Consider these tools as COMPLETELY untested. They were put together rather quickly. No warranty whatsoever. I used Zoularis and 1.5 sources to build them plus some quick hacking. ftp seems to function normally and pkg_info will list information from a package. Untar in /usr/local/ and put /usr/local/bsd/bin in your path (probably at the beginning if you are doing NetBSD things). Use rdh6.2 binaries on Red Hat 6 systems. They may work on Red Hat 7 with the correct compatibility libraries. deb2.2 binaries are the same as Red Hat 6 except that the ftp binary is replaced with a Debian port of lukemftp (seemed to be an issue with termcap). rdh5.0 for Red Hat 5.0 supplied by David Brownlee. Chris Pinnock 26/5/2001