TCP Remote Connection


1.1.Purpose and Principle

This document defines the TCP remote connection feature of the Agent.
This feature allows a client to connect seamlessly to a service through a device running Agent even if the device's IP address is private.
Figure 1 shows the principle scheme of a client (host) accessing a service.

Figure 1: TCP Remote Connection principle


Figure 2 illustrates the reality the connection of a client to a service through a device running the Agent.
Figure 2: Remote connection scheme

Here after is described the classical connection use case.
Client (host side) wants to connect seamlessly on Service of the device (device side).

1. CommandParser receives, extracts and executes the TCPRemoteConnect command with valid parameters ServerAddress, ServerPort,LocalAddress, LocalPort.
ServerAddress:ServerPort, is the server socket on the ServerSideApp. LocalAddress:LocalPort is the server socket on the Service.
2. DeviceSideApp connects at ServerAddress:ServerPort.
3. DeviceSideApp sends LISTEN command to ServerSideApp.
4. Upon reception of the LISTEN command, ServerSideApp creates server socket HostAddress:HostPort and wait for client connections.
5. As soon as a Client connects, ServerSideApp sends a CONNECT command to make DeviceSideApp connect at LocalAddress:LocalPort.
6. As soon as socket LocalAddress:LocalPort is closed, DeviceSideApp sends CLOSE command to make ServerSideApp close all its client sockets HostAddress:HostPort.
7.Inversely if the client socket HostAddress:HostPort is closed, ServerAppSide sends CLOSE command to make DeviceSideApp closes its client sockets LocalAddress:LocalPort.

If the ServerAddress:ServerPort socket is down (whatever the reason). ServerAppSide closes all its HostAddress:HostPort client sockets and DeviceAppSide closes all its LocalAddress:LocalPort client sockets*.*
Obviously we need a specific protocol to channel data and commands through the ServerAddress:ServerPort socket.

1.3.Specific protocol

Data and commands are channeled through the server device link using a big endian binary protocol:


This figure describes the server device interactions when the TCP remote connection is established.

Figure 3: TCP remote connection

This one emphases on the data exchanges.

Figure 4: Data exchanges

This one shows the three closing cases:

Figure 5: Connection closing

Examples: lua implementation

See TCPRemoteConnect command definition
To start the device side of the TCP remote connection:

CMD_TCPRemoteConnect = require 'DeviceManagement.TCPRemoteConnect'
local local_address = ''
local local_port = 23
-- server address and port are stored in the Agent configuration
_,err = CMD_TCPRemoteConnect(""); p(err)