================================= Salt Packages for AIX 6.1 and 7.x ================================= Version: salt. (2016.11.1) Date: 2017-11-20 To Install: ----------- Salt is installed mainly into the /opt/salt directory, and a minimum of 2GBytes of disk space is required to install. Wrapper scripts for the command-line interfaces are installed in the /usr/bin directory (see the "Usage on AIX" section below). 1. Browse to https://erepo.saltstack.com/aix and download the *.gz installation file for your OS version. 2. Run the following commands to extract the installation file into a directory: gzip --decompress salt_2016.11.1.tar.gz tar -xvf salt_2016.11.1.tar cd salt_2016.11.1 3. Run the following command to install: ./install_salt.sh To Uninstall: ------------- 1. Run the following command: ./install_salt.sh -u Note: If install_salt.sh fails to uninstall Salt and you intend to install a new version, you must uninstall using an alternate method. Otherwise the previous package remains in the cache. The install script install_salt.sh as a number of self-explanatory options, which can be examined using the -h option: ./install_salt.sh -h Usage on AIX ------------ Wrapper scripts are provided to access the Salt command-line interfaces. These wrapper scripts execute with environmental variable overrides for library and python paths. These wrapper scripts are provided in /usr/bin, which is typically included in the environmental variable PATH. The following wrapper scripts are available: salt-cp salt-cloud salt-call salt-api salt salt-unity salt-syndic salt-ssh salt-run salt-proxy salt-minion salt-master* salt-key *salt-master functionality is not currently supported on AIX. Salt command line functionality is available through the use of these wrapper scripts. For example, to start the salt-minion as a daemon: [/usr/bin/]salt-minion -d