This directory contains sources for X11 Release 6.3 The software release consists of four gzipped tar files: xc-1.tar.gz everything in xc/ that isn't in the other tar files xc-2.tar.gz xc/fonts, xc/doc/specs, xc/util xc-3.tar.gz xc/doc/hardcopy The following files are contained in the tar files, but are also available separately in this directory: RELNOTES.* Release Notes for X11 Release 6.1 INSTALL.* Building and Installing the X Window System The following files may aid you in using this FTP directory README this file; a short index of what's here CHECKSUMS checksums of the tar files The tar files are stored in "gzip" format on our FTP server, and thus have a ".gz" suffix. If you cannot handle gzip compression, you can have our FTP server convert them to "compress" (.Z) or uncompressed format. Changing the suffix of the filename you ask for will change its format on the fly. Change ".gz" to ".Z" to get compress format. Remove the ".gz" suffix entirely to get the file uncompressed. After transferring the files, please read the Release Notes and Build Instructions for information on how to extract and build the software.