Software Update Module

1. Definition

Update module is the service within the Agent responsible to deal with software update.

2. Context - Limitations

The Update module is only available on Linux devices.
Update module expects that Agent is run in working directory with no ' character in it.

3. Functionalities

The Update module can:

4. API

4.1. functions


Init the Update module
Mandatory to be called before doing any update, or calling any other

This function is called by the agent on boot when Update is activated in
agent config.

Retrieves the status of the last update done or the status of current
update is an update is in progress.
 Using the sync parameter, the function can be requested to be blocking
to wait for the end of current update if any.


-   "in_progress" if an update is in progress but blocking behavior was
    not requested
-   "ok" in case of success of the last update process
-   nil, error string describing the error that happened during
    processing the last update.
localupdate(path, sync)

Triggers an update using a local file as update package. The local file
to use can given as parameter or will be pick in drop folder.
 Using the sync parameter, the function can be requested to be blocking
to wait for the end of the whole update process.

-   "in_progress" if the package was accepted (package analysis
    returned no error) but blocking behavior was not requested
-   "ok" in case of success of the whole update process if blocking
    behavior was requested
-   nil, error string describing the error that happened while doing the
    update (an error can appear either before or during package analysis
    or during package processing if blocking behavior was requested)

4.2. data tables

Those data tables contain a great part of the state of the Update module.

4.2.1. data tables access

There are ways to access them:

  1. directly from module API:
local updatec = require"agent.update.common"
  1. remotely using ReadNode command (see Device Management)
    The target path of the command has to be:
4.2.2. data tables content
-- data.swlist.lastupdatestatus= (integer) result code of last update job
-- data.swlist.lastupdateerrstr= (string) description of the error (if any) for last update
-- data.swlist.components: (table) contains "installed"/"provisionned" software components
-- data.swlist.components[uid] (table) contains the description of a component
-- data.swlist.components[uid].name: string
-- data.swlist.components[uid].uid: unique id of the component
-- data.swlist.components[uid].version (string) version of this component
-- data.swlist.components[uid].provides (table) with features provided by this components
-- data.swlist.components[uid].depends (table) with features/components needed by this components
-- data.swlist.components[uid].parameters: (table) with parameters given in update package at install time
-- data.swlist.components[uid].force (boolean) whether this component was installed using dependency checking

Here is a small sample:
   lastupdatestatus = 200,
   appuid = 7,
   components = {
      [0] = {
         uid = 0,
         name = "platform",
         force = true,
         provides = {
            RadioHardware = "MC8705",
            Agent = "0.7 - Build: 7063",
            AleosSoftware = "",
            AleosHardware = "12180306000700000000000000000000",
            RadioSoftware = "T1_0_4_3CAP R460 CNSZXD00000128 2011/11/15 10:22:30" },
         version = "N/A" },
      [7] = {
         version = "testversion",
         uid = 7,
         name = "@sys.appcon.serial_modbus_test",
         parameters = {
            purge = false,
            autostart = true } } },
   lastupdateerrstr = "All components successfuly updated" }

5. Protocols

The Update module can use several protocol to retrieve update package.

5.1. M3DA update command

See SoftwareUpdate command in Device Management commands

6. Update package Process

They must conform with Software Update Package Format.

The workflow is quite simple, and can be illustrated like this:

The following sections give more details about each step.

6.1. Delivery using M3DA Command

SoftwareUpdate command description in Device Management commands gives some clues, but package hosting is still to be defined.

6.2. Software update package process in Update Module

When some Software Update Package has been downloaded, Update module will be alerted and then:

If the update package seems correctly built, the Update module can process with each update.
This means that Update module will alert all the components responsible for processing each update.

There is two types of update, the target path will be used to differentiate them:

  1. Agent internal update feature
    Target path must be begin with : "@sys."
    This will trigger internal update feature, see Software Update Package to get more details about it.
    For instance, this will be used to update application managed by ApplicationContainer module.
  2. external module update
    Target path is the path of some asset responsible to do the update.
    The application will be responsible to do the update job, this kind of update is targeted to application / asset that can either deal with it's own update, or update some third party software
    The update package will be forwarded to the application using Embedded Micro Protocol (EMP), and Racon APIs provides corresponding functionalities.
    The application must report update execution status; so it has to either:

Rq. Choice of update type may be done on a case by case basis. For example, OSGI bundle update is likely to be done with type #2 because OSGI framework is responsible to update OSGI bundles.

6.3. Update of each component

As previously stated, Update module forward the update of each component to asset application or install script execution.

Those information can be useful to develop the application or the install script

6.3.1. Retries and Timeout

The aims of those retries and timeout is:

In order to achieve those goals, there are the mechanisms used for retries and timeout:

The retry number and the timeout duration can be configured using update configuration table.

6.4. Final stage and error management

The update will be successful only if all components are correctly updated; so if any of the component update failed, the whole update job is failed.

If an component update fails before the end:

When an error occurs, the Update module will try to forward the error description the server, depending on the realm of possibilities of the protocol that provided the update.

Finally, when Update module can compute the overall result of the update, it will report it to the server using the appropriate protocol.

7. Install script within Software Update Package

The install script functionality is triggered when an update package contains a component with package field beginning by "@sys.update." like "@sys.update.packagename".

Note: This feature will define/reference a Component that like any other Component:

7.1. Content Specifications

Some constraints about install script with

example of update package with embedded install script.

$ ls -la package/
-rw-r--r--  1 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy    0 2009-10-29 17:30 Manifest
drwxr-xr-x  2 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy 4096 2009-10-29 17:28 HouseApp

$ cat Manifest
local update = {}
update.version = "1.2"
update.components = {
  name = "@sys.update.HouseApp",
  location = "HouseApp",
  version = 1.2
$ ls -la HouseApp/
-rwxr--r--  1 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy    0 2009-10-29 17:30 run
-rw-r--r--  1 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy    0 2009-10-29 17:30 HouseApp
-rw-r--r--  1 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy    0 2009-10-29 17:30 another_file
-rw-r--r--  1 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy    0 2009-10-29 17:29 install.lua -> THIS IS THE FILE that will used as install script
drwxr-xr-x  2 lbarthelemy lbarthelemy 4096 2009-10-29 17:28 some_data

7.2. Running environment

The update script will be run in the Agent environment, with access to all functionalities.

Furthermore, some info will be provided in a table as parameter of the script to ease the development of the script:

7.3. Example

This Lua code can be put in an install.lua file in an update package.

-- retrieve parameter giving access to some info
local param = ...

local res,err = some_custom_action_to_do(param.script_dir)

-- check error and report it using error function
if not res then error("Error while running install scrip:"..(err or "nil")) end

--else success

8. Local update package installation

Basic Idea: running an update job using an update package copied on the target by the user. No need to do M3DA Command implying Platform services server.
Expected usage: Initial Agent configuration, ...



Don't set config update.localpkgname parameter with a name that contains ' character, if so the update will fail at update checking step.


8.1. Example: simplest local update to do Agent provisioning


This Manifest file should work with out of the box (i.e. from git) Agent with correct defaulconfig.lua file

-- Global information
version = "YourInitialVersionHere",
-- Components information
components = {
  name = "@sys.update.startupconfig",
  location = "/scripts",
  version = "componentInitialVersion"
} -- end of Components information

} -- end of Manifest

9. Error code

Those codes are the error code returned by the update module.
Those codes will also be used to acknowledge

Package checking errors

error code error cause Meaning
450 Invalid update file name The absolute path of update file contains a bad character " ' "
451 Cannot parse the update file name correctly The absolute path of update file isn't in good format
452 Cannot create folder to extract update package
453 Cannot extract update package
454 Cannot open manifest file Cannot open or find manifest file
455 Cannot read manifest file The manifest file cannot be read
456 Cannot load manifest chunk Cannot load the manifest file as Lua a chunk
457 Manifest file is not valid lua file There are syntaxe lua error in the manifest file
458 Manifest file doesn't returns a table but The loading and executing manifest file doesn't return a Lua table
459 Dependency error for a component This kind of error is detected by checking the dependency of the component in the manifest file: it has to match installed software
460 Package protect failed
479 Manifest error This error is detected by checking the dependency, version, provide, format... of the components in the manifest file. It includes the error code number 459

Update process errors

error code error cause Meaning
461 Too much retries for component Cannot send EMP commands to component (unexisting component) or component doesn't return a response.
462 SoftwareUpdate command was not correctly executed by asset The EMP SoftwareUpdate cmd was not correctly accepted/executed by asset
463 Alertnextcomponent error Error while alerting the asset: e.g. the asset is not connected
464 Cannot find folder or manifest file of current update Cannot find folder or manifest file while starting dispatch the components from current update
465 Update step is not successfully finished Cannot find the result code error while doing update steps
471 User update callback failed Asset : The user callback function is failed, a non-integrer number is returned in the callback function
472 No User update callback set Asset : No user update callback function is set
600 Update aborted by user request Asset application used update request API to abort the update

RA Internal updaters errors

error code error cause Meaning
473 Update path is not valid dispatch updators : update path is not valid
473 Sub path is not valid dispatch updators : sub path update is not valid (no shortcut matching the path)
474 install.lua file does not exist installscript updators : there is any install.lua file in given location
475 Cannot load install.lua script installscript updators : cannot load install.lua script
476 Script execution error installscript updators : cannot execute install.lua script
477 ApplicationContainer is not activated appcon Updator: ApplicationContainer updater cannot be run because ApplicationContainer is not activated
478 ApplicationContainer updater result appcon Updator: ApplicationContainer updater failed while installing/uninstalling applications

Download errors

error code error cause Meaning
-1 Update module is not activated Activation of update module can be done in RA configuration 'agent.config.update.activate' (true or false)
551 Wrong params in SoftwareUpdate command Need package url and package signature in SoftwareUpdate command
552 Error while doing http request Error while doing http request to download update package
553 Signature mismatch for update archive The md5 signature of package is different before and after download
554 Bad update informations The url of package or signature of package is not valid
555 Not enough free space to download package
556 invalid current update Current update or protocol setting is not valid
557 unsupported protocol The 'localupdate' or 'm3da' protocol is not found
558 Update rejected by update module SoftwareUpdate command tries to notify a new available update to module update, but this command is rejected

Internal errors

error code error cause Meaning
501 Cannot get free space on device
502 Not enough space to extract package
503 Cannot get the number of files in package
504 Cannot get the size of package without extracting it
505 Malformed update data Malformed update data: unknown internal error
506 Other update was already in progress Other update was already in progress, only one update at the same time, new update is rejected
489 -> 499 project dependent error These numbers represent errors in according to projets of clients, they are defined by application clients