This Lua modules add Remote Procedure Calls facilities in the Lua VM.

It is biderectionnal so it is possible to execute RPC on the local VM and on the remote VM.


The Lua module is called rpc. To load it:

 require 'rpc' 
Create a Lua RPC bidirectional listening socket
 client, err = rpc.newserver(address, port) 

address and port are optional, and default values are 'localhost', 1999.
This function blocks until a client connect and return an instance of a the remote peer (can do RPC on)


The server socket is then closed and no other client will be able to reconnect

Create a Lua RPC listening socket (server only)

 status, err = newserveronly(address, port) 

address and port are optional, and default values are 'localhost', 1999.
Returns the server socket on success or nil followed by an error in case of failure.


The server socket stays listening, and thus several clients can connect to that server (in parallel or successively)

Create a Lua RPC client

 client, err = rpc.newclient(address, port) 

address and port are optional, and default values are 'localhost', 1999.
This function connects to a listening socket and return an instance of a remote peer (can do RPC on)

Execute an RPC

 results... = client:call(procedureID, procedureParams...) 

This function block until the remote procedure call is finished on the remote peers. It returns the results of the remote execution.
In addition:

Evaluate a variable

A specific function is added into and rpc object in order to be able to evaluate variable.
It is then easy to evaluate a variable remotely:

 value = client:eval(somevariablename) 

where somevariablename is a string representing the name of the variable

Declare and execute a remote function

A very convenient method helps you to declare and seamlessly call a function on the remote peer.

 f = client:newexec(script) 

where script can be either

Some examples:

local f = client:newexec("print(...)")
f("toto") -- will call the remote function print giving "toto" as argument

local f = client:newexec({"return", " ... + 1"})
return f(1) -- will return the computation of 1+1 executed remotly

local function g(x)
   return x+1
local f = client:newexec(g)
return f(1) -- will return the computation equivalent to the function g but executed remotely

RPC protocol

The RPC is done though serialization over a socket (TCP/IP) link. The two peers exchange messages in order to create a RPC and to retrieve the response. Multiple RPC can be executed on the same link asynchronously since the header of each message contains a sequence number. However the sequence number is coded on a single byte, it means that two RPC should be executed concurrently if they have the same sequence number.

There are two types of messages: Call message and Response message. The two messages share the same header.
Messages are bytes aligned in the stream.

Common Header

1 byte Message type: 0=Call, 1=Response
1 byte Sequence number. Should start at 0 and increase by one for each successive command. It wraps at 256
4 bytes Message payload size coded as an unsigned integer

Call message

6 bytes Header (see above)
x bytes SerializedObject: Remote procedure ID (usually a string)
x bytes SerializedObject x n: Remote procedure params

Response message

6 bytes Header (see above)
1 byte Procedure call status: 0=OK, 1=Exception occurred, 2=Procedure ID is nil(=does not exist), 3=Procedure ID is not a procdeure (callable function)
x bytes SerializedObject x n: Remote procedure results (when an exception occurred it is the description of the exception)

Specific RPC names

Lua RPC defines specific function names that can be used to extend the RPC capabilities.