
Monitoring variables

Each monitoring script has its own execution environment. It means that writing a lua variable will not be visible from another monitoring script.

In addition to the individual environment the Monitoring engine adds several tables where to read and write other variables.

Monitoring variables access

Let's say that in the following examples we want to get the Cellular RSSI value.

in a script:

In a script all variables can be accessed in a natural Lua way.

local rssi = system.cellular.rssi
using Data Reading:

M3DA ReadNode command can be used to read any varaible.

Command name: ReadNode
Command path: @sys
Command arg#1: monitoring.system.cellular.rssi
in Agent context:

In a global Lua environement (in Agent code or in the Lua shell attached to the Agent).

local rssi = Monitoring.vars.system.cellular.rssi

System variables

The following system variables are available, depending on what the different hardware may provide.

Variable name Variable Type Variable description Available on
cellurar.rssi integer Cellular RSSI level On any device that support the standard AT+CSQ AT command
cellular.ber integer Cellular BER level On any device that support the standard AT+CSQ AT command
cellular.imei string Cellular IMEI On any device that support the standard AT+CGSN AT command
cellular.imsi string SIM IMSI number On any device that support the standard AT+CIMI AT command
Variable name Variable Type Variable description Available on
batterylevel integer Level of charge of the device battery
externalpower boolean true if the device is powered by an external source
Memory / CPU
Variable name Variable Type Variable description Available on
luaramusage integer Quantity of memory used by the Lua VM (the one running the agent)
The value is the one returned by collectgarbage("count") preceded by a collectgarbage("collect") in order to provided consistent numbers. The direct consequence is that reading this variable has a non null CPU cost. Use sparingly.
All (included in standard lua)
totalramavailable integer Total quantity of RAM available on the system Linux
totalramused integer Total quantity of RAM used on the system Linux
cpuload integer Average CPU load Linux
totalflashavailable integer Total quantity of flash available on the system
totalflashused integer Total quantity of flash used on the system
Variable name Variable Type Variable description Available on
netman.BEARERNAME.connected boolean connection state of the bearer
netman.BEARERNAME.ipaddr string ip address of the bearer
netman.BEARERNAME.hwaddr string MAC address of the bearer Ethernet bearer
netman.BEARERNAME.netmask string netmask address of the bearer string gateway address of the bearer
netman.BEARERNAME.nameserver1 string dns address #1 (there can be several dns address, usually 2)
netman.BEARERNAME.mountdate number timestamp of the last successful mount
netman.BEARERNAME.mountretries number number of retries used for the last successful mount
netman.BEARERNAME.RX number number of bytes received by this bearer Linux only
netman.BEARERNAME.TX number number of bytes transmitted by this bearer Linux only
netman.defaultbearer string Default (=selected) bearer: bearer used as default route, variable value is the BEARERNAME

Monitoring Script Engine API

install(name, script, autoenable)

Install a new monitoring script.
name is the name identifying the monitoring script
script is the script content as a Lua string
autoenable when set to true (i.e. non false value), the script is installed and will be automatically enabled on next Agent boot.
when set to "now", the script is started right now, but not installed nor enabled (test purpose),
when set to false value, the script is installed but not enable for the next Agent boot,
when set to nil (or absent), the enable flag will stay unchanged (meaning equal to the flag of a script that was installed with the same name)


Uninstall an installed monitoring script.
name is the name identifying the monitoring script to uninstall


Uninstall all installed monitoring scripts.


Enable an installed monitoring script: the script will be started on next Agent boot.
name is the name identifying the monitoring script to enable


Disable an installed monitoring script: the script will not be started on next Agent boot.
name is the name identifying the monitoring script to disable
Note: The script remains installed

registerextvar(var, pushenable, getvar, varlist)

This function allows to add additional variables in the monitored tables
pushenable and getvar are functions.
pushenable will be called by the monitoring engine in order to enable asynchronous mode
getvar will be called if asynchronous push mode is not enabled and the variable is read.
varlist argument must be provided only when registering group of variables. varlist must be either a table (array) that list the names of the variables, or a function that returns that table.
When successful, this function returns the table that holds the monitored variable or group of variables
if pushenable is a string or a number, then getvar is ignored and the value of pushenable is set as a static value into the monitoring variable table
pushenable and getvar can be equal to nil, restricting the usage of that variable, according to what is nil
var can actually a path designating a group of variables, in that case it must have a trailing '.'. ex 'system.cellular.'
the actual tables will be automatically created by this function
pushenable and getvar, when defined as functions will be called with two parameters: the path, and the variable name. pushenable may be called with a nil variable name, meaning the pushenable is on the whole group (=path) of variable.