tar xzvf MesaLib-3.0.tar.gz tar xzvf MesaDemos-3.0.tar.gz cd Mesa-3.0 make linux-elf make linux-elf-shared # I like these better, actually. But then you have to link with -pthread, # which none of the Mesa sources I've come across are able to automatically # detect. So, I fear building them this way will confuse the average user. # Still, I'm adding in these commented out make lines in case you have an # SMP machine and/or are building with threads: #make linux-386-pthread #make linux-386-pthread-shared ( cd widgets-mesa ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 --with-x make make demo.gl make demo.mesa make demo.ws make demo.tea ) mkdir -p /usr/include/GL cp -a include/GL/*.h /usr/include/GL chown root.root /usr/include/GL/* cp -a lib/* /usr/lib ( cd /usr/lib ; rm -f libGL.a ; ln -sf libMesaGL.a libGL.a ) ( cd /usr/lib ; rm -f libGLU.a ; ln -sf libMesaGLU.a libGLU.a ) ( cd /usr/lib ; rm -f libGL.so ; ln -sf libMesaGL.so libGL.so ) ( cd /usr/lib ; rm -f libGLU.so ; ln -sf libMesaGLU.so libGLU.so ) # Make documentation directory: mkdir -p /usr/doc/Mesa-3.0 cp -a CONFORM FUTURE IAFA-PACKAGE LICENSE README* RELNOTES VERSIONS /usr/doc/Mesa-3.0 chown root.root /usr/doc/Mesa-3.0/* chmod 644 /usr/doc/Mesa-3.0/* # Install the Mesa demos: mkdir -p /usr/lib/Mesa cp -a demos xdemos book samples 3Dfx/demos mtdemos ggi/demos /usr/lib/Mesa # Install the Mesa widgets: mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/include/GL ( cd widgets-mesa ; make install ) # Widget demos, docs symlink: mkdir -p /usr/lib/Mesa/widgets-mesa ( cd widgets-mesa ; cp -a COPYING ChangeLog README TODO demos /usr/lib/Mesa/widgets-mesa ) chown -R root.root /usr/lib/Mesa ( cd /usr/doc/Mesa-3.0 ; ln -sf /usr/lib/Mesa demos ) chmod 755 /usr/lib/Mesa