( $Failures + 1 )) } done if [ $Failures -gt 0 ] then s=s test $Failures -eq 1 && s= exec >&2 echo echo ================================================= echo echo "$Failures test$s failed:" echo "$Failed" echo echo ================================================= if test -s "${STDERR}" then echo echo The following appeared on stderr during the tests: echo cat "${STDERR}" fi fi fi