Software Update Package

This type of update package is:

The purpose of this file format is to :


1. Software Update Package Format

1.1. Archive Format

Software Update Package is basically an archive file in tar format containing:


Avoid file names or sub folder names containing ' (single quote) character within Software Update Package archive.
There is no other limitation related to components folders/files.


Exact archive file format support (for both extraction and automatic format detection steps) totally relies on tar command available options on the embedded target.
Once downloaded, the archive file is extracted using tar -xvf command, with no specific compression format specified.
See your embedded Linux distribution documentation to know which formats are supported for extraction with automatic format detection.
Usually, gz and bz2 are correctly supported.

1.2. Manifest content

The manifest file format is:

The manifest is divided in two parts:

1.2.1. Version declaration / checking

Versions are used in various places of the Manifest.
The versions will be put as string and the comparison between 2 versions will be done using strcmp-like function, using ascii order.
The version string only allows the following characters: alphanumeric, '-' (minus), '_' (underscore), '.' (dot), ':'(colon).
Examples: "2.1" > "1.3", "3.a" > "3.9", "1.a" > "1.Z", "1.10" < "1.9" but "1.10" > "1.09" etc.

When defining a dependency on one or several version of a component, the following format should be used:

This format is referred as [version_dep] in the following sections.
example: ">1.0 <=3.0" means any version strictly above "1.0" and inferior or equal to "3.0".
example: "#a,b,c" means any version a or b or c

1.2.2. Global package information


force parameter is to be used with caution.
force parameter is likely to put the device in a software configuration that will not be valid, requiring other "forced" updates to put it back in valid state.

1.2.3. Component update information
1.2.4. A little example:
  -- Global information
  version = "1.1",
  -- Components information
  components = 
    {   name = "assetLivingRoom.LivingRoom.update",
        location = "assetLivingRoom/",  --location is a file in this case      
        depends = { assetLivingRoom="=1.0" },
        provides = { assetLivingRoom="1.1"},
        version = "1.3"
    {   name = "assetBedRoom.BedRoom.update",
        location = "assetBedRoom/update.tar", --location is a file in this case        
        depends = { assetBedRoom = "=1.0", assetLivingRoom=">0.1 <2.0" },
        provides = {  assetBedRoom = "1.1" },
        version = "1.2"
    {   name = "@sys.appcon.my_app",
        location = "app/", --location is a folder in this case        
        depends = { Agent=">0.7", my_app = "=1.1" },
        provides =  { my_app = "1.2" },
        -- ApplicationContainer specifics attributes
        parameters = { purge=true, autostart=true },
        version = "1.2"
    --cmp uninstall:
    {   name = "@sys.appcon.app2",
    {   name = "@sys.update.GardenApp",
        location = "GardenApp/",        
        depends = {},
        version = "0.1"
    --cmp uninstall:
    {   name = "@sys.appcon.app3",

2. Components/Features Management Use Cases

This section lists some kind of "applicative" behaviors built over the update package defined above.

2.1. Determine which software module is responsible for a component update

The software module responsible for an update is determined by the value of name field of each component description.
This field is interpreted as an M3DA path:

The value of this field is very important because it determines who will receive the update notification.

If the component targets an asset, then you have to look at the asset API to see how to deal with the update.
Basically the asset will receive the path where to find files embedded in update package, but file copy/update operation will have to be handled by the application itself. To put it another way: when sending an update to an asset, make sure the asset application will know what to do with the files in the package.

If the component targets the Agent, it means that the update uses a built-in update functionality of the Agent. Those built-in update functionalities of the Agent are identified using special values of component name, i.e. path shortcuts are defined to trigger them.

New shortcuts may be added afterwards, here is the current built-in updaters of the Agent:

2.1.1. Install script

Install script is to execute a simple Lua script during update process, without having to write an Application to install in the ApplicationContainer, or any asset program etc.
The Lua script is embedded in the update package and is run by the Agent.

More details on Software Update Module page.

Manifest Component specific fields:

2.1.2. ApplicationContainer update

To install/update/remove an application managed by the ApplicationContainer, the module of the Agent responsible for installing and monitoring applications.
As this kind of update is managed by an Agent module, the ApplicationContainer, the update actions are done by this module, please note that:

More details on Application Container page.

Manifest Component specific fields:


The following use cases (add/remove) are also valid for ApplicationContainer components

2.2. Add a new component

Nothing special to do, just give the new component name and choose the good path to target the software component.

2.3. Update a component

2.4. Remove a component


When global option force is set, then no dependency check is done, even if some dependencies are defined in the Manifest.
Otherwise, dependencies checking is done before applying any update.
If one or more dependencies fail to be satisfied, then the update is aborted and the software of the device is not altered.

3. Transport Protocol specifics

The archive and its content as described above remain valid across protocols but there is still some specifics to define.

3.1. Status Codes


this is to be defined this is first questions and propositions

First proposition:

3.2. M3DA transport

With M3DA, the embedded will receive the archive file described above, the MD5 being embedded as a parameter in the M3DA command used to get the update package.
See M3DA Device Management commands to see description of the M3DA SoftwareUpdate command.

4. Steps to use Software Update Package

Those are the main steps.

4.1. Embedded Side

  1. Get MD5 sum and archive file (this steps depends on transport protocol used to retrieve the update package)
  2. Check archive file integrity
  3. Extract the archive
  4. Parse the Manifest file
  5. Check Manifest content (including dependencies)
  6. Send update notification to software module responsible to do the updates.
  7. Collect update result and compute whole update result
  8. Report the update result to the server (this steps depends on transport protocol used to retrieve the update package)

4.2. Server Side

  1. Get components to update with related dependencies
  2. Generate Manifest file according to previously gathered data
  3. Compress the archive
  4. Determine the transport protocol to use and protocol specific binaries if needed.
  5. Create the update job, ask the device to connect of wait the device to connect
  6. Wait for update status reported by device


it may be useful to define a configurable timeout for the update job, when this timeout is elapsed, then the job is failed, a server could set up a 'synchronize' job to check device state at next connexion, and the user can re-create an update job afterward without having to clean the previous job.

4.3. Data exchange

Those data will be accessible on the device (read only) so that the server can use them : either to give info to the user, or to generate update packages, ...

@sys.update = {
    last_update = {}, -- TBD
    last_failed_update = {},  -- TBD

    components = { 
            name = "assetBedRoom.BedRoom.update",
            depends = { assetBedRoom = "=1.0", assetLivingRoom = ">0.1 <2.0",  my_app = ">= 1.1" },
            provides = {  assetBedRoom = "1.1" },
            version = "1.4"
            name = "@sys.appcon.my_app",
            depends = { Agent = ">0.7", my_app = "=1.1" },
            provides =  { my_app = "1.2" } ,
            parameters = {purge=true, autostart=true },
            version = "1.2"
