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   <     wqwpwVwW01.01aic7xxxAdaptec AIC-7895 Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-2944 Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-398X Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-394X Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7880 Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-2944 SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-398X SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-394X SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-294X SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7870 SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-2940A Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7860 Ultra SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7855 SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7850 SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-284X SCSI host adapterAdaptec AHA-274X SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7770 SCSI host adapterAdaptec AIC-7810 Hardware RAID ControllerAIC-7xxx UnknownSequencer Ram Parity ErrorIllegal Opcode in sequencer programIllegal Sequencer Address referencedIllegal Host Access3.,.aic7xxx: Unknown opcode encountered in sequencer program.<6>(scsi%d) Downloading sequencer code... <6>(scsi%d) Will download code for option ULTRA <6>(scsi%d) Will download code for option TWIN_CHANNEL <6>(scsi%d) Will download code for option WIDE <6>(scsi%d) Will download code for option SCB_PAGING <6>(scsi%d) Unknown bits set in the options field, correcting. <6>(scsi%d) Download complete, %d instructions downloaded Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.0.14/3.2.4 <><6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Synchronous at %sMHz, offset %d. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Using asynchronous transfers. matchesdoesn't match<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d:tag%d) %s search criteria (scsi%d:%d:%d:%d:tag%d) <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Allocating initial %ld SCB structures. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Allocating %ld additional SCB structures. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device failed to complete Wide Negotiation processing and <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) returned a sense error code for invalid message, disabling future <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Wide negotiation to this device. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device failed to complete Sync Negotiation processing and <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Sync negotiation to this device. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Aborting scb %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) %d commands found and queued for completion. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset device, active_scb %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning up status information and delayed_scbs. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device appears to be choking on tagged commands. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Will use untagged I/O instead. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! scb->q_next == scb in the delayed_scbs queue! <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There's a loop in the delayed_scbs queue! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning QINFIFO. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning waiting_scbs. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! scb->q_next == scb in the waiting_scbs queue! <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There's a loop in the waiting_scbs queue! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning waiting for selection list. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Waiting List inconsistency; SCB index=%d, numscbs=%d <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There is a loop in the waiting for selection list! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Cleaning disconnected scbs list. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Disconnected List inconsistency; SCB index=%d, numscbs=%d <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There is a loop in the disconnected list! <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Free list inconsistency!. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! There is a loop in the free list! willwon't<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset channel called, %s initiate reset. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Stealthily resetting idle channel. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Resetting currently active channel. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Channel reset <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) timer: Yikes, loop in delayed_scbs list. wroteread<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Underflow - Wanted %u, %s %u, residual SG count %d. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus Device Reset delivered. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) No active SCB for reconnecting target - Issuing BUS DEVICE RESET. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SAVED_TCL=0x%x, ARG_1=0x%x, SEQADDR=0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Rejecting unknown message (0x%x) received from target, SEQ_FLAGS=0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Target did not send an IDENTIFY message; LASTPHASE 0x%x, SAVED_TCL 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Missed busfree. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unknown scsi bus phase, continuing <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device is refusing tagged commands, using untagged I/O. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Refusing WIDE negotiation; using 8 bit transfers. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Refusing synchronous negotiation; using asynchronous transfers. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received MESSAGE_REJECT for unknown cause. Ignoring. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid SCB during SEQINT 0x%02x, SCB_TAG %d. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid SCB during SEQINT 0x%x, scb %d, flags 0x%x, cmd 0x%lx. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Interrupted for status of GOOD??? <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Queue full received; queue depth %d, active %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Target busy <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Queue depth reduced to %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unexpected target status 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus device reset mailed. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort message mailed. aic7xxx: AWAITING_MSG for an SCB that does not have a waiting message. Data-InData-Out<4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data overrun detected in %s phase, tag %d; HaveHaven't<4> %s seen Data Phase. Length=%d, NumSGs=%d. <4> sg[%d] - Addr 0x%x : Length %d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data Overrun during SEND_SENSE operation. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Tracepoint #1 reached. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Tracepoint #2 reached. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unknown SEQINT, INTSTAT 0x%x, SCSISIGI 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Requesting %d bit transfers, rejecting. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Using narrow (8 bit) transfers. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Using wide (16 bit) transfers. aic7xxx: REQINIT with no active message! aic7xxx: Unknown REQINIT message type. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Someone else reset the channel!! <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB %d abort delivered. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unexpected busfree, LASTPHASE = 0x%x, SEQADDR = 0x%x <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bad scbptr %d during SELTO. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Referenced SCB %d not valid during SELTO. <4> SCSISEQ = 0x%x SEQADDR = 0x%x SSTAT0 = 0x%x SSTAT1 = 0x%x <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) aic7xxx_isr - referenced scb not valid during scsiint 0x%x scb(%d) SIMODE0 0x%x, SIMODE1 0x%x, SSTAT0 0x%x, SEQADDR 0x%x CommandMessage-OutStatusMessage-Inunknown<4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Parity error during phase %s. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Unknown SCSIINT status, SSTAT1(0x%x). <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data Parity Error during PCI address or PCI writephase. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Signal System Error Detected <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received a PCI Master Abort <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Received a PCI Target Abort <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Signaled a PCI Target Abort <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Data Parity Error has been reported via PCI pin PERR# <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Error reading PCI config register during PCI ERRORinterrupt. <4>aic7xxx: ISR routine called with NULL dev_id <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CMDCMPLT with invalid SCB index %d <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) CMDCMPLT without command for SCB %d, SCB flags 0x%x, cmd 0x%lx <3>(scsi%d) BRKADRINT error(0x%x): <3> %s <3>(scsi%d) LINE=%d <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Disconnection disabled, unable to enable tagged queueing. <6>aic7xxx: WARNING, insufficient tag_info instances for installed controllers. <6>aic7xxx: Please update the aic7xxx_tag_info array in the aic7xxx.c source file. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Enabled tagged queuing, queue depth %d. aic7xxx: disabled at slot %d, ignored. aic7xxx: SEEPROM checksum error, ignoring SEEPROM settings. <6>aic7xxx: Warning - detected auto-termination on controller: <6>aic7xxx: <%s> at EISA slot %d VLB slot %d PCI %d/%d <6>aic7xxx: Please verify driver detected settings are correct. <6>aic7xxx: If not, then please properly set the device termination <6>aic7xxx: in the Adaptec SCSI BIOS by hitting CTRL-A when prompted <6>aic7xxx: during machine bootup. YESNO<6>aic7xxx: Cables present (Int-50 %s, Int-68 %s, Ext-68 %s) <6>aic7xxx: Cables present (Int-50 %s, Ext-50 %s) isis not<6>aic7xxx: EEPROM %s present. <6>aic7xxx: Illegal cable configuration!! Only two <6>aic7xxx: connectors on the SCSI controller may be in use at a time! ONOFF<6>aic7xxx: Termination (Low %s, High %s) EnabledDisabled<6>aic7xxx: Termination %s <6>(scsi%d) <%s> found at <6>(scsi%d) Twin Channel, A SCSI ID %d, B SCSI ID %d, A B C<6>(scsi%d) Wide <6>(scsi%d) Narrow Channel%s, SCSI ID=%d, %d/%d SCBs endis<6>(scsi%d) BIOS %sabled, IO Port 0x%lx, IRQ %d <6>(scsi%d) IO Memory at 0x%lx, MMAP Memory at 0x%lx <4>(scsi%d) Couldn't register IRQ %d, ignoring. <6>(scsi%d) Resetting channel B <6>(scsi%d) Resetting channel%s <6>(scsi%d) Host adapter BIOS disabled. Using default SCSI device parameters. (scsi%d) Unable to allocate hardware SCB array; failing detection. <6>aic7xxx: Chip reset not cleared; clearing manually. <4>aic7xxx: Unsupported adapter type %d, ignoring. <6>aic7xxx: Loading serial EEPROM... aic7xxx: No SEEPROM available; using defaults. done aic7xxx: <%s> at EISA %d aic7xxx: <%s> at VLB %d <4>aic7xxx: Unable to allocate device space. <4>aic7xxx: Host adapter uses unsupported IRQ level %d, ignoring. level sensitiveedge triggered<6>aic7xxx: BIOS %sabled, IO Port 0x%lx, IRQ %d (%s) <6>aic7xxx: Extended translation %sabled. xxP xU x`!@xa!@xp@ xq@ xr@ xs@ xt@ xAxAxAxAxAx@<6>aic7xxx: The 7810 RAID controller is not supported by <6> this driver, we are ignoring it. aic7xxx: <%s> at PCI %d/%d <6>aic7xxx: Using 7895_irq_hack. Please upgrade your motherboard BIOS <6>aic7xxx: Using leftover BIOS values. aic7xxx: Found <%s> <6>aic7xxx: Unable to allocate device memory, skipping. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Scanning channel for devices. <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Commands queued exceeds queue depth, active=%d (scsi%d) aic7xxx_queue:Couldn't get a free SCB. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus Device reset, scb flags 0x%x, Data-Out phase Data-In phase Command phase Message-Out phase Status phase Message-In phase while idle, LASTPHASE = 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCSISIGI 0x%x, SEQADDR 0x%x, SSTAT0 0x%x, SSTAT1 0x%x <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Invalid SCB ID %d is active, SCB flags = 0x%x. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device reset message in message buffer <4>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Device reset, Message buffer in use <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Queueing device reset command. aic7xxx driver version %s Controller type: %s YesNo<6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) dev_flags=0x%x, WDTR:%s, SDTR:%s, q_depth=%d:%d SIMODE0=0x%x, SIMODE1=0x%x, SSTAT0=0x%x, SSTAT1=0x%x, INTSTAT=0x%x isn'tp->flags=0x%x, p->type=0x%x, sequencer %s paused Stopping to debug <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort called with bogus Scsi_Cmnd pointer. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort called for command on completeq, completing. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Abort called for already completed command. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB aborted once already, escalating. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset/Abort pending for this device, not wasting our time. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Aborting scb %d, flags 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB is currently active. Waiting on completion. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB found on waiting list and aborted. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB found in QINFIFO and aborted. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB found on hardware waiting list and aborted. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB disconnected. Queueing Abort SCB. <4>(scsi?:?:?:?) Reset called with NULL Scsi_Cmnd pointer, failing. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called with bogus Scsi_Cmnd->SCB mapping, improvising. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called with recycled SCB for cmd. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset, found cmd on completeq, completing. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset, cmd not found, failing. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called, no scb, flags 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called, scb %d, flags 0x%x <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) SCB on qoutfifo, returning. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus device reset already sent to device, escalating. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Have already attempted to reach device with queued <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) message, will escalate to bus reset. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Bus device reset stupid when other action has failed. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called too soon after last reset without requesting <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) bus or host reset, escalating. <6>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Reset called too soon after last bus reset, delaying. <3>(scsi%d:%d:%d:%d) Yikes!! Card must have left to go back to Adaptec!! Can't find adapter for host number %d AIC7xxx - kmalloc error at line %d Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: %s/%sCompile Options: AIC7XXX_RESET_DELAY : %d AIC7XXX_TAGGED_QUEUEING: Adapter Support Enabled Check below to see which devices use tagged queueing AIC7XXX_PAGE_ENABLE : Enabled (This is no longer an option) AIC7XXX_PROC_STATS : Disabled Adapter Configuration: SCSI Adapter: %s Twin Channel Narrow Channel A Channel B Channel CWide Ultra %s%sController%s Programmed I/O Base: %lx PCI MMAPed I/O Base: 0x%lx BIOS Memory Address: 0x%08x %s Adaptec SCSI BIOS: %s IRQ: %d SCBs: Active %d, Max Active %d, Allocated %d, HW %d, Page %d Interrupts: %ld(Level Sensitive)(Edge Triggered) %s BIOS Control Word: 0x%04x Adapter Control Word: 0x%04x EnDis Extended Translation: %sabled SCSI Bus Reset: %sabled Disconnect Enable Flags: 0x%04x Ultra Enable Flags: 0x%04x Tag Queue Enable Flags: 0x%04x Ordered Queue Tag Flags: 0x%04x Default Tag Queue Depth: %d Tagged Queue By Device array for aic7xxx host instance %d: {%d,%d} Actual queue depth per device for aic7xxx host instance %d: <4>aic7xxx: Overflow in aic7xxx_proc.c GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment4! xY + 1 xw ;@F(7NF5FW4I P DQ1 " P.X <\ G| U Xg }          < < 1< A@ Mp:`hw!8:X    OD<(P_9FF].w ]Z-g8.X/<36}&x7c=7X8t9*Hdjn |{Z|X x# Z> JhX1jLw<Л0 0xeP6( < KZ0b0tot7FRaj}`0.5P^r4mL\ Hx; "aic7xxx.cgcc2_compiled.seqprogboard_namesfirst_aic7xxxhard_errorgeneric_senseaic7xxx_syncratesnum_aic7xxx_syncratesaic7xxx_7895_irq_hackaic7xxx_extendedaic7xxx_no_resetaic7xxx_irq_triggeraic7xxx_reverse_scanaic7xxx_override_termaic7xxx_panic_on_abortaic7xxxdummy_bufferaic7xxx_tag_infoaic7xxx_verboseoptions.308aic7xxx_next_patchaic7xxx_download_instraic7xxx_loadseqaic7xxx_delaybuffer.325aic7xxx_scsirateaic7xxx_match_scbaic7xxx_add_curscb_to_free_listaic7xxx_rem_scb_from_disc_listaic7xxx_find_scbaic7xxx_allocate_scbaic7xxx_free_scbaic7xxx_doneaic7xxx_run_done_queueaic7xxx_abort_waiting_scbaic7xxx_search_qinfifoaic7xxx_scb_on_qoutfifoaic7xxx_reset_deviceaic7xxx_clear_intstataic7xxx_reset_current_busaic7xxx_reset_channelaic7xxx_timeraic7xxx_construct_sdtraic7xxx_construct_wdtraic7xxx_calculate_residualaic7xxx_handle_device_resetaic7xxx_handle_seqintaic7xxx_parse_msgaic7xxx_handle_reqinitaic7xxx_handle_scsiintaic7xxx_pci_intraic7xxx_isrdo_aic7xxx_isrprint_warning.404aic7xxx_device_queue_depthaic7xxx_select_queue_depthAIC7xxx.409aic7xxx_proberead_284x_seepromread_seepromaic785x_cable_detectaic787x_cable_detectconfigure_terminationdetect_maxscbaic7xxx_registeraic7xxx_allocaic7xxx_freeload_seepromaic7xxx_buildscbaic7xxx_bus_device_resetaic7xxx_buffer_sizeaic7xxx_bufferkernel_versionpatchesproc_scsi_aic7xxxaic7xxx_setup___strtoksimple_strtoulpanicprintkloops_per_sec__do_delayaic7xxx_infokmallocjiffiesdel_timeradd_timerscsi_command_sizepcibios_read_config_bytepcibios_write_config_byterequest_regionrequest_irqrelease_regionfree_irqaic7xxx_chip_resetscsi_registerscsi_unregisterkfreeaic7xxx_detectcheck_regionpcibios_presentpcibios_find_devicepcibios_read_config_dwordpcibios_read_config_wordpcibios_write_config_wordvremappcibios_write_config_dwordaic7xxx_queueaic7xxx_panic_abortaic7xxx_abortaic7xxx_resetaic7xxx_biosparamaic7xxx_set_infoaic7xxx_proc_infosprintfdriver_templateinit_modulemod_use_count_scsi_register_modulescsi_unregister_modulecleanup_module'TC|UT:ToU|T0[T  $IQOQV!,1W:BGWhsxWWWWWQ W!&WXXgYx 8 e   W   W     W-      W[WWW$)WtWWW Y^WW8=WWW,1W\]\^W   W:!]U!m!r!W!!!W!0"5"WZ#r#w#W###W$$W &&W!&9&>&W ''W'(W((Wy)~)W.X.YA/XO/Yi/q/}///W000W111WA2Q2V2Wj3\3]G4L4W 5\5^X8f8u888W999W;;W<<W<b=n=>>Wb>>>Wn??BBCDDWDpEuEWF0G5GWG HHW'IJJWJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJKK KKKL_#X\1X\HX^QXDYIYWYYWSZ [[W:[[[W\c]]~^^W__V`aaaWbb*b/bWobtbW%cKcscxcWccWDgggWgggWhHhMhWhhiUiZiWkkVnnVp)p.pW0qiqnqWrrwrWBtGtWttWuuWxxWyyyyyyy!z&zWzzzW{`{{W{{W{{W||W0|5|WM|R|Wf|k|W|a||W.~3~W_~d~WW WnsWh\^W9AFWKPWVnņʆWևW).WÍXэYXYW WEUZWzWWWWW)/;AMSXWeqwWW(-W27WՙޙWiq~W!bGW9INWnsWWƠԠWW8=WNZchWy~WcȡӡcWgp{W +:CLQW̥ѥWæ[Wd¨e_h&X1Y_dWWGg[ƭhiݮiih/7<WW°ʰϰW}RŴk$)2<AJTY^Wm[{W¶Wȶi $(,04#5>DIWT^diWlmWŻʻW[a`nn"o\peW qinr#49W$,1WWWF6iciriWBGWW V\]^/hmWWWWWPUW#(WWWWWW !&W+0VWWBnsWFKWWW9uzW RWW27WWWQVW0\^W `eWWkpWKPWW.nsWWlWEJWW WA\iW#W0\LW\27WX\^\\\^z29CiIX[]es|zzzzzz z z*/7z>CKzRW_zfksz}zzz ".<AIz\hmuzzzz%zMRZzgltzzzzz#z-3;AFNzZ_gzzzzzzz*05=zcinvzzzzz W).i4@Vz{~}{~{{{       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T ` h p x            @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |   y j Z s u v w