DEBUG = 0; $this->details[0] = -1; $this->details[1] = -1; } function getsmall_image($member_id) { if ($this->getMetaImage($member_id,"small") == -1 ) { if ($this->DEBUG) {echo "Error retrieving image details for member $_member_id.";} } return $this->details; } function getlarge_image($member_id) { if ($this->getMetaImage($member_id,"large") == -1 ) { if ($this->DEBUG){echo "Error retrieving image details for member $_member_id.";} } return $this->details; } function setdebug($val){ $this->DEBUG = $val; } private function getMetaImage($_member_id, $_size) { if ( $_member_id <= 0 || !is_numeric($_member_id)){return -1;} $image = ""; $App = new App(); $sql = "SELECT ".$_size."_height as height, ".$_size."_width as width , ".$_size."_logo as image from OrganizationInformation where OrganizationID = ".$_member_id." LIMIT 1"; $sql = $App->sqlSanitize($sql); $result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql); while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->details[0]=$myrow["width"]; $this->details[1]=$myrow["height"]; $image=$myrow["image"]; } if ($this->details[0] == 0 && $this->details[1] == 0 ) { if ( $image != "" ) { $img = imagecreatefromstring($image); $this->details[1] = imagesy($img); $this->details[0] = imagesx($img); imagedestroy($img); if ( $this->details[0] == 0 && $this->details[1] == 0 ) { //try and get the data the old fashined way $image_url = ''; list ($this->details[0], $this->details[1], $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image_url . $array['memberID']); } } if ( $this->details[1] == 0 && $this->details[0] == 0 ) { //error! return -1; } $sql = "UPDATE OrganizationInformation SET ".$_size."_height = ".$this->details[1].",".$_size."_width = ".$this->details[0]." where OrganizationID = ".$_member_id; //insert data $sql = $App->sqlSanitize($sql); $result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql); } return 1; } } ?>