Application Container

The Application Container is a module of the Agent responsible for:

1. Requirements

2. AppMon Daemon usage

Application Container role : AppCon manages a list of applications. The list is persisted. The Application Container needs to communicate with AppMon by socket in order to send commands to it (ex : start, stop...).
The Application Container is not directly monitoring application life circle, it uses Appmon so that application is monitored as needed.

Appmon Daemon role : AppMon is a tool which enables to monitor application whose id name is sended by AppCon. This daemon does'nt persist any application list, managed application have to be setup after each boot (Application Container takes care of that).

Functional cases:

As Application Container receives a request to install an application, theinstall() method will be called, it will check in the list if this application is existing. If yes, Application Container will send "remove" command to demand Appmon Daemon to delete the existing application. Then it will save the new application in the list and call start() function. The latter will send a "start" command with the id name of application to Appmon Daemon which is in charge of starting the application by creating a child process.

The child process is created by fork() operation, it will execute the application. If the child process dies during its execution, it returns a error code to its father process Appmon Daemon. Subsequently Appmon Daemon will restart this child process again.

Sequence diagrams:

As the application container is starting, the "boot" sequences are following :

As the application container receives a request to install an application, the "install" sequences are following :

As the application container receives a request to start an application, the "start" sequences are following :

As the application container receives a request to stop an application, the "stop" sequences are following :

3. API

How to use the Application container:

3.1. Install

install(application_id, application_data, autostart, purge)


Application return code Vs application restart:
Note: When the application has to be restarted, a delay will be applied before actually restarting it.
Return code means system exit code:

3.2. Uninstall


This will remove all the application and all data that have been installed in the running directory of the application

3.3. Start


Start an application that have already been added to the Application list
If the application is not runnable, or the application is already started, it has no effect.


The application is started with a specific Unix user. See Appmon Daemon documentation for more infos

3.4. Stop


To stop an application: this will send system signals to the application:

3.5. Status


If the application is runnable, then it returns the status sent by status command of appmon_daemon (see appmon_daemon doc) else only returns "Not runnable"

3.6. Configure

configure(application_id, autostart)


3.7. List


Return a table with all the applications added to the ApplicationContainer.
The table is like: { application_id={autostart=boolean, runnable=boolean}, application_id={autostart=boolean, runnable=boolean}, ...}.

3.8. Init


To be called at Agent start up to start all registered applications with autostart set to true.

4. Application Runnable status

An application is runnable if the installation folder contains an executable file named "run".

The Runnable status of the application is computed when it is used:

5. Examples

See below an example of the executable file "run". Assuming your application is named "sample_app_appcon",
you need to put this file into a folder of the same name and compress it to the zip format.



  echo $APPNAME "Dying..."

  #you can remove the exit call to term that sigkill is send to kill app after some time
  # you can change the exit code to test the app is restarted
  exit 0

# Execute function on_term() receiving TERM signal
# The trap function seems not to be executed during a sleep

#trap 'on_term' TERM

while true
  echo $APPNAME "pid:" $$ "date:" `date`
  sleep 5

# We never get here.
exit 1

Once your application has been compressed, the archive should get a file tree like this one :
