Begin3 Title: Cook Version: 2.8 Entered-date: 2FEB99 Description: Cook is a tool for constructing files. It is given a set of files to create, and recipes of how to create them. In any non-trivial program there will be prerequisites to performing the actions necessary to creating any file, such as include files. The cook program provides a mechanism to define these. When a program is being developed or maintained, the programmer will typically change one file of several which comprise the program. Cook examines the last- modified times of the files to see when the prerequisites of a file have changed, implying that the file needs to be recreated as it is logically out of date. Cook also provides a facility for implicit recipes, allowing users to specify how to form a file with a given suffix from a file with a different suffix. For example, to create filename.o from filename.c * Cook has a simple but powerful string-based description language with many built-in functions. This allows sophisticated filename specification and manipulation without loss of readability or performance. * Cook is able to use fingerprints to supplement file modification times. This allows build optimization without contorted rules. * Cook is able to build your project with multiple parallel threads, with support for rules which must be single threaded. It is possible to distribute parallel builds over your LAN, allowing you to turn your network into a virtual parallel build engine. * Cook can be configured with an explicit list of primary source files. This allow the dependency graph to be constructed faster by not going down dead ends, and also allows better error messages when the graph can't be constructed. This requires an accurate source file manifest. Cook runs on almost any flavor of UNIX. Self configuring using a GNU Autoconf generated configure script. There are no modifications required to compile it for Linux. Keywords: build, dependency maintenance, derivation, make, referential integrity Author: (Peter Miller) (Peter Miller) Primary-site: cook-2.8.README cook-2.8.lsm cook-2.8.spec cook-2.8.tar.gz Secondary-site: /pub/Linux/devel/make cook-2.8.README cook-2.8.lsm cook-2.8.spec cook-2.8.tar.gz Copying-policy: GPL 2.0 End